[Issue Weather] Tomorrow's cold air rain...Typhoon Nearby in the Late Week, Rainstorms in Southern and Yeongdong

2024.09.30 오후 09:17
Hello, I'm Go Eunjae from Issue Weather.

It's the beginning of the week, but I feel lighthearted for some reason.

It's probably because of the stepping-stone holiday.

But this week, there are a lot of weather issues.

First of all, as the cold air comes down from tomorrow, the weather will be chilly.
It is expected to affect typhoons in the second half of the

First of all, the late heat wave that was long was until today.

From tomorrow, it will rain across the country, and it will be cool during the day.

The daytime temperature in Seoul will drop by 8 degrees in one day.

The day after tomorrow, the temperature will drop to 11 degrees Celsius.

Tomorrow's rain will gradually expand starting in the Midwest in the morning.

In Seoul, it will stop in the afternoon.

Yangdo will not be many inland at 5-10mm, but the wind will be strong across the country.

After the rain stops, the temperature drops significantly.

You can see 21 degrees in Seoul and 23 degrees in Daejeon in the middle of the day.

However, it is 28 degrees in Busan, and in Yeongnam, it is late until tomorrow.

Meanwhile, the variable of the weather later in the holiday season is typhoons.

Typhoon 'Kuraton', currently located in the northern sea of the Philippines, will pass near Taiwan in the middle of the week.

After that, the path to the north is still very fluid.

However, when the steam sent by the typhoon collides with the cold air on the Korean Peninsula, it rains.

Therefore, heavy rain is expected on Thursday and Friday on the east coast and southern part of the country.

In addition, strong winds and waves of the sea will be high in the sea.

You should continue to check the weather information and have a healthy and safe holiday.

It was an issue.

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