
Trump "Harris Is Mental Illness" Attacks...Even his aides said, "I'm focused on policy."

2024.09.30 PM 11:00
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With less than 40 days left in the U.S. presidential election, former President Trump has claimed to be mentally disturbed by Vice President Harris.

Even within the Republican Party, Trump was wary of excessive personal attacks, saying he should focus on policy.

This is Washington correspondent Kwon Jun-ki.

Following Wisconsin, former President Trump also claimed Harris was mentally damaged on the Pennsylvania campaign trail.

{정신}The attack continued for two days despite pointing out that the expression of 'mental disability' went too far.

[Donald Trump / Former President of the United States] Corrupt Biden is mentally damaged, but liar Harris is born with a mental disorder. There's something wrong with Harris.

As if to back up his claim, he also played a video of Harris laughing strangely.

Not only the Democratic Party but also Trump's aides pointed out that the mental disorder attack on Harris was inappropriate.

[JB Pritzker / Governor of Illinois]: When Trump says something like that, he's trying to project his story to someone else.]

[Lindsey Graham / Republican: (What do you think of Trump's rhetoric?) I think it's better to accuse Harris of his policies destroying this country. It's a crazy progression.]

The Americans with Disabilities Association also issued a statement criticizing Trump's attacks for stoking hatred and prejudice against people with disabilities.

Meanwhile, the New York Times noted that Republicans are suing for voting rules across the United States.

More than 90 lawsuits have been filed this year, mainly focused on disqualifying voters who are likely Democrats.

The New York Times observed Trump as a stepping stone to claim "illegal voting," saying that if he loses the presidential election, he will lay the groundwork for disobeying the election.

Amid a series of recent polls leading Harris, a survey found that Trump is leading in five out of seven competing states this time, making it more difficult to predict the outcome.

This is YTN Kwon Jun-ki from Washington.

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