野 Kim Ji-ho, "Bae's 8 billion won real estate source? You did a great job of growing your property."

2024.10.21 오후 06:42
[News FM Lee Ik-seon Choi Soo-young Issue & People]
□ Broadcast Date: 21st October 2024 (Mon)
□ Host: Lee Ik-seon, Choi Soo-young
□ Performers: Park Sang-soo, spokesman for the People's Power, Kim Ji-ho, former head of the political affairs coordination department of the Democratic Party of Korea,

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

◆ Lee Ik-seon: In the midst of this, Kang Hye-kyung, who revealed the suspicion of Myung Tae-kyun, will appear at the National Assembly today. The opposition party is expected to question Ms. Kim and Mr. Myung's related suspicions against Mr. Kang, who worked with Mr. Myung-bak. I wonder what other things to ask you about.

○ Kim Ji-ho: Today, we've been getting a lot of exclusive articles for the last hour. I think Kang Hye-kyung provided the recordings she shared with Myung Tae-kyun and former lawmaker Kim Young-sun to the parliamentary inspection members. So, for example, right now, it's like this. It's what Myung Taekyun said. Tell Lee Joon-seok, Kim Young-sun to bring a poll to win the Democratic Party's candidate in exchange for strategic nomination. And Myung Tae-kyun Park An-soo called me that he will not forget for the rest of his life. And Myung Tae-kyun, who will give you a lawmaker? First lady Kim Gun-hee told me to do it because of Myung Tae-kyun. Representative Kim Young-sun spent most of his money helping Yoon Suk Yeol anyway, and became a lawmaker thanks to Myung Tae-kyun. These are the things that involve the nomination business, and the suspicion of unfair public opinion polls is pouring out, so I think the questions will be focused on it.

◇ Choi Soo-young: But Myung said that he would not attend the National Assembly. In the meantime, the Future Korea Research Institute, which is facing controversy over the public opinion poll, is not me while he is engaged in a truth fight with Kang. He's separate. That's why he borrowed the money and used it. And you're doing so-called tail cutting, and you're a lawyer for spokesperson Park. Why do you think Myung is standing up like this?

● Park Sang-soo: Regarding the Future Korea Research Institute at that time, various political funding laws and the possibility of violating these laws are now being revealed here. Therefore, as you said, it seems that Myung Tae-kyun is making these remarks now with this intention to be free from legal responsibility while drawing a line. But there are a lot of things that don't add up to what Myung Tae-kyun said right now. So in a way, he said that he planned it all to show himself like this, but he tries to draw a line on this part, but in the end, it will not be easy for Myung Tae-kyun to escape from any legal responsibility as the two contradictory opinions collide in the future investigation process. That's what I'm thinking. Actually, what we're very worried about right now is that I don't know why you're so good at holding back when it comes to Myung-Tae-kyun. I really don't understand why major figures in our party are so good at putting up with it, and I think it's an issue that we shouldn't put up with. You should actively come forward and explain and file a complaint if necessary. If you look at it more broadly, you can talk about him by making a big fuss about a post on Facebook, but as far as I know, there hasn't been much controversy related to Myung Tae-kyun in the group chat room. We should be angry about the controversy over Myung Tae-kyun. It's right for Myung Tae-kyun to talk about this issue, in which he made fun of our conservative politicians and conservative politicians, and he claims to have done everything. But this amazing display of patience is an issue that shows people's motivation.

◇ Choi Soo-young: Why do you think you're holding it in?

● Park Sang-soo: I think only the parties will know that. They're like that from a legal standpoint. It's really unfair, and if you do that, the people who have been in politics for decades now are in a situation where their reputation is tarnished. However, they do not actively respond to these situations. I think there must be a reason for them to know. Nevertheless, I think you have to respond. So, it is at this point that CEO Han Dong-hoon wants to actively respond to the third suspicion that he talked about. Aren't all the major politicians of our party and the government involved in Myung Tae-kyun's current situation? You have to respond actively. I hope you don't hold it in. I think that the patience is endangering our party and the government.

