[News Fighting] Yang Boo-nam "Han Dong-hoon should have concluded the investigation of First Lady Kim when he was Attorney General."

2024.10.14 오전 09:12
[YTN Radio News Fighting Bae Seunghee]
□ Broadcasting: FM 94.5 (07:15 - 09:00)
□ Broadcast date and time: October 14, 2024 (Monday)
□ Host: Attorney Bae Seung-hee
□ Starter: Yang Boo-nam, member of the Democratic Party of Korea

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

[YTN Radio <News Fighting, Bae Seunghee]> Please reveal that it's about the interview.

◆ Attorney Bae Seung-hee (hereinafter referred to as Bae Seung-hee): I'm Bae Seung-hee from News Fighting. Let's continue with the third part of the issue interview. When the opposition party started a permanent special prosecution targeting the suspicion of Kim Gun-hee, the ruling party said it would take all legal measures to prevent it. In this regard, I will connect Yang Boo-nam, a lawmaker of the Democratic Party of Korea, and go through the details. Are you here?

◇Representative of the Democratic Party of Korea (hereinafter referred to as Yang): Yes, hello.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: The Democratic Party of Korea decided to push for a permanent special prosecutor for Kim Gun-hee. By excluding the right to recommend the passport, it is unconstitutional in the power of the people, and it is said that it will request a competency trial. Why did you push for a permanent special prosecution and how did the people react to it?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: I know the power of the people in our politics as to why we are pushing for a permanent special prosecution and why we excluded the right to recommend the ruling party here. In conclusion, I think it is an arrogant attitude that does not know the public sentiment to judge such a power dispute when this is a behavior that follows the public sentiment. Even if we request a competent trial, it is not recognized in the process, and I think this is not only hard to be recognized by the Constitutional Court, but it is against the public sentiment. We conducted several independent special prosecutors to find out Kim Gun-hee's irregularities, but as you all know, we are not overcoming any obstacles to veto, right? But we can't let this go. That's why we're pushing for a permanent special prosecution as a desperate measure.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: I see.

◇ Yang Boo-nam: As many people know, this permanent special prosecutor is a special prosecutor in favor of the ruling party. It's a playground that's been crushed once. Isn't it called a self-examination? That's why I don't use it often. What we used once was a permanent special prosecutor during the special prosecutor's office in Ferry Sewol. However, the conclusion was that the results were not so much in the public eye. As you know well, the standing independent counsel consists of seven members of the independent counsel recommendation committee. If we recommend two people here, the president will appoint one of them, and the seven-member recommendation committee will be important. But three of them are inheritance. The head of the court administration, the vice justice minister, and the chairman of the Korean Bar Association will inherit three positions, while the other four will be recommended by the ruling and opposition parties. Then, basically, if the chairman of the Korean Bar Association takes neutrality, it becomes 4 to 2, if the chairman of the Korean Bar Association takes power, it becomes 5 to 2, and even if the president of the Korean Bar Association takes neutrality, it is a 4 to 3 result. In other words, isn't it a structure favorable to the ruling party? That's why the term "self-special prosecutor" came out. So, in order to solve this problem, as you all know, we have changed the rules for the recommendation of candidates for the National Assembly's special counsel this time, excluding the right to recommend the president and his family. This is a supplementary measure to complement the dented playground of the permanent special prosecutor, but the people's power can judge it by acting as an acting president and the president can do it. However, in light of past cases, it would be difficult to win the Constitutional Court if the procedural defect that requires half of the registered members to attend and a majority of the members present to approve was observed.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: That's what you mean. Yes, I see. In connection with this, Myung Tae-kyun, who is called an election broker, is controversial over allegations of Kim Gun-hee's involvement in the nomination. What do you think of the controversy, Myung Taekyun?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: First of all, whose words are credible seems to be the biggest issue. However, I think that his statement has credibility. This is because any attitude of the presidential office and explanations given by the presidential office are different from the truth. Looking at this, I think that his statement has credibility. And this is a national disgrace caused by the inappropriate behavior of the presidents. It is also seen as an event that shows the bare face of our politicians. Most importantly, if Myung Tae-kyun's statement is true, it is an introspection that really takes a toll on this regime. Whenever I see this, I think of Choi Soon-sil gate during the Park Geun Hye regime. Perhaps the president and his wife have a lot of concerns over this. It's a very dangerous situation and I think it's a dangerous political situation.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: You mentioned that it was inappropriate behavior by President Yoon and his wife, but what do you think was inappropriate behavior?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: It's really painful for the public to hear that they connected with each other and maintained friendships with people who worked first, and most inappropriately, they didn't pay back the presidential election expenses and the presidential poll expenses. And anyway, no matter what you say, isn't it proven that you've maintained your friendship with these people? So, even if the president and his wife had something like this and that during the presidential campaign, they should have settled their relationship after the president was elected. If you have money to give, you should have given it to me or your friendship should have been settled, but it seems like a very inappropriate behavior.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: You said that you didn't pay for the presidential election poll, but has this been confirmed?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: It hasn't been confirmed, but isn't it that Myung Tae-kyun has continued to recommend that he can win the presidential election? And the person in charge of the accounting appeared in the interview and talked about it. And the polling costs for this 360 million haven't been reflected in any accounting of the presidential election, have they? When we see this, we think that Kang Hye-kyung's statement is reliable.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: You referred to Myung Tae-kyun as such a person, but you say that everything he says is reliable, and that the polling expenses during the presidential election process have not been paid back, but all of this is because the facts have not been understood yet. I'll leave it as a suspicion. There is now a controversy over whether Chairman Kim Jong-in knew first or lawmaker Lee Joon-seok knew first about the close relationship.

