
Yoon, South Korea-Slovak summit...Establish strategic partnerships

2024.09.30 PM 11:00
글자 크기 설정 Share
President Yoon Suk Yeol held a summit with the Slovakian prime minister during his official visit to Korea and established a "strategic partnership" between South Korea and Slovakia.President

Yoon held a summit with Prime Minister Picho at the Presidential Office in Yongsan today and adopted a joint statement laying the groundwork for strengthening cooperation in all directions by upgrading bilateral relations.

The Office of the President said it signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a framework for promoting trade and investment between the two countries, strengthening cooperation in areas such as trade and investment, industry and supply chain, and laying the framework for cooperation to expand our companies' entry into the Slovak market.

At the same time, he explained that he decided to expand cooperation in the energy, science and technology fields and in the defense and defense sectors based on MOUs.

The two sides also strengthened cooperation on the international stage and shared strong concerns about Russia-North Korea military cooperation at a time when the Korean Peninsula and European security are closely connected.

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