
Application for an arrest warrant for people in their 40s who are driving under the influence of alcohol without a license.

2024.09.30 PM 08:10
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An arrest warrant has been filed for a man who habitually drove unlicensed while his license was revoked due to drunk driving.

Gunpo Police Station in Gyeonggi Province applied for an arrest warrant for a man in his 40s on charges of drunk driving under the Road Traffic Act on the 25th.

A is accused of hitting a median strip while driving drunk on the road in front of the Gunpo 1-dong office in Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do on the 11th.

After the accident, A was caught by the police after driving about 2 kilometers toward Ansan, Gyeonggi Province.

A police investigation also revealed that A had driven without a license more than 80 times while his license was revoked for drunk driving on June 1.

Application on the 25th An arrest warrant was filed while a man in his 40s, who fled after causing a drunk traffic accident while his license was revoked due to drunk driving on October 2, was caught by police. The police seized the vehicle.

Gunpo Police Station said on the 30th that it has applied for an arrest warrant for a man in his 40s on charges of violating the Road Traffic Act (drinking and driving without a license).

A is accused of running away after causing a car accident while driving while drunk or unlicensed. According to the police, A caused a traffic accident involving the central line on the road in front of the Gunpo 1-dong office while driving while intoxicated on the 11th.

Afterwards, A was caught by police who were dispatched just before another accident while driving 2km toward Ansan City.

During the investigation, it was also revealed that A had driven without a license more than 80 times. Police tracked CCTV footage and vehicle entry and exit records to confirm this. Prior to this, A's license had been revoked for drunk driving on June 1.

Chief Kim Pyeong-il said, "We will do our best to create a safe Gunpo city by establishing the perception that driving under the influence of alcohol or unlicensed driving can result in confiscation while responding strictly to habitual drinking and driving."

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