◇ Yang Boo-nam: It's controversial, but isn't Rep. Lee Joon-seok saying that he met the candidate at the time of the Yoon Suk Yeol through the introduction of Myung Tae-kyun, and Chairman Kim Jong-in also saying that First Lady Kim Gun-hee is connected to Myung's phone and is in the same seat when he goes? After the presidential election, didn't you text me during the general election? Aren't you saying that Lee Joon-seok also saw the text messages exchanged between First Lady Kim Gun-hee and Myung Tae-kyun during the general election? This is enough to be close.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: We're close. Okay. Regarding First Lady Kim Gun-hee, representative Han Dong-hoon said that the presidential office needs to renovate its personnel. What do you mean by this?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: Maybe CEO Han Dong-hoon believes a lot of Myung Tae-kyun's statements, so I think he criticized the president and his wife for indirectly criticizing their behavior, as I said a little while ago.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes, can CEO Han Dong-hoon's remarks be seen in this sense as Kim Gun-hee's special prosecutor's acceptance?

◇ adoptive father: I don't think I went that far. Aren't pro-Yoon forces opposed to the independent counsel right now within the power of the people? In this situation, I don't think representative Han's confirmation of an independent counsel is meaningful because of his relationship with pro-Yoon. I can't go that far.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: I see. However, Park Chan-dae, the floor leader, said that Han Dong-hoon, the leader of the party, invited Kim Gun-hee to the independent counsel. How did you like it?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: I've seen it in the media, but isn't CEO Han Dong-hoon in a position to investigate this case and tie it up when he was the Minister of Justice? But I didn't do it. In other words, it means that the prosecution does not investigate, so an independent counsel is needed. However, on the other hand, I also think that it would be nice if he was acquitted of this when Minister Han Dong-hoon was in office. Conversely

◆ Bae Seung-hee: What do you mean? What if I had cleared him of any charges?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: Wouldn't CEO Han Dong-hoon be able to decide to acquit this case when he was a minister?

◆ Bae Seung-hee: That's right.

