Yoon's request for a special prosecutor's review..."Of course" vs "people reject"

2024.10.02 오후 02:05
The ruling and opposition parties reacted greatly as President Yoon Suk Yeol exercised his right to request reconsideration, or veto, on three bills, including the Kim Gun-hee Special Counsel Act.

The ruling party said it was a natural decision by the president to set constitutional values straight, and the opposition party warned that the people would soon reject the president.

I'm connecting with the reporter. Reporter Jeong Inyong!In response to President Yoon's request for reconsideration

, the ruling and opposition parties voiced different opinions over the repeated request for reconsideration?

The power of the four people defined that the exercise of President Yoon's right to demand reconsideration was the president's authority granted by the Constitution and a decision to set constitutional values straight.

It is said that the bills took responsible measures, saying that the opposition party handled them unilaterally, even though their unconstitutionality was not resolved at all.

He also stressed that the opposition's attempt to continue inducing the right to demand reconsideration is irresponsible, distorting the will of the people, and that he will do it with one voice in the re-vote.

[Kwak Kyu-taek / Senior spokesman for People's Power (SBS Radio 'Kim Tae-hyun's Political Show'): Do's attack on the independent counsel bill is intended to eventually divide the people's power internally and lead them to impeachment.... [Re-voting] [There will be no vote]

On the other hand, the opposition party again criticized President Yoon as the 24th veto in two years and five months of his inauguration, saying he exercised his veto.

He claimed that he was hiding Kim, who is suspected of corruption over the opposition of the three bills, obstructing the investigation into the death of Chae Sang-byung, and turning a blind eye to the people's cries to resolve the hardships of people's livelihoods.

At the same time, he urged Kim to face up to the public sentiment to apply fairness and common sense, saying that now is not the time for the president to use his veto like a vote.

[Han Min-soo / Spokesperson of the Democratic Party of Korea: We should be afraid of public judgment against a president who does not fulfill his or her duties ordered by the people who are sovereign. Sooner or later, the people will reject the president.]

It is predicted that a re-vote will take place at the plenary session, which is expected to be held on the 4th, and the battle between the ruling and opposition parties is expected to intensify over whether it is approved or rejected.

The ruling party seems to have a growing impact on the phone recording of a person from the presidential office.

Please tell us what it's about with your party's reaction.

Yes, controversy continues over the past phone calls exchanged by Kim Dae-nam, an auditor of the Seoul Guarantee Corporation, a former senior administrator in the presidential office, with a pro-night media reporter,
During the last People's Power National Convention, Kim Gun-hee's remarks were made public that Kim Gun-hee would like it if he attacked then-party candidate Han Dong-hoon.

Kim, a member of the People's Power Party, said in a statement today that he is a person who has no contact with Kim at all and that the reporter who made the report knows about it, and that he is sorry to representative Han and others.

In response, CEO Han Dong-hoon reportedly ordered the auditor Kim to find out the truth through an internal party investigation, saying it was a serious act and crime.

Rep. Chin Yoon-gye drew a line to YTN, saying that he does not actually know President Yoon or First Lady Kim, but he seems to have made exaggerated remarks just because he is from the presidential office.

In the meantime, President Yoon is having a dinner with the ruling party's floor leadership and standing committee chairman today, and there are many interpretations about the absence of representative Han Dong-hoon.

A key floor official was wary of the expanded interpretation that it was an encouragement to prepare well for the October parliamentary audit, but
In the pro-limit of
, he said that it was the party leader's position to oversee the floor and the outside, and he also expressed an unfavorable view that he would discuss the situation of the National Assembly without Han.

Park Sang-yong's impeachment hearing is also being held at the National Assembly Legislation and Judiciary Committee today.

How's the atmosphere?

Yes, the current Judiciary Committee has been adjourned and the hearing will resume at 2:30 p.m.

Prosecutor Park Sang-yong is suspected of cajoling false statements against former Lieutenant Governor Lee Hwa-young while investigating the case of illegal remittance to North Korea.

Democratic Party lawmakers opened a hearing on Lee Jae-myung's stalking criminal behavior by the political prosecution,
The prosecution of
committed illegal acts such as kissing and manipulating evidence and turned the stock price manipulation case into a case for the purpose of Lee's visit to North Korea.

Deputy Governor Lee Hwa-young, who appeared as a witness today, expressed a similar position, so let's hear it.

[Lee Hwa-young/Former Gyeonggi Province Vice Governor for Peace: We repeatedly held so-called 'statement seminars' to correct each other if the statements were incorrect in the process.]

However, prosecutor Park Sang-yong, who is currently known to be in the UK, refused to call witnesses, and the opposition party warned that it would be held accountable.

The ruling party protested that it was a waste of time and a shameful hearing, saying that the reason for the impeachment prosecution itself was not established.

At the same time, he actively refuted the allegations based on the statements of former deputy governor Lee's past lawyers, saying that it is a public breach of trust to do what representative lawyer Lee Jae-myung should do at the National Assembly.

[Joo Jin-woo / People's Power: (The lawyer) participated in the investigation into Lee Hwa-young's witnesses, and it is natural that he did not drink, and he said he never witnessed inappropriate conciliations or threats against Lee Hwa-young's witnesses.]

He also undermined Lee's intention to make even one piece of data favorable to the representative's trial as bulletproof and intimidating prosecutors.

This is YTN Jeong Yong-yong in the National Assembly so far.

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