Seo Yong-joo said, "Myeong Tae-kyun openly threatened the 尹 couple.It contrasts with the position of the existing presidential office.

2024.10.08 오후 08:05
◆ [YTN Radio SHINYUL's news]
■ Broadcasting: FM 94.5 (17:00-19:00)
■ Air date: October 8, 2024 (Tuesday)
■ Proceedings: Shin Yul, Professor of Political Science and Diplomacy at Myongji University
■ Dialogue: Park Yong-chan, Chairman of the Party Cooperation Committee Yeongdeungpo-eul, Director of the Institute for Political and Social Affairs Seo Yong-ju

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

Park Yong-chan
- 野, impeachment attempt will not succeed..Bangtan National Assembly Insulting State Affairs Continues
- Testimony of Lee Jae-myung's investigation prosecutor's state audit? No opportunity to speak at the Democratic Party
- There are no facts or notable facts about the aftermath of the political circles
- 尹 meeting, before the presidential election..There is no direct basis for intervention in nomination
- First Lady Kim Gun-hee should be punished for mistakes.Instead, there needs to be a solid basis
- Lee Jae-myung is confused by judicial risk.Glory-A defeat of one of the cities is likely to run into a crisis

Seo Yong-ju
- Nothing to deal with except Kim in state affairs.I'm facing all kinds of suspicions
- State audit? It's supposed to be opposition time...You can criticize enough
- Carrot, a fresh idea to get attention from the parliamentary audit.It's not a big stem.
- Myung Tae-kyun, you openly threatened the 尹 couple.In contrast to the position of the existing presidential office,
- There is evidence of allegations of luxury bags by Kim Gun-hee.Kim 尹 protects with veto power
- The Democratic Party of Korea is in the progressive camp, but it should be calmly honored-Gokseongseo Cho Kuk Innovation Party.

◇ Shin Yul, Professor of Political Science and Diplomacy at Myongji University (hereinafter Shin Yul): Let's start the second part of YTN Radio Shin Yul's news battle. Today, Tuesday, we will be with you as an excerpt from the ruling and opposition parties. It's not Sherlock. You have to be careful with your pronunciation. It's an excerpt. Here are two of you here today for this segment. Park Yong-chan, chairman of the party's cooperation committee in Yeongdeungpo, Seoul, and Seo Yong-ju, president of the Political and Social Research Institute.

★ Park Yong-chan, Chairman of the Party Cooperation Committee (hereinafter referred to as Park Yong-chan), ☆ Seo Yong-ju, Director of the Political and Social Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as Seo Yong-ju): Hello.

◇ Shin Yul: The parliamentary audit has begun, but the parliamentary audit is not doing it with gratitude for the state of affairs, is it? The parliamentary audit has begun, but in fact, if you say it's a parliamentary audit, the legislature audits and checks the administration's work. But looking at it, the opposition party is just talking about the suspicion of Kim Gun-hee, and the ruling party is talking about Lee Jae-myung's judicial risk again. How do you see this? Chairman Park Yong-chan?

★ Park Yong-chan: There probably wasn't such a parliamentary audit in the constitutional history. From the first day of the parliamentary audit, such impeachment attempts and bulletproof attempts to impeach President Lee Jae-myung and impeachment attempts to impeach President Yoon Suk Yeol will never succeed. I'm sure.

☆ Seo Yong-joo: You said you've never seen such a parliamentary audit before, but you have no choice but to see such a parliamentary audit. As I said, I'm not trying to audit state affairs, but state affairs is now a matter of judging the budget's deliberation policies for a year by looking back on how the administration has been conducting state affairs. Why is Kim Gun-hee the only one in the Democratic Party handling state audits? This is because First Lady Kim Gun-hee has done the entire state administration. Now, all kinds of suspicions are all over the place that First Lady Kim Gun-hee is not wearing. The people also have to be Kim Gun-hee all over the country, so if you take Kim Gun-hee out of state affairs, there is nothing to deal with about state affairs. That's what the Democratic Party is like in terms of tragedy, but even if it tries to clarify the suspicion, the president continues to block it with the veto power delegated by the people. In the end, the only way for the legislature to pass through its veto is through a parliamentary audit, and the second pitiful thing is that representative Lee Jae-myung's judicial risk was used in the 21st National Assembly. Therefore, in the end, it is not possible to exert the power of the people because it was used for watering. That's what I say.

