[Capture News] Sentencing of Sexual Crimes?...Promoting Youth Crimes by the Ministry of Justice

2024.09.30 오후 04:02
Seo Joon-won, a former pitcher of the Lotte Giants in professional baseball, was sentenced to probation in the first trial in September last year for demanding photos of his body exposure in return for giving pocket money to minors.Mr.

Seo claimed that he did not know that the victim was a minor in the first place and reversed it, but the court commuted his sentence because the crime ended in one day and did not distribute the photo.

[Seo Jun-won / Former Lotte Giants pitcher: I will think deeply and continue to live a really upright life and reflect on myself so that this never happens.]

As the "Deep Fake Prevention Act" passed the National Assembly on the 26th, it is evaluated that the blind spot of digital sex crimes has been further narrowed, requiring punishment even when threatening and forcing using sexual exploitation.

However, as in Seo's case, it is pointed out that if the court does not change its stance on reducing sentences, punishment worthy of the seriousness of digital sex crimes is a long way off.

According to a collection of the first trial rulings on the production and distribution of sexual exploitation products over the past six years, the suspended sentence rate exceeded 55%.

Only 30% of cases were sentenced to prison on average for six years, and this year's rate of sexual exploitation was lower than last year.

In fact, if you look at the precedents, you will find cases such as re-offending or receiving probation for creating sex exploitation while being tried for sex crimes.In some cases, the defendant's family is hoping for leniency, or the defendant, who is an adult in his 20s, commuted his sentence because he is "relatively young."

[Park Ji-won / National Assembly Legislation and Judiciary Committee Member, Minjoo Party of Korea: Youth crime can only be seen as being promoted by the judiciary... Horrible sex crimes against minors should be strictly punished by the judiciary to raise the alarm.]

In the past three years, 68.6% of teenagers have been caught by police for deepfake sex crimes.

The National Assembly is increasing its punishment standards day by day as the seriousness of sexual crime damage has emerged as a social problem, but
There are many voices that the legal culture of
, whether it was an immature mistake or a brief deviation, should be established first.

I'm YTN's Lee Junyeop.

Lee Sang-eun, Lee Seung-chang,
video editing | Yeon Jin-young
Design | Baek Seungmin, Im Saetbyul
Caption News | Lee Sun and Ahn Jin-young

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