◆ Lee Ik-seon: Another story. Today, the National Assembly conducts a parliamentary audit of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office. The Democratic Party of Korea continues to express its intention to impeach prosecutors who participated in the decision not to indict Kim Gun, including Prosecutor General Shim Woo-jung and Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office chief Lee Chang-soo. The audit of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office seems to be very hot today, so what do you think?

○ Kim Ji-ho: In fact, prosecutors' attitude toward the inspection has been the same for the past two years, but they have continued to be a little arrogant and obstinate, and most people do not understand the results of the public's opinion on the handling of Kim Gun-hee's alleged manipulation of Deutsche Motors' stock price and the acceptance of Dior Bag's luxury bag. However, the prosecution's four-hour long acting as a lawyer defending Kim Gun-hee has undermined the public's legal sentiment. In that sense, the National Assembly may discuss the impeachment of the chief prosecutor of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office with the authority of the National Assembly. That's how I see it.

◆ Lee Ik-seon: What is your position?

● Park Sang-soo: Regarding this case, it's necessary to put it on the time clock and look at the case. In 2020 and 21, the chief of the Central District Prosecutors' Office was Lee Sung-yoon. Actually, I looked at the contents in the PD's notebook last weekend while thinking about what I'm claiming in the Democratic Party. I looked at it once, and when I looked at the contents, I saw some things from the perspective of a lawyer that the Democratic Party of Korea is raising suspicions about these parts. One question, however, is about two years after the first accusation, when the prosecution and the government had the highest willingness to investigate. In 2020 and 21, why did the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office not properly investigate that part in the system of Lee Sung-yoon? There were no charges, so I looked at the PD notebook and Lee Sung-yoon, the chief of the Central District Prosecutors' Office, was interviewed. Lee Sung-hyun, the chief of the Central District Prosecutors' Office at the time, was interviewed, and he showed his memorandum notes, and at that time, conservative media reporters threatened to come in and investigate, and threatened him why he hadn't quit yet. But what was so strange about that part from a legal standpoint was the Moon Jae In government style. I don't know how much power conservative media reporters have, but I don't think it's such a situation that the head of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office feels some kind of threat against him by threatening the head of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office. And what's more, he was interviewed like he was so intimidated that he couldn't investigate properly, and I wondered if this made sense. So, before I asked Prosecutor General Shim Woo-jung, why did the Democratic Party do that to Rep. Lee Sung-yoon of its own party? From a legal point of view, some of the recordings were a little tilted. Then why didn't you search and seizure properly at that time and why didn't you do a proper summon investigation? Lee Sung-yoon, the chief prosecutor of the District Prosecutors' Office, is now a lawmaker Lee Sung-yoon. I have to ask Rep. Lee Sung-yoon first. I think we have to ask that first and then the prosecutors should question why we couldn't do it properly.

◇ Choi Soo-young: Let's look at one more issue from the National Assembly. Rep. Park Soo-young of People's Power asked this question, and it is known that Bae, the personal secretary of Lee Jae-myung's wife, Kim Hye-kyung, and a party to the controversy over the emperor's protocol, owns real estate worth 8 billion won. Anyway, there is an opinion that a person who is known to earn about 400 million won in lifetime income may have wealth, but shouldn't we check the source of funds for this?

○ Kim Ji-ho: So it's been about 10 years since Officer Bae served in public office with CEO Lee Jae-myung, and considering his age, he's been in the economy for about 25 years, and if he's invested in real estate for 25 years, and his value has increased and he's accumulated about 8 billion won, he's been very good at increasing his wealth. If you did well, it's a lot, but what I really want to say is that Mrs. Kim Gun-hee, who received a small salary just a few years ago enough to pay 70,000 won in monthly health insurance premiums, also invested in Deutsche Motors shares and earned her mother a lot of money for 2.3 billion won. Then, the Kim Gun-hee family forged a balance certificate and invested hundreds of thousands of pyeong of land in the metropolitan area, making them really hundreds of billions of assets. If Officer Bae made a fortune by manipulating the proof of balance or investing in such stocks suspected of manipulating stock prices, of course, he should investigate, but investing in real estate in a normal way has increased its value, and it is not right to criminalize it. I think it's political retaliation and such repression.

