[News fighting] Lee Sung-yoon said, "Kim's 'Deutch', I protected her, so even the special prosecutor...Or you would have been killed".

2024.10.11 오전 09:10
[YTN Radio News Fighting Bae Seunghee]
□ Broadcasting: FM 94.5 (07:15 - 09:00)
□ Broadcast date and time: October 11, 2024 (Fri)
□ Host: Attorney Bae Seung-hee
□ Cast member: Lee Sung-yoon, member of the Democratic Party of Korea

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

[YTN Radio <News Fighting, Bae Seunghee]> Please reveal that it's about the interview.
◆ Attorney Bae Seung-hee (hereinafter referred to as Bae Seung-hee): I'm Bae Seung-hee, the news fighting on my way to work. The third part starts. Today, the prosecution is considering the final disposition regarding the suspicion that Kim Gun-hee was involved in the manipulation of Deutsche Motors' stock price, and he was the head of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office during the Moon Jae In government. Let's talk with Lee Sung-yoon of the Democratic Party of Korea. Hello,

◇ Rep. Lee Sung-yoon of the Democratic Party (hereinafter referred to as Lee Sung-yoon): Hello.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: If you look at the prosecution these days. Rather than expressing that you are neutral, it seems to be evaluated as moving differently depending on the regime. How did it feel? When you talk about things like that,

◇Lee Sung-yoon: I think I lie down before the wind blows. Most importantly, the prosecution seems to be setting their own justice as if they were trapped on the Galapagos Island.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: But you've been a prosecutor for a long time. But you passed each government, did you do that every time?

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: I don't think so.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Okay. No, I think the prosecution will soon dispose of Mrs. Kim Gun-hee's manipulation of Deutsche Motors stock price. What do you expect?

◇Lee Sung-yoon: I've seen such a report. The prosecution's name is Shim Woo-jung. As a result, there is a lot of sneering among the people about whether to choose friendship with Yongsan or friendship with the people. The people are saying that they will probably choose a friendship with Yongsan, but as I told everyone, the prosecution continues to be isolated and trapped on the Galapagos Island. And it's out of touch with the people. So the more you make such a decision, the more distant you become from the people. When I decided on a luxury bag last time, I would have mentioned my conscience. But how poor are you going to be?

◆ Bae Seung-hee: But you said that the prosecution should not be separated from the public, so wouldn't the prosecution of the investigation change depending on public opinion?

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: This is not a matter of public opinion. It's a matter of jurisprudence and it's a matter of evidence. The Deutsche Motors case is already in the first and second trials. Looking at that, I think it's possible to not prosecute.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: But Justice Minister Park Sung-jae said in this regard, "If prosecution was possible enough, why couldn't it be handled during the 2021 investigation?"

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: Investigation has its own time. When I was the head of the Central District Prosecutors' Office, the Deutsche Motors case was filed with a complaint. The explanation is a bit long. As you know, the stock price manipulation case analyzes the account, analyzes the account IP, and then analyzes the call details again to determine whether this is the most sold or not. That's how it's called abnormal transaction psychology analysis on the exchange. After analyzing this, I send it to the Financial Services Commission, where I file a complaint. Then the prosecution only investigates then, which takes a long time. When I was there, I was accusing the central government of 10 years ago. So I left the hearing to the exchange and it takes too much time to do it on the exchange, so I analyzed the credibility and asked the exchange to analyze the abnormal transaction sentiment. So I received it and investigated it step by step.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: But that means you didn't make a conclusion when you were the chief of the Central District Prosecutors' Office. It didn't work after 10 years.

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: That's not the reason why the conclusion hasn't been made. At that time, the prosecutor general of Yoon Suk Yeol and the president of Yongsan were the presidents. That's why he and I are in the same class. As you know, I was investigating three cases of Covana content of the president's family case, his wife, and his mother-in-law's wife. As a result, there has been a lot of criticism among people about whether they can properly investigate the case, especially in the Deutsche Moss case, that there is no evidence, and internally, there has been criticism that there is no evidence. So I investigated step by step and conducted a psychological analysis. So, it's impossible for anyone to kill this case, but when President Yongsan of Yoon Suk Yeol was president, he said to me, "Is there anything you can see in my eyes?" and swear words were the basis. The prosecutors said, "Don't do that because we're in the same class because we're on the phone," and the president, who can allocate personnel, command, and investigation expenses, is alive in the next building. Can you do the investigation properly?