◇ Shin-yul: But no, the Kim Gun-hee issue. Even if we follow Representative Yoon Gun-young to the end of the district, we will definitely go to the end of the company related to the expansion of the official residence. We're talking about this, too. I'm not sure. The fact that this is a witness attendance is actually a problem not only in this audit, but also in the audit every time. It's an indiscriminate selection of witnesses or a request for attendance. How do you see this?

★ Park Yong-chan: You mentioned the issue of witness adoption very well. This is not a parliamentary audit of the National Assembly, which unilaterally and biasedly adopts only the witnesses that the Democratic Party wants and stubbornly refuses to adopt witnesses against them. I issued a companion order to prosecutor Kim Young-chul today. This kind of parliamentary audit to intimidate prosecutors is truly the first thing in the history of the Constitution and should not be done. Didn't you issue an impeachment motion against four prosecutors now and an accompanying order? In the case of prosecutor Kim Young-chul, on what charges have you been impeached now? It's not a particular charge, is it? Lee Jae-myung and the Democratic Party's presidential election money envelope case have led to the impeachment. The rest of the tests are Um Hee-jun and Kang Vaccine, and Park Sang-yong? They were also impeached against the prosecutors in charge of the investigation of representative Lee Jae-myung, and come to the parliamentary audit and testify. If they come out, will the Democratic Party give them a chance to speak? I'm sure it'll be completely insulting. Therefore, this kind of bulletproof National Assembly, which is not an audit of state affairs, but an insult, and to save representative Lee Jae-myung, should not continue any longer. That's what I think.

☆ Seo Yong-joo: I would like to say that there is no reason for representative Lee Jae-myung to live and die due to the parliamentary audit. The parliamentary audit is originally the opposition party's time. That's why the ruling party can criticize the opposition's time. And then the second thing is that the legislature is talking about the number of seats. That's why the ruling and opposition parties hold a general election at the risk of their fate in the general election, and the number of seats directly speaks of public sentiment. Public sentiment gave a failing grade to the Yoon Suk Yeol government's state administration in the first half of the year. The results of the general election say. Therefore, it would be nice for the opposition party to give some room when the witnesses discuss through cooperation and dialogue through politics with the ruling party. But let me tell you a little bit that the opposition party has no choice but to be stronger and rougher about state affairs against the brutal and incompetent Yoon Suk Yeol government with some responsibility to the people at a time when the Yoon Suk Yeol government has brought about the disappearance of politics and the people's power is in line with it.

★ Park Yong-chan: If I say something in this section, of course, we respect the opposition's check on the government's criticism. But in the case of yesterday, was it that over-defense? Isn't it an allegation of abuse of power by lining up 17 dispatched officials? What did a lawmaker do to disgrace the public officials who ran for the presidential election, Chung Dong-young, by putting them in a row and calling them out one by one? What did he say to Rep. Jeon Hyun-hee and former Lt. Gov. Lee Hwa-young? Cheer up. And for the Yoon Suk Yeol presidents, they are murderers. And he is a kind of criminal who was sentenced to 9 years and 6 months as former Vice Governor Lee Hwa-young. Inmate in the first trial of the Supreme Court. To put it correctly, so cheer up to an inmate who is facing criminal charges. I hope you think about whether speaking is something you can say as a member of the National Assembly, regardless of the opposition party.

☆ Seo Yong-joo: To tell you the last answer, you can criticize Rep. Jeon Hyun-hee's expression of your opinion despite his personal political responsibility, but it's not something you can't say. There are parts where you may have personal friendships. Then, he claims that he was recently threatened by the prosecution, so I think it may be an expression to cheer up and overcome it. Then, floor leader Choo Kyung-ho criticized that lawmaker Chung Dong-young had lined up. It's a power trip. There may be many aspects during the parliamentary audit. And the officials in charge of the related agency are those who came out as witnesses in accordance with the National Audit's Witness Appraisal Act. Given the recent performance of a harsh rebuke, it seems a bit excessive to say that various public officials in the over-defense are in line with prosecutors and the KCC chairman's unreasonable decision. Before floor leader Choo Kyung-ho makes such an interpretation, I think it would be better to worry a little more about the public sentiment of the people's livelihood before building the pride of those public officials who set up a year.

★ Park Yong-chan: What wrongs and what are the officials sent to the Korea Communications Commission guilty of? In addition, there is a distortion of the facts. Rep. Chung Dong-young lined up 17 people. However, of those 17, only eight are current dispatched officials and the rest are former government officials. That's why I'm distorting the facts. It distorted the facts so that it could be mistaken as if 17 members of the Korea Communications Commission were dispatched to work. What do you think about that?