◇ Yang Boo-nam: So of course, this means that CEO Han Dong-hoon did not thoroughly investigate the matter when he was a minister, causing a special prosecution, but I also think that if the investigation decided not to charge him, we could not have brought up the case to this point.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Then, in a way, are you evaluating CEO Han Dong-hoon's performance?

◇ adoptive father: You can't say you did well, you can't say you didn't do well, but the conclusion is that you didn't do your job well.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: He did not perform his duties well when he was the Minister of Justice. Since you've been in the prosecution, you'll know more about the process, right?

◇Brother Yang: That's right. You should have tied the knot.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Prosecutor General Lee Won-seok's authority to command the investigation should have been lifted and the investigation should have been completed. Are you talking about this? I see. Representative Han Dong-hoon also said, "Weak old politics of Myung Tae-kyun and Kim Dae-nam" aimed at someone. Who did you hear this as a statement aimed at?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: Doesn't it say it's old politics that is structurally weak through analysis? If it's old-fashioned politics, I think the fact that many conservative politicians appearing in the media are mentioned in the famous politician's media has changed to old-fashioned politics. Who Caught That Weakness? It doesn't seem like all the politicians in this conservative tendency have been caught, but isn't someone who caught the weak publicly threatening the president and his wife? If I tell you, you'll be white. Impeach. When you look at the prosecution's ability to investigate properly, according to Myung Tae-kyun, the president and his wife seem to have been threatened and caught in weakness, and Kim Dae-nam has now revealed a huge story, right? Usually, it's hard to be there when you reveal it like this. But I'm not writing my resignation. That's why there are suspicions in the media that Kim Dae-nam may have caught someone's weakness, so don't you think about when Kim Gun-hee appears again in the background? Looking at this, I don't know who it was aimed at. When divided into weaknesses and old politics,

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Anyway, you mean that it seems to be a different subject, but the Democratic Party of Korea members in the attack on Kim Gun-hee. I said this. Rep. Jang Kyung-tae made such remarks as the prosecution's bottom and Kim Gun-hee's bad hand habits, and Rep. Yang Moon-seok is a gisaeng against Korean musicians. I even used this expression. Attacks are also attacks, but how do you rate these attacks? Even within the Democratic Party.

◇ Yang Boo-nam: I think they're personal expressions and personal opinions, and there's nothing in our party that's officially going to do about the party's position yet, right?

◆ Bae Seung-hee: But I want to ask you about the expression in the Democratic Party of the National Assembly, so I think it's an expression that some people feel a little reluctant to hear about these parts.

◇ adoptive father: Yes, that's right. a personal statement

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Okay. Let's move on. The ruling party pointed out the controversy over Lee Jae-myung's judicial risk and Moon Da-hye's drunk driving. Isn't CEO Lee Jae-myung now waiting for two rulings in November? Since you were a prosecutor again. If you look at the Public Official Election Act, do you think there is a possibility that you will be sentenced to deprivation of your right to vote in the first trial?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: Many media outlets are now interested in anything like that because one case requires two years in prison and the other three years in prison. It's a story of what this sphere means, but I don't mean anything to this sphere. What we considered important is not that the sentence is important, but why did you prosecute a case that was innocent without being prosecuted? This is the fundamental problem here. So, we are confident that this case will be innocent, and we remain confident that it will be innocent in a legitimate ruling in the domestic court, but even if the court disagrees, I think it will not be deprived of the right to run for election when looking at the case itself.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Less than 1 million won.

