"What, South Korea again?" South Korea is surprised by technological supremacy, ranking second overall in the skill Olympics.

2024.10.02 오후 02:03
YTN Radio (FM 94.5) [YTN News FM Wise Radio Life]

□ Broadcast date and time: October 2, 2024 (Wednesday)
□ Host: Park Gui-bin Announcer
□ Castor: Lee Woo-young, Chairman of the Korea Human Resources Development Corporation

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.
◆ Announcer Park Gui-bin (hereinafter referred to as Park Gui-bin): Wise Radio Life This time is an issue invitation. At the recent International Functional Olympics in France, Korea proved once again its technological powerhouse. Including 10 gold medals. He won more than 30 medals with numerous medals, ranking second overall. Today, we have invited a person who is leading the development of Korea's technological talents as a technological powerhouse recognized on the world stage. Lee Woo-young, chairman of the Korea Human Resources Corporation, is here. Welcome.

◇Lee Woo-young: Hello. Nice to meet you. I think I'm seeing you again after 7 months.

◆Park Gui-bin: That's right. It's been a while since I invited you. The Korea Human Resources Corporation introduced it briefly at that time, but since you're here after a long time, can you introduce it briefly?

◇Woo-young Lee: We are an organization that serves various things that happen in the field of people's livelihood. What we do that the most people are familiar with is a service related to national technical qualifications and national professional qualifications. About 4.5 million people a year are eligible for national technical qualifications or national professional qualifications are now tax accountants, patent attorneys, and real estate agents. So, combining those areas, 4.5 million people have now turned all these processes into an online digital platform, from questioning, implementation scoring, and management. We are now working on increasing convenience, and secondly, we are supporting projects that smartly enhance all citizens' job skills. There are projects to enhance individual citizens' abilities, but especially for those projects that help small and medium-sized companies acquire new skills according to the industrial transformation of their current skills, such as "skill-up" or "reskilling," infrastructure is now supported.One of the core projects, such as supporting business training expenses and various contents, education and training contents, was newly launched last year due to the "Capability Development Doctor" system, and the system was launched last year to measure the company's capabilities and support what kind of support the company should provide to increase its capabilities through collaboration with various experts. It will be an unusual core business. And now these are projects to encourage skilled skills. There are projects to explain the contents of the International Functional Olympics and how to settle and spread skills. And then, more than 100,000 foreign workers came in last year, right? We selected such projects in 17 countries that legally fill vacant jobs in Korea through the employment permit system for foreign workers, and now we bring them to the airport, go through the entry procedures, stay, work, return to their home country for four years and 10 months, and then go back to their home country to work to find a job. These are various projects that help about 500 young people go abroad and experience them this year in Singapore, Europe, Japan, and these countries. I can tell you that these are projects that support Korean jobs.

◆Park Gui-bin: I think you understand exactly what you do at the Korea Human Resources Development Service. It's October, and I heard there was an important event last September.

◇Lee Woo-young: Yes, I still have a hot feeling in my heart.

◆Park Gui Bin: What kind of event was it?

◇Woo Young Lee: Have you heard of the International Functional Olympics? Now, the official name in English is 'World Skill'. The term skill is actually not the term function, but what the original skill means is the competence that a person has. It's a competency level, but it's called the International Functional Olympics. We now have a local skill competition and a national skill competition. Then, the suspicious players become national team members after fierce selection. Last August, the Summer Olympics were held in Paris, France. Then, in September, Lyon, France. Lyon has a good city. Currently, 89 countries have joined the World Skills in the International Functional Olympics. Our country first competed in 1967. Japan probably competed in 1965, and 10 years later, they won their first competition in the Netherlands. He has participated 31 times in 10 years and has won 19 times, and it is now his fourth competition if he wins three competitions this time. We haven't won the overall title in the four competitions yet. I told you in various media interviews that I would win the overall title again this time, but in fact, I judged that it was not an easy task. But this time, I came in second place overall, and I jokingly told the team and the staff like this. It was first overall in liberal democracies.

◆Park Gui-bin: Was No. 1 in China?

◇ Lee Woo-young: But China has been investing a lot. It is also true that Korea has emerged as a manufacturing powerhouse, and with a population of 1.3 billion, we are not a small country with a population of 50 million, but on behalf of a liberal democracy, Korea has done well in growth and fortunately received the largest number of awards ever for gold and silver medals in this competition.

◆Park Gwi-bin: It's 32. We have 10 gold medals, 13 silver medals, and 9 bronze medals. This time, the chairman was the chairman of the Korean Committee for this competition. It's been a while since the International Functional Olympic Games, so I think trends, trends, and directions will change little by little depending on the times. So I think the industrial complex will focus on preparing for it every time, what do you think?

◇Woo-young Lee: Yes, you pointed it out well. The World Skills Competition in Lyon, France, is divided into six areas of external composition. If you look at each of the six areas one by one, you can see that high-tech new technologies are being incorporated into the world skill category at a very rapid pace beyond traditional industries. For example, there is now a field of "manufacturing engineering" technology, where we won the most gold medals this time with six. They are now 3D printing as they stack up like this, very precise processing industry controlled mobile robotics additive manufacturing

◆Park Gwi-bin: New types of jobs and technology-related jobs will be created according to the change.