☆ Seo Yong-ju: No, I don't think I distorted the facts. I think lawmaker Chung Dong-young did an act necessary for questioning in the parliamentary audit. So for me, the lawmaker is responsible for himself in the standing committee. I'm sure you're free to criticize that, but I'll tell you again, as I'm a little worried and sympathetic to public officials, please let the ruling party think about the people.

◇ Shin Yul: But I also thought that was interesting. Even though it's spectacular, putting someone else's car on a carrot is something I've never seen before.

☆ Seo Yong-ju: That was a bit immature in what I also pointed out. So, if you want to point out about false sales, it's much better to put your lawmaker's car up than the minister's car.

◇ Shin Yul: Wouldn't the lawmaker's car have been done by his aides because if I put my car on top of it, it wouldn't work?

☆ Seo Yong-joo: Anyway, in order to get the attention of the parliamentary audit in any way, various new ideas come out, so various behaviors come out. It's regrettable, but that's not a big stem of the parliamentary audit. Therefore, the pitiful situation of the people's power, which is only a little peripheral, is understandable when floor leader Choo Kyung-ho criticizes it one by one.

◇ Sin-ryul: It's peripheral. I see. Another person who is receiving public attention is Myung Tae-kyun. But this person has now been requested as a witness. But the National Assembly said he would not participate. But they seem to be talking about a lot of things on the show. How does this person see it? Chairman Park Yong-chan?

★ Park Yong-chan: Please call me a pollster. I think you're saying that, but I can't trust the comments he's making one after another. I'll summarize this person's remarks. In a recent media interview, he himself played a big role in the by-elections for Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon. And when Lee Joon-seok of the New Reform Party became the leader of the People's Power Party, he played a big role. He also gave very important advice ahead of the presidential election in Yoon Suk Yeol. Almost as if he had been involved in and decided to intervene in the state affairs of the Republic of Korea, but the mayor Oh Se-hoon's response came out. It is only one of the numerous people who helped Mayor Oh Se-hoon in 2021. Media interviews that seem to have played a big role in the election are only one-sided claims. That's what I said. Former congressman Yoo Seung Min also mentioned it on Facebook. Myung Tae-kyun has a special relationship with two people, Kim Jong-in and Lee Joon-seok. That's what I said. Didn't the president's office respond today? This is an exaggerated and unilateral claim of pollack. Kim Gun-hee was asked to intervene so that former lawmaker Kim Young-sun could be a single candidate, but she sent such a text message that Kim Gun-hee refused. It's someone to watch out for around you. He was the one who cut off communication by warning like this. That's the answer. Therefore, it is true that Myung Tae-kyun's remarks are causing a considerable backlash in the political circle, but there is no fact to note. That's how I judge it.

☆ Seo Yong-joo: I think it's more accurate to want there to be no facts. If you look at the facts that have been released so far, you can reveal your name because you've done the interview now. Kang Yoo-jung, you said E in the alphabet. He was an aide to former lawmaker Kim Young-sun, and there was an informant who worked with Director Myung Tae-kyun at the Future Research Institute for a long time, and who had a lot of this recording and evidence. I'm talking about that part on another YouTube, but I don't think these are problems that can be overlooked. The important thing is that Myung Tae-kyun is a real bluffer and might be close to a liar. I just brag about it, the president knows it, and I made Oh Se-hoon's market, and CEO Lee Joon-seok can make it, but the seasoning is not 100%. The problem is that if 70% of the seasoning is at least 30% of it has food. Because the Telegram contents that I talked to Mrs. Kim Gun-hee on the phone exist. Then there might be a recording voice soon, but Kim Gun-hee's voice called her brother. It will be okay. When these remarks happen, how can a cause of death be involved in the nomination of people's power and the management of any president's state affairs through the president's spouse? That can't happen. But it's more surprising to think that it's okay and it's not a big deal. I'm sure that Myung Tae-kyun continues to flow into the media right now, but if I have a reasonable doubt about the fact about him, I think there's something to it when I see the president's response. Recently, for example, was it yesterday's report? I talked to that reporter from Channel A. No. If it's one month, it's impeachment, or if it's one month, you can step down and impeach. If you want to touch me, touch me. Aren't you threatening the president? This is almost as good as any anti-state force against the state. If it's false, the president's investigation should immediately conduct a search and seizure, legal action, or make him shut down. Do you know what the president's position is without saying anything? We did meet. But it's a bit different now. You will remember the case where Shin Hak-rim and Kim Man-bae were arrested and searched for a cup of coffee related to Busan Savings Bank in the past. It's so contrasting. So the people can't clear their eyes of suspicion. There's something. Even if Myung Tae-kyun openly threatens the president and the president's spouse and threatens the prosecution, catch the guy who will catch me. You guys are impeached within a month and nothing is done. What does this say?

