"You need to eat carbohydrates." Even the specialist was surprised, food that kills cancer cells by starving them.

2024.10.11 오후 02:22
YTN Radio (FM 94.5) [YTN News FM Wise Radio Life]

□ Broadcast date and time: October 11, 2024 (Fri)
□ Host: Park Gui-bin Announcer
□ Castor: Director Lee Young-seok

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

◆ Announcer Park Gui-bin (hereinafter referred to as Park Gui-bin): Cancer, the number one cause of death in Korea, is more than 95% of cancer detection. It is said that it is accidentally found during a medical examination. It means that you are an uninvited guest who comes silently. I think prevention is the most important thing. Today, let's take a look at cancer prevention foods that can starve cancer cells and dry the seeds, and what diet cancer cells are afraid of. He is a first-generation cancer specialist who has treated tens of thousands of cancer patients. You operate a nursing hospital specializing in cancer. We have Director Lee Young-seok here. Welcome.

◇ Director Lee Young-seok (hereinafter referred to as Lee Young-seok): Yes, how are you? I'm Lee Young-seok, the director of Korea's No. 1 cancer care hospital.

◆Park Gui-bin: Nice to meet you. Welcome. As I just said, this cancer is always considered the number one cause of death, and I said earlier that it is an uninvited guest who comes silently. Don't you really have any signs?
◇ Lee Young-seok: Yes, it is. People think they know when one of the delusions is that they get sick. Cancer will have huge symptoms. But actually, all cancer patients come to our hospital, and almost all of them accidentally find them in health check-ups. So at first, it's very embarrassing.

◆Park Gui-bin: Then do you just come to the medical examination without any symptoms or feelings when you come to the hospital?

◇ Lee Young-seok: Of course. But except for a few very advanced exceptions, most of them just had an endoscopy. They said it was late gastric cancer. I just had a medical examination at the company and it was liver cancer.

◆Park Gui-bin: So I had a medical examination at work and had an endoscopy, and I had a colorectal examination and it was discovered by accident during a general medical examination that the company does. So, there is a saying that you are an uninvited guest who comes silently, but you are suddenly diagnosed. This means how surprised you are, and honestly, isn't it very hard mentally to be diagnosed with this cancer? For those who were diagnosed by chance and suddenly came to know that I had cancer, how would you come?

◇Lee Young-seok: At first, this is Ojin. It's a quack. Go to another hospital. This place is also a quack. I guess it's not the case anymore. And at first, I was very angry. I did something wrong, but now I'm trying to calm down to a certain extent and work hard. Some people come quickly because of depression and refuse everything, so I think it's very important to give wise information and lead the patient wisely.

◆Park Gui-bin: I'm going to ask you about cancer prevention today, but haven't the cancer cure rate in Korea increased a lot these days?

◇ Lee Young-seok: That's right. When I first started the cancer hospital, it was a lot higher than it was 20 years ago, but there are still cancers that haven't made that much progress on some cancers.

◆Park Gui-bin: I see. So prevention is really important, and what I'm asking you today is, as I said earlier, you said you'd tell me about cancer prevention foods that dry the seeds of cancer cells. So, food and nutritional supplements that can dry cancer cells. Because I watched the broadcast on the YouTube channel that you broadcast, and I was so surprised. Is there such a thing? There are foods and nutritional supplements that can dry cancer cell seeds.

◇ Lee Young-seok: If you look at it, food is the only thing that controls our body 24 hours a day. But what do many cancer patients eat now? You're asking like this, but there's no such food, so you can think of it like this. Our favorite food. We also like cancer. The food we don't like to eat. We don't like cancer, either. So, for example, sweet things are called carbohydrates. It's salty, so for the food to be delicious, sugar must go in, salt must go in, and animal oil must go in. And you have to keep processing it. That's why we're craving cancer cells as much as we're craving for food. So you can live the opposite way. I really need a diet where I eat things that are not tasty, things that are not cooked, and things like that.

◆Park Gui-bin: You have to eat something that tastes bad.

◇ Lee Young-seok: Of course.

◆Park Gui Bin: Can you give me an example of a food that tastes bad? How to cook food or something like that.

◇Lee Young-seok: My wife usually packs a vegetable salad for lunch for more than 15 years. Then, what kind of dressing do you put on the salad? It's just olive oil and eat raw vegetables, but it's very important to feel the texture of the ingredients themselves.

◆Park Guivin: Then is the salad not sweet at all? The director's is

◇Lee Young-seok: No, I'm eating salad not to taste sweet.

◆Park Gui Bin: No fruit. Fruit?

◇Lee Young-seok: Fruits have many good antioxidants, but they are high in fructose, so you have to eat a little by color.

◆Park Gui-bin: Then what are the ingredients based on the director's salad?

◇ Lee Young-seok: Now we have a variety of green vegetables. There are things like this and that, and there are things where vegetables are baked. Mushrooms, onions, and garlic are grilled and eaten, and I add natto and give it differently.

◆Park Gui-bin: I watched the broadcast that the director did, and he said that the favorite food of cancer cells is carbohydrates. Then, should I not eat carbs?