◆ Bae Seung-hee: But then you met with the president alone and heard that when you were at the Central District Prosecutors' Office. In the president's office?

◇Lee Sung-yoon: I met with the president several times and talked about that. The president called me and made such a harsh request.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: That's why the ruling party used the expression "the power of the people" during the Moon Jae In government, but they couldn't even prosecute it. Senator, that's what you said.
◇Lee Sung-yoon: If you go to the Seocho-dong Prosecutor's Office and look inside a little bit, you can see how difficult it is to investigate the prosecutor general's family case. I heard that the president said something rude and abusive, so I consoled the prosecutor, entrusted it to the psychology department one by one, and led the investigation. Around December, I asked me to step down. My subordinate prosecutors investigated me in 2021 because they couldn't do that either. I was indicted for being involved in the unrelated Kim Hak-ui withdrawal case, and of course, both the first and second trials were acquitted.Ma interfered with me like that while investigating. Because I protected the case, there is now a controversy over the special prosecutor, and if I had stayed still without investigating the case at that time, I would have been killed.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: But from what you're saying, you're saying that when you were the chief of the Central District Prosecutors' Office, you already had 10 years' worth of it from over there and analyzed it here, so there was all the evidence now. So now the president changes, and in that case, why couldn't he prosecute for two years?

◇Lee Sung-yoon: As I said, I collected all the data and analyzed them one by one, and made them well, and I also investigated some accomplices. Then, the replacement team investigated and prosecuted accomplices, and during the trial, a lot of data related to Kim Gun-hee came out and the people demanded an investigation, but the prosecution did not investigate, so the request for a special prosecutor arose. So I did the special prosecutor twice, but the special prosecutor was rejected twice. From my point of view, I don't know why the juniors are prosecuting, but it was around the time of the presidential election. That's why I think the investigation stopped in the net because it was around the time of the presidential election.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes. You said that there was a lot of evidence during the trial, but then wasn't the investigation done properly? It came out during the trial. the accomplices of

◇Lee Sung-yoon: He brought what he had already investigated to court.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Didn't you say that there was already some evidence in the trial against Chairman Kwon Oh-soo you just mentioned? Do you think this is going to be prosecuted for aiding and abetting?

◇Lee Sung-yoon: If you read the ruling of the first trial, there is a case of Mr. Son. It's the same Jeonju, but the case was used for 4 accounts and 7 billion won, but the loss was 100 million won. Electricity is the least sold. However, if you look at the case related to Kim Gun-hee, doesn't it mean that 48 out of 102 rulings were sold and 1.3 billion won in profits? If you look at it like this, it's not aiding and abetting but a joint criminal. If you read this ruling, I think it's saying, "Why don't you indict Kim Gun-hee?"

◆ Bae Seung-hee: But there will be another non-prosecution. With this expectation, some should open an investigation review committee of the prosecution like the luxury white goods case. There are also comments like this.

◇Lee Sung-yoon: Who asked me about it? The Investigation Review Committee is basically established in the Supreme Prosecutors' Office. However, there are two ways to hold an investigation review. Whether the district attorney makes a request or the prosecutor general makes a request, or if you open it or not, it is arbitrary. However, there is a citizen committee for investigation of the district attorney's office. If you ask me to open it here, I have to open it. However, it is the victims of the suspect who can request the citizens' committee to open it. However, the accuser is supposed to be the institutional accuser. But here, I think there will be some controversy over whether the accuser in this case is the institutional accuser.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: So you're saying it's going to be hard to open. But in the case of the person identified by his surname Sohn mentioned earlier, he was running a stock account himself, but Kim entrusted it to a single seller. So, some point out that the issue is different. How do you evaluate that legally?

◇Lee Sung-yoon: If you look at the verdict, don't you have a request for 80,000 shares to hit 3300? If you see this, you get a report right away. That's what it says.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Do you want to reveal those parts?