★ Park Yong-chan: May I say something? Now I think the director wants to believe Myung Tae-kyun's unilateral argument.

☆ Yongjoo: No. I want the presidential office to take a decisive action.

★ Park Yong-chan: I really want to say that let's talk about the facts. The president's office has stated its position. The meeting between President Yoon and Myung was before the election of the presidential election, and they had never met since the election and did not communicate with each other. I'm sure that's how I expressed my position. And let me give you an example. Do you know the chicken and beer meeting that took place on July 25, 2021? A meeting of reconciliation between the then candidate and representative Lee Joon-seok, so five days later, President Yoon Suk Yeol joins the people's power. So, one of the decisive factors that led to the candidate joining the people's power at the time of the Yoon Suk Yeol was the chicken and beer meeting, and Lee Myung-tae-kyun says that he also planned this chicken and beer meeting. However, if you listen to representative Lee Joon-seok and representative Lee Joon-seok, the chimaek meeting was already in discussion with Yoon Suk Yeol's presidential candidate. It was his idea. That's what I'm saying. Didn't I tell you earlier? Mayor Oh Se-hoon was just one of the many applicants who helped. So, Myung Tae-kyun's argument is a one-sided argument. Take a look. I'll have him step down and impeach him in a month. Can we really trust the remarks of the person who makes those remarks? Isn't that too much of a dirty remark? Then you have to provide a basis. Now, the director has not been able to provide a very direct basis for Kim Gun-hee's involvement in the nomination.

☆ Seo Yong-ju: Why should I put it on?

★ Park Yong-chan: With that fact.

☆ Seo Yong-ju: We're commentators.

★ Park Yong-chan: So based on a certain level of suspicion, we shouldn't make a comment. That's what I'm doing. I'm telling you that.

☆ Seo Yong-ju: We are not prosecutors!

★ Park Yong-chan: There are countless suspicions, and many of them are hard to trust or rumors. That's what I think. But I'll finish it off last. Mrs. Kim Gun-hee should also be punished if she does something wrong. And when you get that punishment, you have to be punished based on a certain fact. I really want to say that.

☆ Seo Yong-ju: Facts are already scattered, but President Yoon Suk Yeol is protecting them with veto power with people-mandated power. It was in a luxury bag fact. I've been cleared of charges. Deutsche Motors stock price manipulation Obviously, at first, this account was used by stock price manipulators even though they didn't know it was their own account. I didn't know how the realization profit came in 2 billion won. But it's already been revealed that's not it. But you're not being punished. So I can't believe this saying that we met in the presidential office, we met before the presidential election, but we didn't meet after that. Even going back further, he said he would quietly help out with his false career, but he didn't keep it. I'll stop here. These are 70% of the seasoning I was talking about. I'm only talking about the seasoning right now. So I hope Myung Taekyun's words are not 100% correct. If Korea really doesn't want to be tragic, the problem is that 70% of the seasoning is there, but 30% of the truth is there. This means how a cause of death can be involved in this regardless of whether it's Wihwa or not, so regardless of what kind of bluster Oh Se-hoon or the mayor, Lee Joon-seok and the candidate at the time of Yoon Suk Yeol, the important thing is the truth of the 30th, so please suggest to the president how to endure this and how to do it. You have to take strong legal action on this part.

★ Park Yong-chan: You said there is 30% truth, but I will ask the director one thing. Please provide two specific facts of evidence that Mrs. Kim Gun-hee and President Yoon Suk Yeol directly intervened in the nomination.

☆ Seo Yong-ju: Let me tell you two things exactly.

★ Park Yong-chan: It's not a message from a third party, it's direct evidence.

