
Prosecutors Appeals for Lee Jae-yong's Appeals to Change Prosecution of Allegations on "Suspected Accounting

2024.09.30 PM 08:38
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The prosecution has applied for a change in the indictment related to Samsung Biologics' alleged fraudulent accounting in the appeal trial of Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Jae-yong's "unfair merger and accounting fraud."

The Seoul High Court held the first trial date of Chairman Lee's appeal to discuss the change of the indictment filed by the prosecution.

The prosecution applied for a change in the indictment twice, in July and this month, and the court approved the first change of indictment filed by the prosecution in July, saying there was no room for infringement of defense rights.

However, regarding the second application reflecting the Seoul Administrative Court's ruling last month (August), we decided to conduct an additional evidence investigation and listen to the opinions of both the prosecution and the defendant to decide whether to allow the change of the indictment.

Last month, the Seoul Administrative Court ruled that there were some violations of accounting standards in Samsung Bio's lawsuit against sanctions imposed by the Securities and Futures Commission.

The prosecution, which indicted Chairman Lee and others on suspicion of fraudulent accounting, seems to have added specific facts, including the contents of the administrative court ruling.

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