Among the employed, the proportion of self-employed people is below 20% for the first time...But it's still high.

2024.09.30 오후 10:25
For the first time since this year's related statistics, the proportion of self-employed people in all employed people has fallen below 20%.

However, the proportion of non-wage workers in Korea is still large among advanced countries.

According to the statistics of the National Statistical Office, the average number of self-employed people per month until August this year was 5,636,000, which is 19.7% of all employed people.

There were 6,518,000 non-wage workers, including self-employed and unpaid family workers, who mean families who work in self-employed businesses without receiving wages, accounting for 22.8% of the total employed.

Although the proportion of non-wage workers in Korea is getting smaller, it is still the fifth largest among OECD member countries as of last year.

Experts say it is necessary to curb unprepared livelihood start-ups and encourage self-employed people to switch to wage workers.

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