☆ Seo Yong-ju: So let me tell you. This is typically an illogical watering. The prosecution should investigate this in detail. So, you can watch the prosecution's investigation and check it out when it is revealed. What we can know now is that Myung Tae-kyun shared a Telegram with First Lady Kim Gun-hee regarding the nomination of Kim Young-sun for the 2022 by-elections, and that has been realized, and the presidential office and Myung Tae-kyun have not denied that. I've already done half of the nomination intervention with just this fact, so at least all investigations are like that, right? Let's start with the suspicions. Does everyone here feed the investigation and hand it over to the prosecution? So, I understand that our chairman is saying that to defend himself, but I have no choice but to answer that you should ask the prosecution for the specific facts.

★ Park Yong-chan: Let me tell you one thing. Myung Tae-kyun and Kim Gun-hee exchanged text messages. It seems like a fact to have a conversation through Telegram. However, Myung Tae-kyun also mentioned that the text was a text that refused to nominate a single candidate, and lawmaker Lee Joon-seok also said so.

☆ Yongjoo Seo : Year 24. We talked about 22 years ago.

★ Park Yong-chan: Like in 2012, there is only a message, but there is no direct evidence of how Mrs. Kim Gun-hee reacted. Isn't it so? In such a situation, I would like to reiterate that it is very difficult for First Lady Kim Gun-hee to make it a fact that she intervened in the nomination and say this.

◇ Sin-ryul: Okay, I'm talking about another thing. The by-elections are running out of time. What do you think of glory, wailing, strengthening, and gold? What would happen if the people's power and the Democratic Party of Korea lost one of each of Glory, Wokseong, Ganghwa, and Geumjeong?

☆ Seo Yong-ju: First of all, glory is the most painful thing in the Democratic Party. So, speaking to the Cho Kuk Innovation Party in the future local elections, it gives them a chance to become a national party, so they are in the same progressive line a little coldly, but in this election, there will be homework to beat the Cho Kuk Innovation Party. However, the results will remain to be seen, but the Democratic Party of Korea could be a little fatal because if Lee Jae-myung is definitive as the Democratic Party's presidential candidate in the future, it could lose public sentiment in Honam. It's very burdensome. Then, in the case of the power of the people, there are external variables such as reinforcement and gold politics, so there will be no responsibility, but in the case of Busan gold politics, it is a little different. Because of the lack of support from this party after various designs for public sentiment and candidates. I think this can be a barometer for not only representative Han Dong-hoon but also the power of the people to be a little difficult in the next branch line.

◇ Sin Yul: How do you watch it?

★ Park Yong-chan: In some cases, this by-election may pose a significant political risk to Lee Jae-myung. I think so. Isn't CEO Lee Jae-myung in a very embarrassing position due to judicial risks? On top of that, if you lose even one place on October 16, especially in Yeonggwang and Gokseong, you can face a very difficult situation that carries considerable political risks. On the other hand, in our case, if you look at the results of the field analysis, the elections for Ganghwa-gun and Busan Geumjeong-gu Office are now.

◇ Shin Yul: Be careful.

★ Park Yong-chan: I won't release the figures. be in a fairly stable position

◇ Sin Yul: I think you can accept that it's a subjective personal opinion because that's from within the party. But I'm not asking you right now. There are rumors in the political circle that October is the crisis of the ruling camp. October is the crisis of the opposition camp. What happened to the political circle in Korea? As if there's nothing left except for the crisis theory. How do you see it?

☆ Seo Yong-joo: The missing part of the people's livelihood is a big homework for the political circles of the ruling and opposition parties and a shameful reality. That's why people's livelihoods should come first, but it's because both extremes have to attack each other and kill each other, but first of all, isn't it the president and the ruling party that are responsible for the current state administration? Then, as the president said that he would do more politics if he was in the second half of the year, he said, "You have to do politics, but the state administration is not changing and you are in a hurry to protect your spouse, so it's a long way off."

◇ Shin Yul: Chairman Park Yong Chul?

★ Park Yong-chan: I agree with you 100%. I'm also discussing with Director Seo Yong-joo here, even though I'm rude, but Korean politics should not roll as it is. I agree with you.

◇ Shin Yul: Like the two of you, you're so polite. Oh, the real political community needs to learn this.

☆ Seo Yong-ju: When hitting, you must hit.

◇ Sin Yul: Of course. But actually, I'm a little frustrated, too. Let's stop here today. Thank you.

★ Park Yong-chan, ☆ Seo Yong-ju: Thank you.

◇ Sin-ryul: An account of the ruling and opposition parties. So far, I have been with Park Yong-chan, chairman of the party cooperation committee in Yeongdeungpo, Seoul, and Seo Yong-ju, director of the Political and Social Research Institute.

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