9.4 trillion won less in national taxes in January-August...Corporate tax of 16.8 trillion won ↓

2024.09.30 오후 10:40
Until last month this year, national tax revenue was estimated to have decreased by more than 9 trillion won from last year.

The Ministry of Strategy and Finance said that the national tax was collected by 232.2 trillion won until last month this year, 3.9% less than the same period last year and 9.4 trillion won less.

In particular, corporate tax revenue was 45.6 trillion won, 27% or 16.8 trillion won less than the same period last year.

Large companies failed to pay corporate taxes from March to May this year due to worsening corporate performance last year, and last month's interim prepayment was 1.3 trillion won less than last year, failing to make up for the decline.The

income tax was collected 77.1 trillion won, down 100 billion won from last year, and the value-added tax was collected 59 trillion won, up 7 trillion won, due to increased consumption and reduced refunds.

The Ministry of Economy and Finance re-estimated that the national tax will be collected 337.7 trillion won this year, 29.6 trillion won short of the original estimate.

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