Prosecutors sentenced Lee Jae-myung, a perjury teacher, to three years in prison...This "coup of friends".

2024.09.30 오후 06:04
The prosecution has demanded a three-year prison sentence for Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, who was handed over to trial on charges of perjury.

Before the trial, representative Lee appealed for innocence, saying the prosecution had staged a coup.

At this time, we will connect with the reporter of the trial situation. Reporter Kim Chulhee!

Yes. This is the Seoul Central District Court.

Please tell me the current progress of the trial.

Yes, the prosecution just asked the court to sentence Lee to three years in prison at the Seoul Central District Court's final hearing.

The prosecution first defined perjury as a serious crime that disturbs the judicial order, and then pointed out that representative Lee repeated lies that could affect the judgment of the sovereigns.

He explained that he abused his superior position as a provincial governor to cajole false testimony, and that he even mobilized his aides to pressure perjury on a planned basis.

At the same time, he criticized that he continued to be defensive by using his position as the party's leader during the subsequent trial.

In addition, he revealed the reason for the request that aggravated punishment is necessary because he has already been punished for the same criminal record such as innocence.

The trial, which was temporarily adjourned after the prosecution's request, resumed a while ago, and the lawyers are making their opinions and final arguments on the document investigation.

After that, the defendants, including CEO Lee, will make a final statement for 30 minutes.

Representative Lee, since the prosecution has fabricated evidence and cases before today's appearance and emphasized again that he is innocent, it seems that he will continue to take a similar position.

Let's listen to the position you stated at the time of attendance.

[Lee Jae-myung / Minjoo Party leader: It is a criminal act for the prosecution of the Republic of Korea to distort the law in this way. It's Chinwi Kudetaji. This kind of violent act of annihilating the opposition must never be forgiven.

After all the proceedings are completed, the court announces the date of the sentence, and since it usually takes about a month from the sentence to the sentence, there is a possibility that a sentencing trial may be scheduled as early as next month.

As the public office election law trial is already scheduled for Nov. 15, the upcoming fall is expected to be a critical juncture for Lee's judicial risk.

There are 4 trials related to Lee, so please explain the perjury teacher case in detail.

CEO Lee was handed over to trial in October last year on charges of perjury.

At the 2018 Gyeonggi Province gubernatorial candidate debate, the "prosecutor impersonation case" in which fines were confirmed in the past was described as a "false accusation."

The prosecution believes that CEO Lee, who was tried on charges of publicizing false information because of this statement, asked Kim Jin-sung, who was a witness, to testify in favor of him.

Last year, the court conducted a review of the representative Lee's warrant and stated that the charges of perjury teachers were "appointed."

In addition, Kim Jin-sung, who was also handed over to trial, has also admitted all the charges all the time.

However, representative Lee denies the allegations, saying he only asked Kim to "revive his memory" and did not ask for false testimony.

In addition, the prosecution is criticizing the prosecution for distorting the prosecution by presenting only a small portion of the transcript of the call.

So far, in the Seoul Central District Court, I'm Kim Chul-hee of YTN.

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