
It's about showing off your strength, Sawyer. You're just rebelling.Even the Constitutional Judge is complicit.

2024.10.01 AM 04:56
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Currently, of the nine constitutional judges, the term of office for the three recommended by the National Assembly is only about 15 days away.

However, the discussion has not made progress as the ruling and opposition parties continue to struggle over the right to recommend personnel.

Considering procedures such as confirmation hearings, there are many concerns that it will be difficult to avoid a vacuum in the Constitutional Court.

Reporter Park Jung-hyun pointed out the detailed situation.

On the 17th, three constitutional judges recommended by the National Assembly were set to retire, but the ruling and opposition parties were unable to take the first step in selecting a successor.

The discussion is going on as the people's power argument that the ruling and opposition parties should recommend one person each and the rest should be selected by agreement, and the Democratic Party's argument that the opposition party should choose two people according to the number of seats is in conflict.

The people's power is a practice that has continued since 2000, and they protest that the constitutional order is on the verge of being paralyzed due to the Democratic Party's birthplace.

[Song Young-hoon / Spokesperson for People's Power (Last month's 28th): None of the lawmakers can be above the Constitution. A four-year parliamentarian cannot be above the decades-old tradition of constitution.]

Some within the party say that the Democratic Party deliberately aimed for a vacuum in state affairs,

As the Constitutional Court is currently holding hearings, including the impeachment trial of President Lee Jin-sook and Prosecutor Son Joon-sung, it is suspected that they are trying to extend the suspension period of the impeachment candidates due to the suspension of the Constitutional Court's function.

An official from the ruling party's leadership said the ruling and opposition parties even proposed to recommend one person first and give the rest of the share to the Democratic Party of Korea, but the Democratic Party is still insisting on recommending two people.

On the other hand, the Democratic Party of Korea argues that it is customary for the National Assembly to recommend according to the number of seats.

[Cho Seung-rae / Senior Spokesperson for the Minjoo Party (Yesterday): Setting the number of recommended people is for diversity in the constitution. It's not a system that the president and the ruling camp made to form a majority. It's not a subject for political scuffles....]

Citing the fact that the Bareunmirae Party gave the right to recommend the other one to the Bareunmirae Party, which was qualified as a floor negotiation group at the time in 2018, the logic is that it should match the distribution of the number of seats as there are no three parties.

It is also true that there is relatively nothing more urgent to discuss than the ruling party, as the selection of constitutional judges for the National Assembly has to go through the resolution of the plenary session, so it is impossible to proceed at all if the majority Democratic Party opposes it.

At the same time, it is also read that the opposition party's recommendation cannot be taken away for the diversity of the Constitutional Court's decision, as the government is said to have strengthened its centrist and conservative tendency in the composition of constitutional judges.

Considering that it usually takes about a month for personnel procedures such as hearings, it will not be possible to meet the seven judges who are conditions for the Constitutional Court's hearing at this rate.

Some criticize that the Constitutional Court's vacancy has become a reality amid the ruling and opposition parties' "taking care of their teeth."

I'm Park Jeonghyun of YTN.

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