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: It's right in the verdict.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: But the general public can't see the ruling. a person's judgment
◇Lee Sung-yoon: Please disclose the judgment as much as you want. We can't do it if our people request information disclosure now.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: But the lawmaker himself

◇ Lee Sung-yoon: Yes, let me consider it.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Okay. But CEO Han Dong-hoon said this again. Regarding the case, he said that the prosecution should present results that the public can understand. What did you think of CEO Lee Han Dong-hoon's remarks?

◇Lee Sung-yoon: I saw that there is no such out-of-body speech. No, is he in the office of the Minister of Justice for a year and a half? I don't feel like special dust if I say that now, because I've always been like that without restoring the president's command.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Think of it as insincere.

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: I think so. Because there's a saying in the prosecution. Yoon Ga-geun, Hangawon, Yoon Ga-geun

◆ Bae Seung-hee: What does this mean?
◇Lee Sung-yoon: People close to Han Dong-hoon are moving away, and those close to President Yoon Suk Yeol Yongsan are getting closer.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: There's a saying, "Prosecutor".

◇ Lee Sung-yoon: As the saying goes, as it is impossible to do when meeting reporters, is there anyone within the prosecution who would listen to Han Dong-hoon?

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes. But the Democratic Party is pushing for a permanent special prosecution this time. What do you think?

◇Lee Sung-yoon: The permanent special prosecutor said, "I think the root of all the controversy over all the evil so far is Yongsan and Kim Geon-hee. Yoon Suk Yeol President Yongsan rejected the special prosecution law covering corruption of himself and his family. The prosecution is really focusing on protecting Yongsan, Yoon Suk Yeol, rather than the demand for justice. So, what can you do now? Would you like to do a permanent special prosecutor? Since we continue to reject the independent counsel law, we should at least do a permanent special prosecution if we can reveal the truth that the people want.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes. But you did the test. But isn't this special prosecutor actually a remark that ignores the prosecution?

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: That's a dismissive remark. Rather, the prosecution is now in charge of personnel affairs because the former president of Yoon Suk Yeol has become the president, right? It's vertically sequenced with the president at his peak. So we don't investigate the president and family cases. Then they say that power is privatized. Then, we need to check the prosecution through a special prosecutor. That's the only way.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Aren't the prosecutors listening? Do you think all those prosecutors do that then?

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: Some Yoon Suk Yeol divisions and their sympathetic prosecutors. Most prosecutors are working hard for the people by staying up all night. Yes.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: And I'm talking a little bit again, but isn't Cho Kuk, the leader of the Innovation Party, saying he will get rid of the prosecution office in adjusting the investigative rights of the prosecution and police? What do you think about that?

◇ Lee Sung-yoon: Our Democratic Party is in the same position.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: I used to be a prosecutor, do I not need a prosecutor's office?

◇Lee Sung-yoon: For me, it's better to reset when it comes to prosecutors like this.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: So you're saying let's not get rid of the prosecution office, but create a new prosecution?

◇Lee Sung-yoon: It's like abolishing the prosecution office and going to the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit or separating the investigation from the prosecution.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Okay. I have no choice but to keep telling you about Kim Gun-hee, but suspicions have now been raised about the intervention of the nomination. Myung Tae-kyun is now shaking the political circle, and he claims that he has been close to President Yoon and his wife before and after the 2021 presidential election. How do you see it?

◇Lee Sung-yoon: When I saw Myung Tae-kyun threatening me like, "If I really touch me, will you be able to handle impeachment?" But the presidential office in Yongsan can't refute it properly.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: The next day, Myung Tae-kyun refuted it. What do you think it was a bluff?

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: If I say it once. That's what the first words matter. That's what I see. It's because if you look at Myung Tae-kyun, who introduced him? Who's close? He continues to do ping-pong. But that's the nature of him. When I asked for the cost of the poll, they gave me the nomination instead. This can be seen as a modern-day hawk magic, but this is shaking the foundation of democracy. This is the essence of this, and I think it should be investigated properly.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: It should be investigated. I see. Then, you believe that all of Myung Taekyun's remarks are real.

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: Rather than saying "It's true or not," I think the prosecution should properly resolve public suspicions by using these remarks as a clue.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes. I see. Now, Democratic Party Chairman Lee Jae-myung should take President Moon and let him quit even in the middle of his term. You have to pull it down. That's what I said. I'm pulling him down when I have a term left. So what kind of method are you going to do?

