
Opposition, Korea Communications Standards Commission's Suspicion of Civil Complaints...Resistance to and Eviction of the ruling party

2024.10.01 AM 12:18
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The National Assembly's Science, Technology, Information, Broadcasting and Communications Committee held a hearing alone by the opposition party over allegations that Ryu Hee-rim, chairman of the Korea Communications Standards Commission, mobilized his family and acquaintances to file a request for deliberation.

Ryu was absent, and ruling party lawmakers walked out in protest of the opposition's push for the meeting.

Choi Hyung-doo, a member of the People's Power, a secretary of the ruling party, criticized it as illegal to hold a hearing on a case under investigation before leaving.

On the other hand, opposition lawmakers, including the Democratic Party of Korea, pointed out that the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, which was informed of the incident, sent the matter back to the Korea Communications Commission, which is a so-called "self-investigation indulgence" and "leave fish to a cat."

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