◇ Lee Young-seok: That's why a patient came to our hospital. Sir, I don't eat any carbohydrates. But you can't understand it well. I don't know what you're saying. Because whether it's normal cells or cancer cells, the energy source is all carbohydrates.

◆Park Gui-bin: Normal cells also need carbohydrates, so you have to eat carbohydrates.

◇ Lee Young-seok: Of course. But now there are good carbs and bad carbs. We eat carbs now. If you eat gimbap or bibimbap, you can't get tired of bibimbap. All of them are collected separately and split into glucose, and only glucose enters the blood and enters the cells for use. But when you eat carbohydrates, your blood sugar rises rapidly. We say that we peak blood sugar, but those that increase blood sugar quickly go to cancer cells first.

◆Park Gui Bin: What are you talking about when your blood sugar level rises as soon as you eat it?

◇ Lee Young-seok: Refined carbohydrates, for example, when we say '500', white rice, white sugar, and white flour go up in an instant. This is the principle of PETC.T. PETC. T. When I take a picture, I get this big IV, and that's glucose. But I put a nucleus on the glucose molecule.

◆Park Gui Bin: What is PET C. T?

◇Lee Young-seok: Why do we have a health check-up or cancer patients have a PET C.T. in Citi when they get cancer? All of them are on the screen. Where is the cancer?

◆Park Gui Bin: Because I'm looking at my whole body.

◇ Lee Young-seok: That's right. If you inject glucose intravenously, it spreads all over your body in 20 seconds. Then the cancer cells take it all away. So, it's in cancer cells, and glucose goes in and gamma rays come out from it. It's PET C.T. to snap it with a gamma camera. That's why bad carbohydrates instantly raise blood sugar, and good carbohydrates gradually go up and down.

◆Park Gui-bin: No, but you said that normal cells also need carbohydrates. But do cancer cells eat much better?

◇ Lee Young-seok: Of course. Cancer cells have the ability to absorb hundreds of times more carbohydrates than normal cells because they are not energy efficient but actively divide cells.

◆Park Gui-bin: Then normal cells will eat good carbohydrates. Isn't cancer cells a bad carbohydrate?

◇ Lee Young-seok: It's not that, but if you eat good carbohydrates, it goes into all cells evenly. However, even if the cancer is advanced, the proportion of cancer cells in all cells is less than 1%. So 99% of what we eat goes to normal cells and only 1% gives us some cancer. But if you eat bad carbohydrates, most of them go into cancer cells, eat them, and then hand out some of the rest of them.

◆Park VIP: Do you understand what I mean? What are some good carbohydrates then?

◇ Lee Young-seok: Vegetables are typical.

◆Park Gui-bin: Are vegetables carbohydrates?

◇ Lee Young-seok: The carbohydrate protein fat that vegetables now generate energy is the most carbohydrate among them. Brown rice and ungrounded grains are brown rice, which is not the peak of blood sugar, and 80% of vegetables are insoluble dietary fiber that we cannot digest. So we can't ruminate like cows, so 80% of the vegetables we eat are just in the intestine and go out to the feces. That's why the absorption power is very low.

◆Park Gui-bin: I see. I heard the order is also important to eat good carbohydrates or when eating good carbohydrates.

◇ Lee Young-seok: That's right. So in the end, it's important how to manage carbohydrates, including cancer of all chronic diseases. The basis of any chronic disease in our body is that our body cells fall into chronic inflammation. Then, the underlying cause of chronic inflammation is insulin resistance. So insulin resistance means that carbohydrate glucose is not managed well.

◆Park Gui-bin: Please briefly explain that insulin resistance occurs.

◇Lee Young-seok: So what's insulin resistance? The role of insulin is that the carbohydrates we eat turn into glucose and enter the blood. But it's not used in the blood, but it has to go into the cells and use it. So you can think of it as a delivery car that puts glucose in the blood into cells. Insulin resistance, to put it simply, is a failure to function properly. So the courier has to hand out 10, but they just throw away all 8 and put in only 2. So you can think of it as blood sugar rising and cells starving to death.

◆Park VIP: So in the order of eating

◇Lee Young-seok: The order of eating is actually Western style. We eat Korean food and eat side dishes. Western style always starts with salad first. So always eat vegetables first on a large plate when you eat. Vegetables stay in the intestine for a long time and have poor absorption because they cannot be digested and absorbed quickly. There are many good fruits, but you said they are high in fructose. So you have to eat a little bit.

◆Park Gui-bin: It's good to eat anything, but eat a small amount.

◇Lee Young-seok: But fruits have different nutrients depending on their color. So eat various colored fruits little by little, then protein, then carbs, and nuts last. Then, even if we eat the same food, we eat nutrients evenly and reduce the peak of blood sugar.

◆Park Gui-bin: You said earlier that white rice, white sugar, and white flour are not good. So I asked them about refined bad carbohydrates, and they gave me questions, and the listener said, "Sir, why don't you mix oats with white rice? ’ You gave me a text message.

◇Lee Young-seok: So white rice is not good because sugar peaks, but it's better not to eat it anyway.