◇ Lee Woo-young: That's right. We won 10 gold medals in 6 robot integration systems, and 6 fields are manufacturing technology engineering if translated into Korean, "manufacturing engineering." But the funny thing is... Not only this, but the other field we won the gold medal this time was in the field of 'Creative Art and Fashion'. Traditionally, the price of fashion is very strong in Europe. And baking bread is also very strong in Europe. Especially when you think of France, what is it? Isn't it bread? Bread. But we're dressed in that field. He also proudly won the gold medal in the baking field. I think it means a lot. Beyond the great walls of Europe, I won a gold medal in Creative Arts and Fashion, and then I called it Information and Communication Technology. So these are cloud computing, cybersecurity mobile application technologies. In this field, Korea is also showing strength as it is in gold and silver. Among them, there is a field that unexpectedly won the gold medal despite it being the first event to participate in this time. I think it was mobile networks. I was surprised. Computer integrated control, but even though these are the first high-tech fields, isn't the high-tech field ahead of Korea in the field that has traditionally been strong? In the mobile field or IT communication field, computer robotic Korea is very strong. In that field, you are also recognized and ranked high in international world skills. Switzerland won the gold medal this time, so I'm interested in it, but Switzerland won the gold medal in cloud computing. Switzerland came in fourth overall. Taiwan was third overall and France was fifth, so I think Switzerland is a traditional Swiss technique. Clocks and Switzerland, for example, have also won gold medals in cloud computing. Now it is going to convergence technology. Traditional technology, precision, ultra-precise processing technology, and mobile and computer technologies were applied, so I felt that Switzerland was also leading very quickly. That's why we're in line with the International Functional Olympics World Skills every year. We're continuing to create new stocks. So, the laminated manufacturing field, which won the gold medal this time, was already introduced in 2022, and Korea also introduced the national technical competition together, so digital architecture didn't win the gold medal this time in 2022, but digital architecture is a very difficult technology. They were also introduced in 2022, and we introduced them to the national skill game right after that, and we haven't been able to participate in renewable energy yet. Specialized high schools or skills in Korea's national technical competitions have yet to be able to participate because the layers are thin. So, we've already established chemical experimental technology and this, but there are a few areas where we can't participate. So, we expanded these areas and provided infrastructure support for various training facilities for skilled technologies. As much as possible, we went to Shanghai, China, Shanghai, two years later, and Shanghai, China, Kotong. Anyway,

◆Park Gwi-bin: Let's take the first place overall in China.

◇Lee Woo-young: You only need to win first place in a free democratic country. So anyway, I told you that there are six areas possible from now on to participate. I think we should prepare and challenge that area step by step from now on.

◆Park Gui-bin: Isn't it very important for the Korea Human Resources Development Corporation to respond quickly in line with the trend of the times and our players are also very good? What are the practical benefits of getting a job or career if you win a medal at an Olympics like this?

◇Lee Woo-young: Already, many of our players have won the National Skills Competition, and 24 players from Samsung Electronics have participated this time. Samsung Electronics is a very big sponsor. It is the best sponsor of the entire world skill. Samsung Electronics and Hyundai Heavy Industries are hiring and helping them in advance, and in the rest of the furniture carpentry field, there are also many reconciliations such as emmons furniture and furniture companies in Korea. For those who are not, I think it is better to be self-employed in the areas of baking and baking. Isn't it so?

◆Park Gui-bin: That's right. If you're a gold medalist in the skill Olympics, you'll wait in the morning.

◇Woo-young Lee: Of course, I will support you in advance so that you can get a high-quality job and I will apply more in the future. Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank our companies for their support.

◆Park Gui-bin: We only have a minute left after talking with the chairman, so let's point out one last thing. In fact, when it comes to skilled skills, it usually reminds me of difficult and difficult tasks, but in fact, the value of this skilled person is very high in our society and it seems that appropriate social treatment is needed. Please say something about it.

◇ Lee Woo-young: I've made a commitment to open up the renaissance of skilled technology. Since I had skills while visiting France in Lyon, my country is now exporting weapons to foreign countries. And we are also exporting nuclear power. There are a lot of things. As you may have seen yesterday, we also developed the world's best missile called the 8-ton Hyunmusa. It's all because skilled skills have been developed. And in the field of occupation in the future. Rather than learning fast, there are many job paths where you can go through one thing with skilled skills and live more leisurely and abundantly. So my goal from this year to next year is to spread and disseminate more skills and make it a renaissance.

◆Park Gwibin: I see. "Fan ID" said, "Congratulations on ranking 2nd overall in Korea for the International Functional Olympics." I'm so proud just to hear that. ’ That's what they wrote. Another listener said, 'Our country is amazing. The world must have been surprised to be second in terms of technology in this small country. ’ Another listener said, "I can feel the chairman's shoulders rising so high in your voice. I'm proud of you, too. ’ Our listeners are very proud of us. Thank you so much for what you said today. Next time, when the season changes, please come out and let us know how much Korea's technology has improved.

◇ Lee Woo-young: Yes. Thank you.

◆Park Gui-bin: This has been Lee Woo-young, chairman of the Korea Human Resources Corporation. Thank you.

◇Lee Wooyoung: Thank you.

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