◇Lee Sung-yoon: Rather than using a method, our representative Lee Jae-myung should come down if he does something wrong during the by-election campaign for this local election. You said this is democracy. You were talking about the principles of democracy. You're talking about that, but you didn't say this because you were impeached.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: But isn't it against democracy that we have to pull it out when we have a term left?

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: The people said it was a county governor, a democracy. If the leader elected by the people does not comply with the people's will, they can always tell him to come down.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: There's no national summons system.

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: So there are various systems, aren't there? What do you have? There are many systems, but I think the fastest way to come down is the best.Ma

◆ Bae Seung-hee: What is that like?

◇Lee Sung-yoon: What you can think of now is not released a lot on the market, right? There will be impeachment, then there will be constitutional amendments, but I think representative Lee Jae-myung's remarks were about the general principles of democracy during the election campaign. I don't know how he gave his feelings to impeachment, but wasn't there more speculation from the ruling party?

◆ Bae Seung-hee: But since it's impeachment night, Rep. Kang Deok-gu held it at the National Assembly, and some lawmakers, including lawmakers, don't they talk about it even when they go to civic groups? Isn't that the overall atmosphere of the Democratic Party? Now

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: I personally agree. You voted for impeachment. But I don't know the party's position now. Since all lawmakers are constitutional institutions, they can make such claims and participate in meetings.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes. On the contrary, some observers say that this remark is a public opinion battle in preparation for the first trial sentence of representative Lee Jae-myung. What do you think?

◇ Lee Sung-yoon: Would you like to have a public opinion battle with this? Violation of the Public Official Election Act or perjury teacher cases will be sentenced in November. If I look at the relevant situation and listen to the evidence, I don't think there will be a result that will worry the public so much that they have to make such remarks.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Are you saying CEO Lee Jae-myung has no worries?

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: I don't think it's such a worrying situation.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: You mean you're going to be innocent. You expect me to be innocent. Okay. This should be broadcast live in relation to Lee Jae-myung's first trial sentence. Rep. Joo-jin said that again.

◇Lee Sung-yoon: There was a live broadcast at the time of the Park Geun Hye's presidential sentence. Will it be that good? The court makes a judgment, but the result is more important than the conclusion or live broadcast.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Still, if many people are interested in it, the court also has to disclose the trial anyway, so it doesn't matter if the camera goes in there, right?

◇ Lee Sung-yoon: The court will decide. I don't know if it's live or not, but the conclusion is that there will be no conclusion that the public is so worried.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Can I reveal it because the conclusion isn't coming out?

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: I don't think disclosure actually matters.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes. I'd like to ask you about other trials now, but the trial of the shooting of a civil servant in the West Sea is underway in connection with lawmaker Park Ji-won, and it was a bit private. So there was some controversy, what do you think about that?

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: There may be confidentiality during the trial that requires national security or confidentiality. I'm not trying to hide it. The agency makes a request. Please keep this private

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Isn't there some trials right now? What do you think?

◇Lee Sung-yoon: I'm done with my factual judgment. It's a legal trial because it's on the Supreme Court.
◆ Bae Seung-hee: When is it coming out?

◇Lee Sung-yoon: I want the Supreme Court to decide on its own, but I want you to decide as soon as possible.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: You're sure. I see. Don't you think the prosecutor's resignation will actually be processed only when it's over?

◇ Lee Seong-yoon: That's not it. He was indicted for preventing Kim Hak-hak from leaving the country, but both the first and second trials were acquitted. There's a Supreme Court decision. In March of this year, I felt like I was in the second year of middle school because I blocked Kim Hak-hak from leaving the country and handed over the disciplinary data of President Yongsan of Yoon Suk Yeol to the law. Also, the Yoon Suk Yeol division is like the one of Chun Doo-hwan. I was dismissed for making such remarks, so I have filed a lawsuit to cancel my dismissal. I see. I'm in a lawsuit with the court right now.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: When will the conclusion come out?

◇Lee Sung-yoon: The date of origin of the cancellation lawsuit has now been opened.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Thank you for your words today. This has been Rep. Lee Sung-yoon of the Democratic Party of Korea. Thank you.

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