
Israel Blocks Lebanon Border...a sign of imminent ground war

2024.10.01 AM 05:32
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The Associated Press reported that Israeli forces are moving to invade Lebanon, including blocking the border of northern Lebanon on the night of the 30th local time.

According to reports, the Israeli military declared areas bordering Lebanon, including Metula and Misgabam, a military restriction zone at 8:39 p.m. on the 30th.

The Jerusalem Post described the declaration of a military restriction as a concrete last step that would lead to an invasion of Lebanon.

The Lebanese army then reportedly began withdrawing troops from several locations near the Israeli border.

Israeli forces have reportedly fired intense artillery at southern Lebanon across the border, with large-scale tank fire in some areas.

"Israel has already launched reconnaissance operations in Lebanon," NBC said, citing an Israeli official, adding that there were also small ground operations by special forces.

The Associated Press also reported that Israeli forces have launched a small ground operation against Hezbollah.

In a related development, U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told a briefing that Israel had been notified of a number of operations and said they were limited operations focused on Hezbollah infrastructure near the border at this stage.

It will be the first time in 18 years since 2006 that Israel has deployed ground forces to Lebanon to invade.

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