The 'Day of Serving' where a low-ranking government official serves the director of the bureau and division..."Please get rid of it".

2024.10.07 오후 01:06
Courtesy of Wi Sung-gon's office
While the so-called "serving day" practice in which lower-level civil servants pay their own money to serve meals to the bureau and manager remains in the public office, there are not a few complaints about this.

According to the results of a survey on public officials' awareness of the practice of serving public officials in local governments conducted by Wi Sung-gon, a lawmaker of the Democratic Party of Korea, a member of the National Assembly's Public Administration and Security Committee, 9479 out of 12,562 local officials surveyed said they knew the day of serving.

Among them, 5,514 people, or 44%, said they have experienced the "Mrs. Day" in person within the last year or still have it.

'Courtesy Day' is a practice in which public officials in the 7th and 9th grades roll up their own money and regularly serve food to their department director (level 4) or manager (level 5).

Courtesy of Wi Sung-gon's office

55.6% of the respondents said that they spend money on team expenses, which are operated by rolling up their own expenses for each team. 21.5% of respondents said they would pay for the day with their own money or set aside money in advance, and 4.1% said they would use the finances of working institutions expediently or illegally. In some cases, the director of the bureau and division paid for the expenses, but mainly used the work promotion cost (31.1%).

Seven out of 10 civil servants (69.2%) who participated in the survey said they thought negatively of the service day, and 44.7% said it was "very negative."When asked, "If you have anything you want to say,

, please feel free to describe it," there were voices of opposition, such as "It's a ninth-grade 3rd bong, but it's burdensome to pay 100,000 won per month," "It's strange that those who receive 5 million won a month have lunch with the money of young people who receive 2 million won," "We make them work overtime to cover the costs," "We pay for the promotion of work like a department head's allowance, and "We even make them work as a karaoke room."

He also confessed, "You have to grasp the likes and dislikes of the department head and choose a menu that does not overlap with other teams," or, "I can't concentrate on my morning work because I have to choose a restaurant, get approved, reserve it, go ahead and set spoons." Hundreds of opinions were submitted that included an appeal to "please get rid of it," and some responded to the specific charges asking for an audit.

Reporter Park Sun-young of Digital News Team

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