◆Park Gui Bin: Can't I mix it up?

◇Lee Young-seok: That's why it's good to have no white rice. However, cancer patients now eat a lot of brown rice, but they eat a lot of oats in foreign countries. So these days, cancer patients have excellent information. Therefore, brown rice oats are mixed and eaten, but multigrain rice is also okay for those who are not cancer patients and have metabolic syndrome or healthy food. However, if possible, I think you should practice not eating white rice.

◆Park Gui Bin: Practice reducing the amount of practice

◇ Lee Young-seok: If you're a cancer patient or a diabetic, you should cut it off completely.

◆Park Gui-bin: Another listener texted me, "What about whole wheat bread?"

◇ Lee Young-seok: That's it. Well, it's flour, but for example, brown rice is better than white rice, which means whole wheat is better than white flour. Good alcohol and bad alcohol, good cigarettes and bad cigarettes.

◆Park Gui Bin: So bread is not good anyway.

◇ Lee Young-seok: That's right, especially for cancer patients, you have to resect it very clearly.

◆Park Gui-bin: I see. It's not cancer, but if you want to eat it normally to take care of your body, you can control whole wheat bread.
◇Lee Young-seok: If we are cured of cancer or eat 20% of it freely to the general public.

◆Park Gui-bin: I see. So today, I looked into some cancer prevention foods that can starve cancer cells and dry the seeds. I asked what I should take, and I talked about nutritional supplements earlier. I heard that vitamin c is an important nutritional supplement to dry cancer cell seeds.

◇ Lee Young-seok: Vitamin C is now a double-edged sword. So the small amount of vitamin C we eat in our mouth is to save cells. Antioxidant action, detoxification action, cell regeneration, and in the case of cancer patients, when very high concentration of vitamin C is injected intravenously, it acts as an oxidizing agent like an anticancer agent. So, it means attacking cancer cells, so you have to decide whether to take a dose and method that needs to be different depending on the purpose or get an injection.

◆Park Gui-bin: Then, for cancer patients, a specialist will take care of them for treatment purposes. Then, I think it's important for general cancer patients to take care of their bodies after they've recovered from cancer or for ordinary people who don't have cancer to treat vitamin C. The first thing that's important is that I take multivitamins. Can't I use this?

◇ Lee Young-seok: So now it is. If you ask a lot of patients, take multivitamins with a lot of mix to avoid eating anything. But it's good to have them all, but each one has too little. So in reality, you have to prescribe nutritional supplements through tests. Then, you have to prescribe each nutrient to suit the person, so it's better to eat it separately than to eat something with a lot of nutrients if possible.

◆Park Gui-bin: You said vitamin c is important, but content is important, but there are actually some critical views about vitamin c. So let me ask you this, too. There seem to be a lot of experts who say that high-content vitamin C should not be allowed because it has side effects. What do you think?

◇Lee Young-seok: So what's the standard for high content? When it comes to vitamins that ordinary people take, about 2,400mg per day is the most efficient. Because even if you eat it anymore, you can't absorb it with blood and it's all excreted. So the most efficient one is 2,400mg. So, take about 2,000ml, and in the past, we told cancer patients to eat 45,000 of this as a dose before diarrhea and continue to eat it every four hours to maintain the blood level, but according to a recently revealed paper, no matter how much vitamin C you eat at once, you cannot absorb more than 2400mg. Second, there is no cumulative effect even if you eat it every four hours, so I think it would be appropriate to take vitamin C once a day or twice in the morning and evening for a maximum of 2-3,000ml.

◆Park Gui-bin: And you mentioned earlier that vitamin C is also used as a cancer treatment depending on its content. Isn't chemotherapy very scary among cancer patients? There are people who say that I'm not going to have cancer, but only going to get vitamin C injections.

◇ Lee Young-seok: We fight every day. That's not wise. So, in fact, for those who have undergone chemotherapy, there is no need to give high-dose vitamin C precision injections. Because anticancer drugs shoot missiles. Anti-cancer drugs for cancer cells, but vitamin C is like a pistol or a machine gun. It's meaningless. When you eat, you eat a small amount, so that the cells damaged by the antioxidant can recover, and when you don't have cancer, you can get a high-dose injection of vitamin C for anticancer purposes.

◆Park Gwibin: I see. Sir, we're running out of time.
◇ Lee Young-seok: Yes.

◆Park Gui-bin: I have so many questions to ask you now, but I hope you can come out more next time if you have time. So, I'll ask you one last question. How Cancer Patients Succeed in Diet Please leave a recommended diet as a cancer specialist.

◇ Lee Young-seok: First, you have to eat a vegetarian meal. Even if you do that, you have to eat a variety of foods evenly because you are picky anyway. And as I said earlier, you have to keep the order of food or eating that does not peak blood sugar, and the third is that you eat it in a low-salt way without being salty.

◆Park Gwibin: I see. I was with Lee Young-seok, the first-generation cancer specialist. The listeners sent me a lot of text messages today. I'll bring you back next month because only two of us can pull it off. Thank you.
◇ Lee Young-seok: Yes. Thank you.

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