
Arab League Urges International Community to Solidarity with Lebanon

2024.10.01 AM 12:27
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Ahmed Abulgate, secretary-general of the 22-nation Arab League, told the international community in a statement on Thursday local time that it must stand in solidarity with Lebanon against Israeli attacks.

"Lebanese people who have suffered greatly in recent years need support more than ever to overcome the ongoing serious situation," Gates also appealed.

"We strongly condemn the recent continued Israeli attacks in Lebanon, which have resulted in the loss of hundreds of lives and as many as 1 million refugees," he said, adding that "such violations of Lebanon's sovereignty pose a serious risk of escalating the conflict."

"By complying with UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which Lebanon has emphasized, we will be able to achieve a diplomatic solution," he added.

UN Security Council Resolution 1701, adopted in 2006 to end the war between Israel and Hezbollah, defined the 120-kilometer-long Blue Line as the de facto border between the two countries.

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