
"Kim Bangtan mobilization" vs "Building a cause to step down from the government"

2024.09.30 PM 04:11
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The opposition party criticized all state agencies for being mobilized for Kim Gun-hee's bulletproof body when the government voted on a request for reconsideration of the Kim Gun-hee Special Prosecutor Act.

The ruling party responded that the Democratic Party of Korea is making clear its intention to step down from the government as representative Lee Jae-myung's judicial risks grow.

I'm connecting with the reporter. Reporter Na Hye-in!

Yes, it's the National Assembly.

The veto-wielding political situation is unfolding again, so please tell the political community's reaction.

Five opposition parties, including the Democratic Party of Korea, held a press conference in front of the presidential office in Yongsan and strongly condemned the government for proposing to exercise its veto power on the Special Prosecutor's Act on First Lady Kim Gun-hee and the Special Prosecutor's Act on Chae Sang-byung.

Park Chan-dae, the floor leader of the Democratic Party, said that Korea is a democratic republic, not a "Kim kingdom," and pressured Yoon Suk Yeol to accept the special prosecutor if he does not want to remain a president who has defended crime and tolerated corruption.

[Park Chan-dae / Minjoo Party floor leader: If you refuse to do the special prosecution again, all you have to wait is public resistance and the fall of the government. Don't do anything stupid to add fuel to the anger of the people.]

The Democratic Party of Korea plans to immediately push for a re-vote of the National Assembly if President Yoon vetoes the independent counsel law.

National Assembly Speaker Woo Won-sik expressed his intention to complete the re-voting process by the 10th of next month when the statute of limitations on election law violations ends, considering allegations of Kim's involvement in the nomination, one of the special prosecutors' investigation targets.

The people's power is that it is natural to exercise the right to demand reconsideration on the special prosecution bill for political disputes, which the opposition party unilaterally passed.

Floor leader Choo Kyung-ho highlighted the fact that Lee Jae-myung of the Democratic Party is being sentenced by the prosecution today on charges of perjury, arguing that the opposition's offensive is to build a justification for the resignation of the government to cover up judicial risks.

He pointed out that the Democratic Party even arranged a fundraiser for the impeachment movement after holding a hearing on the impeachment petition at the National Assembly.

[Choo Kyung-ho / People's Power Floor Leader: It is the ruling party's responsibility to prevent the big opposition's evil laws and tyranny. In the end, the purpose of the opposition's repeated attack on the floor is to build up the government.

Within the ruling party, it is widely expected that there will be no departure vote even if President Yoon vetoes the special prosecution law and goes through the re-voting process.

However, there are steadily voices calling for an exit strategy to appease public opinion, including Mrs. Kim's apology.

Speaking to reporters in the morning, Han Dong-hoon said that the independent counsel law would be judged well by lawmakers and that he has been consistent about Kim's apology.

There is still a temperature difference between the ruling and opposition parties over the resolution of the legislative conflict, right?

Yes, the government said it would form a new organization to estimate the supply and demand of medical personnel to discuss the increase in medical schools and reflect the position of the medical community, but the response of doctors is still cold.

The formation of a parliamentary consultative body between the ruling and opposition parties also seems to have made little progress, but Han Dong-hoon, chairman of the People's Power, visited Woo Won-sik, chairman of the National Assembly, a little while ago to discuss the issue.

However, it is still unclear whether the medical community will participate in the consultative body.

A key ruling party official also told YTN that he recently told the government that it would not be easy to come up with a solution through a consultative body.

He added that the government should not expect too much to form a consultative body and take responsibility for the situation.

Representative Han Dong-hoon was wary of the expanded interpretation, saying that it is not difficult to launch a consultative body, but that the government should also show its movement.

The Democratic Party of Korea set the day to apologize first, saying that the president's office's plan to establish a medical manpower supply and demand estimation organization is contradictory to the existing argument.

The government claimed that the process of setting the number of medical schools to 2,000 was scientific and reasonable, but they asked why a new organization was needed now.

He said he would push for a bill that guarantees the participation of the medical community, saying that the government should have a legal basis to create an organization, not at the mercy of the government.

I'm Na Hye-in from YTN in the National Assembly.

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