
[Weather] It's going to rain with cold air tomorrow.Typhoon Nearby in the Late Week, Rainstorms in Southern and Yeongdong

2024.09.30 PM 06:18
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Tomorrow, a temporary holiday, is expected to rain with cold air across the country.

The amount of rain is not much, but the daytime temperature will drop by more than 5 degrees from today, so there will be a chill.

In the second half of the week, as the typhoon approaches, the rain and wind will strengthen in the south and Yeongdong regions, and the swells will increase at sea.

Reporter Jung Hye-yoon's report.

Until the last day of September, the streets of the city were in full swing with the remnants of summer.

Inland temperatures such as Seoul are still approaching 30 degrees, overshadowing autumn.

This weather will change rapidly with the start of October.

Rain clouds accompanied by cold air from the northwest will rain in the central part of the country in the morning and the southern part in the afternoon, starting with the metropolitan area at dawn,
After the rain stops
, chilly winds are expected to blow and temperatures are expected to drop significantly.

The daytime temperature in Seoul, which was close to 30 degrees Celsius, is expected to drop by nearly 20 degrees for two days after the rain stops.

After that, the 18th typhoon "Kuraton" is expected to be a weather variable during the stepping-stone holiday, which extends from the National Foundation Day holiday to the weekend.

Tepung is very strong and will grow in waters near Taiwan for the time being, before going through Taiwan and into northeastern waters between the 2nd and 3rd, before weakening its power somewhat.

Since then, the situation of the typhoon has been very fluid.

It is feared that it will move northward near Korea, but the path and intensity of the typhoon are expected to vary greatly depending on the cold air and the blurring of the surrounding air pressure system.

[Ko Ki-jin / YTN Disaster Advisory Committee, visiting professor at Chungbuk National University: It's not easy to find a way. The reason why it is difficult to see the path of a typhoon is that a valley comes down from the upper floor, and if you ride this valley, you will easily get out and affect it on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th, but if you miss this valley, you have to meet the next valley. Then the valley is about six or seven days old. It is also a problem that the typhoon weakens as it rises...]

The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) predicted that rain and wind will become stronger in the southern part of the country and Yeongdong region later this week when the typhoon is approaching, and there will be up to 5m of swirling waves at sea.

He also said that depending on the typhoon situation, the weather on the Korean Peninsula is expected to change significantly during the holiday season, and asked them to listen to the weather information announced in the future.

I'm YTN's Jung Hyeyoon.

video: Lee Ju-yeon
Design: Lee Na-eun, Choi Yoon-seo

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