◇ adoptive father: Yes, yes. Looking at the contents of the case, it is clear that we are innocent, but even if we disagree, there will not be so many sentences. That's what I think when I see the nature of the incident.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: I'd like to ask you an additional question. Isn't there a ruling on the Public Official Election Act against Kim Hye-kyung on November 14th? Regarding this, in the case of Mr. Bae, he received a suspended sentence. And now even Bae's testimony has come out, so wouldn't these affect Kim Hye-kyung's Public Official Election Act?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: Of course, the ruling on Bae could affect Kim Hye-kyung. However, we don't think it is appropriate to link the impact of the ruling on Bae to the trial of Kim Hye-kyung. You have to judge it as it is. Take that excuse as it is,

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Isn't the facts the same?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: It's hard to say it's exactly the same.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Okay. Moon Da-hye, I'd like to ask you about driving a drink. The National Police Agency also pointed out that Moon Da-hye's tax on drunk driving cars was seized and arrears several times during the National Assembly inspection. The ruling party said it was a community of fate with former President Lee Moon Jae In, and then attacked it again, saying, "Isn't this a community of arrears?" How did you see this?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: Isn't Moon Da-hye an adult right now? As an adult, I brought up the story of continuing to share a community of destiny, and now the word "a community of delinquency." Also, there are many comments based on the fact that he lived in the Blue House for about a year, but now it is not a dictatorship with some kind of association system. I don't think it's appropriate to accuse parents of any child of criminal responsibility. It's an unreasonable political dispute.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: I'd like to ask you two questions. In fact, former President Moon Jae In is being treated with respect as a former president, so isn't he being treated with respect as a former president through taxes anyway? In addition, I think the public can think that Moon Da-hye is directly or indirectly benefiting from the benefits. In this case, wouldn't there be something that I can clearly point out about former President Moon Jae In?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: Of course, Moon Da-hye is the child of a former president of the president and is in arrears for driving under the influence of alcohol, and this is not an excuse for me to be right. It's not appropriate. You have to be criticized for that behavior and you have to take criminal responsibility for that behavior. But it's not appropriate to go all the way to the president.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes. I see. You're saying that if you're an adult, you're not holding a politician accountable for what an adult did. Isn't that the same thing as the ruling party or the opposition party?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: No, the president of Moon Jae In is not intuitively responsible for Moon Da-hye's drinking and arrears. It doesn't provide a cause, but it's not appropriate to criticize it with this.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Okay. We don't have much time, so I'd like to ask you about the by-elections this time. How is the situation in Honam now?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: Glory and Wailing, I expect you to win by a landslide. The results of the current poll are also coming out in our favor. At the level of many parties, I went for three days because we are campaigning for power.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: How do you feel when you're back?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: Looking at the public opinion, I think we've turned to supporting our Democratic candidate a lot.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes. But what did you think about the rapid progress of the Cho Kuk Innovation Party?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: Are you referring to the weakness of the Cho Kuk Innovation Party in Honam? I think it's a well-intentioned competitor. I think that the Cho Kuk Innovation Party's competition with our Democratic Party by making good candidates is a good opportunity for our Democratic Party to increase its competitiveness against candidates.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: The Progressive Party is coming up like this. There's even an expression like this. How do you see it?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: The Progressive Party came up a lot. At first, the Democratic Party of Korea and the Cho Kuk Innovation Party continued to confront each other, and in the meantime, the Progressive Party came up a lot, but now, as any weaknesses of the Progressive Party candidate are highlighted, our Democratic Party continues to occupy the dominant position.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Looking at the results of the early voting. It was very high in Yeonggwang. What do you think is advantageous?

◇ Yang Boo-nam: Isn't early voting the highest honor right now? It was said that if the early voting rate is high, if the progressive tendency is low, it is conservative, but it is a by-election this time. From this point of view, it is difficult to interpret where the voter turnout itself is advantageous at a low level. But each has a favorable interpretation, and don't we have people who will definitely hold elections? That's why early voting is so favorable to our progressive democratic forces.
◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes. I see. You just mentioned a poll about the approval rating related to the by-elections you mentioned, but we can't find a detailed outline of the poll, so I'll wrap it up with my personal opinion.

◇Brother Yang: Yes, sir.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Senator, thank you for answering this difficult question today. You're going to interview me again next time, right? So far, I've been with Yang Boo-nam, a lawmaker of the Democratic Party of Korea. Thank you.

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