Lee Changyong said, "It's not the fairest to choose based on the order of grades."

2024.09.30 오후 01:52
Lee Chang-yong, the governor of the Bank of Korea, said that no matter where he goes in the world, any university chooses new students for diversity, and South Korea is mired in the idea that the order of grades is the fairest.

During his first visit to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance at the Sejong Government Complex this morning, Lee Chang-yong said that it is not the fairest to select the top universities in order of grades in relation to the Bank of Korea's recent proposal for a regional proportional selection system.In response to refutations such as

'unconstitutional' and 'Gangnam reverse discrimination', President Lee said the BOK report should not be misunderstood as wrong to live in Gangnam, adding that each university is already selecting about 20% of the regions, but it cannot be solved with this, so let's take a bigger look.

At the same time, he said that people living in Gangnam sacrificed their female careers or took them back and forth to educate their children, and he said, "Are the children really happy?"

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance Choi Sang-mok expressed support for the BOK's suggestion on structural reform such as education, saying, "Our society has a number of tasks, and thank you for raising this issue so that it can be publicized and discussed in society."

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