Today, the 'tactical nuclear level' Hyunmoo-5 was unveiled... and a strategic command for 'nuclear and conventional operation' was also established.

2024.10.01 오전 02:12
"National Army Day," Hyunmoo-5 and other key military assets, which are considered to have destructive power comparable to tactical nuclear weapons, will be revealed in real life.

A strategic command will also be established to respond to North Korea's nuclear weapons, which the military believes will be a strong warning message against North Korea's complex provocations.

Reporter Cho Yong-sung reports.

(massive retaliation) This includes high-powered basalt ballistic missiles, which boast the world's largest warhead weight.

, where the launch scene was released in the promotional video of Armed Forces Day the year before last year.
The high-powered ballistic missile Hyeonmu-5, which has never been revealed, reveals itself.

The "monster missile," which weighs more than 8 tons of warheads, is the heaviest in the world, is our military's means of mass retaliation.

In case of emergency, the North Korean command has an evaluation that it can neutralize the 100m-deep underground bunker that is expected to hide.

If there are no weather variables, the U.S. Air Force's supersonic strategic bomber B-1B Lancer will also visit the Korean Peninsula.

It was also nicknamed the so-called 'swan of death' because it can arm up to 57 tons, but North Korea reacted sensitively whenever the B-1B Lancer visited the Korean Peninsula.

On this year's Armed Forces Day, we decided to send a strong warning to North Korea, which has advanced its nuclear and conventional weapons by introducing both the three-axis system and the core means of the Korea-U.S. alliance.

[Ha Young-gyu / Ministry of National Defense spokesman: I think this also provides deterrence against North Korea by showing off various equipment or our troops through this event.]

On this year's Armed Forces Day, a strategic command will also be established with the main mission of deterring and responding to North Korea's nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction.

To this end, the founding ceremony was held with the participation of South Korean and U.S. military officials, including Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun and the commander of the U.S. Forces Korea.

The Strategic Command will lead the integrated operation of South Korea-U.S. nuclear and conventional strategies with the U.S. Strategic Command in the future, which is expected to further increase visible deterrence against North Korea. I'm YTN's Cho Yong Sung.

Photographer: Woo Young-taek
Video editing: Seo Young-mi

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