16 tons of Chinese cabbage initial quantity revealed...1,100 tons of imports by next month

2024.09.30 오후 04:17
Amid soaring cabbage prices, the government has started importing Chinese cabbage.

As early as this weekend, 16 tons of supplies will be supplied to the market, and an additional 1,100 tons will be imported by next month.

Chinese cabbage is currently in stock at the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation.

There is a reporter on the scene.

Reporter Oh Dong-gun, please tell me the current situation.

Yes, it is located at the Icheon Stockpile Center of the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation.

This product I'm holding is a Chinese cabbage.

You can see the warehouse where the cabbage is stored in the back, but it is being stored at low temperatures, so you can open the door and go in.

Let's listen to the official's explanation.

[Kim Ki-il / Head of the management office at Icheon Stockpile: On Friday, the 27th, about 16 tons of abandonment was stocked at Icheon Stockpile, and it's well stored now]

This is the fifth time Chinese cabbage imports have been made in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2022,
The initial 16 tons of
will be supplied mainly to restaurants and export kimchi makers, and it is unclear whether it will affect cabbage prices immediately because the volume is small.

However, the government has decided to bring in an additional 1,100 tons by next month.

Agriculture Minister Song Mi-ryeong said he plans to import a total of 1,100 tons by next month, 200 tons per week.

Minister Song also said, "If the situation improves, imports can be stopped without bringing in all the planned supplies."

Have you counted the price of cabbage today?

The retail price of a cabbage today was 9,662 won, up 56% from last year's average and 33% from the average year.

Last Friday, there were concerns that a head of cabbage might exceed 10,000 won, reaching 9,963 won, but today it turned out that it went down by 300 won.

However, it is still very high than usual and it is too early to say that the crop situation has improved significantly.Price fluctuations are expected to continue until mid-October when

semi-highland cabbages are shipped.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs plans to come up with climate change measures within this year, believing that the supply and demand of cabbage could be repeated due to climate change.

So far, YTN Oh Dong-gun has been at the Agricultural and Fishery Food Distribution Corporation's stockpile base in Icheon, Gyeonggi-do.

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