◇ Choi Soo-young: But shouldn't the National Tax Service investigate the 8 billion won run with real estate?

● Park Sang-soo: So this is a situation where we have to question it too much, and in this regard, it's amazing to call this opposition oppression because it's about the process of wealth formation and the source of funds. So I think this needs to be considered a little bit.

◆ Lee Ik-seon: I would like to ask if the opposition has declared a full-fledged off-the-shelf struggle. After the parliamentary audit, the Democratic Party of Korea decided to hold a national convention to condemn Kim Gun on the 2nd of next month. CEO Lee Jae-myung is also scheduled to attend, and given the order to prepare for the long padding, it can be interpreted as saying that he will continue until it is cold, but did you prepare for the long padding, Kim?

○ Kim Ji-ho: It's not a long padded coat, but a warm padded coat has a blue padded coat. I washed it well. First of all, there are public sentiment in general elections and by-elections. Even after President Yoon Suk Yeol's crushing defeat in the general elections, he continues to take the lead in personnel appointments and other state affairs and has not been able to impose sanctions on his relatives, Kim Gun-hee, so the opposition party continued to point out that it would be different after the parliamentary inspection, but since it has not changed, it is necessary to send a warning by holding an outdoor rally. In fact, the opposition party won the general election, and if we don't hold such an outdoor rally, we are really criticized by our supporters. So the secretary-general has officially stated that there has been no discussion within the party's leadership about impeachment of any president or the suspension of such a constitution. That's why the people's power continues to abuse impeachment. The opposition leads the impeachment because it's not good. seek impeachment I hope you can get rid of these doubts.

◇ Choi Soo-young: Okay. I'll point out a breaking news right before the show started. Representative Han Dong-hoon, Representative Lee Jae-myung, Representative of the ruling and opposition parties agreed to meet again. These are both reports, and they will meet again in about a month following a meeting between the ruling and opposition parties in early September, and Lee Jae-myung said he proposed it first this time. What do you think it's going to be about?

● Park Sang-soo: So I think Lee Jae-myung should continue this politics in the future. If you won the general election that much in a representative democracy instead of holding outdoor rallies, you can work hard in the National Assembly. Why do you come out on the street? And if you have something to talk about, you can meet with CEO Han Dong-hoon and talk like this. In the future, I think that representative Han Dong-hoon's position will be a very important person for the president and for representative Lee Jae-myung. So, the presidential office did this today, but I didn't say anything last time, and I wanted to do it before and after that solo dinner, but isn't it still this much compared to the fact that I didn't even say that? I think they give us this much. I think the next time will be better in the future. It's the same. When we first asked for a meeting between the ruling and opposition parties, Chairman Lee Jae-myung also argued over whether to disclose it or not, and never met by the two, but after meeting, they met. And this time, you even ask me to meet you first. So politics can be done through dialogue and discussion like this.

◇ Choi Soo-young: Then, in November, two representatives of Lee Jae-myung will be sentenced to the first trial, and at that delicate time, why did one representative reply, "I'll meet you?"

● Park Sang-soo: No. This is to meet as a partner in state affairs. The first trial sentence is for Lee Jae-myung to be responsible for the crimes committed by Lee Jae-myung. That's the judiciary's decision. So, apart from the final judgment of the judiciary, we meet as partners in state affairs anyway because we are the opposition leader, and then we will meet even if Representative Lee Jae-myung shakes up and the emergency committee chairman is formed.

◆ Lee Ik-seon: Issue Monday So far, I have been with Park Sang-soo, spokesman for People's Power, Kim Ji-ho, former leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, and head of the Political Affairs Coordination Department. Thank you both.

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