"A pair of sneakers worn out at 1,000km" unboxing 4500km Korea Dulle-gil on the 136th.

2024.09.30 오후 01:23
YTN Radio (FM 94.5) [YTN News FM Wise Radio Life]

□ Broadcast date and time: September 30, 2024 (Monday)
□ Host: Park Gui-bin Announcer
□ Cast: Lee Kwan-pyo Keepers Korea Dulle-gil

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

◆ Announcer Park Gui-bin (hereinafter referred to as Park Gui-bin): Do you like walking, everyone? There are so many good ways to walk in Korea. This time, Korea's ultra-long-distance walking trail, which allows you to walk along the coastal roads and Demilitarized Zone in the East Sea, South Sea, and West Sea of the Korean Peninsula, has been completed in 15 years. A total of 4,500km and 294 courses have been opened. It's last Friday even during the wise radio time. I took the Korea Dulegil for the listener quiz SAT question. At that time, a listener texted me this story. I want to hear from someone who's walked on the Korea Dulegil. They asked us to do an unboxing, so we went in right away. I contacted him directly because I actively reflected the listener's opinion. He completed 4,500km Korea Dulegil and is working as a guard of Korea Dulegil. Let's meet Lee Kwan-pyo by phone, honorary professor of hotel tourism management at Semyung University. Hello, professor.

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo Korea Dulle-gil Keeper (hereinafter referred to as Lee Kwan-pyo): Hello, this is Lee Kwan-pyo. It's nice to meet the listeners of wise radio life today, the last day of September.

◆Park Gui Bin: Thank you. First of all, I have the most question about the professor. Did you completely run 4,500km Korea Dulegil? Aren't you a complete Jongjoo yet? Are you in the middle of a long run?

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: I did it for 136 days.

◆Park Gui-bin: Did you finish your business? That's amazing. When is the closing time completed?

◇Lee Gwan-pyo: It was completed in mid-June this year.

◆Park Gui Bin: Mid-June. It was very hot then, but there are so many things I want to ask the professor. First of all, please introduce the professor to our listeners. I wonder what kind of person this person is doing and what did he do again?

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: I retired two years ago as a professor at Semyung University and am currently an honorary professor, serving as the chairman of the Danyang-gun Tourism Geological Council, and I have been volunteering for a walker for four years as a guard of Korea Dulegil.

◆Park Gui-bin: Are you in your 4th year of guarding Korea Dulegil?

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: Yes, that's right.

◆Park Gui-bin: What kind of activities does this guardian do?

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: Keepers are volunteers who regularly check safety, convenience, and comfort on the Korea Dulegil, and then guide and repair signs. They also help people walk comfortably and safely on the Dulegil by checking detour sections or weed removal due to typhoons and natural disasters.

◆Park Gui-bin: Then did you have a special reason to be a guardian?

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: When I was in university, I became a researcher and I was wondering what meaningful things would happen, so I went on a pilgrimage to Santiago, Spain for about 40 days. After visiting, I learned that Korea also has Haeparang-gil on the east coast, and since then, I have completed 4,500km after Haeparang-gil, Namparang-gil, Seohae-rang-gil, and this year's DMZ Peace Road. Based on what I experienced and uncomfortable while walking, I started protecting people to do something to help them walk on the Korea Dulegil. And I can't do the activities of a guardian by myself. I thought it would be better for the two of us to do it if possible, so I recruited a companion, but it wasn't easy. So I persuaded my wife and worked with her. There are two advantages of that. It was a good opportunity to check the health of our couple and to have many conversations with my wife that we have not had before. So, if I have a chance in the future, I would like to continue my activities in my 5th and 6th years.

◆Park Gui-bin: Then you've been with your wife for all four years as a Dulegil keeper.

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: Yes, that's right.

◆Park Gui-bin: What was your reaction when you first asked me to do it with you?

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: My wife didn't have much interest in walking. So I persuaded him to walk and walked together, so we're traveling and I live in Jecheon, and the Dulegil is all on the outskirts. So we went 200km, 400km, talked together, and ate together, so we got closer and deeper. Should I? That's how I'm living right now.

◆Park Gui-bin: Professor, your wife walked with you at first, but isn't this not 1 to 2km? Have you ever had a fight in the middle?

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: Let's fight over small things. Why don't you rest after 5km? Let's drink some water here. The pace is different now. I walked for a long time, and my wife walked 5 or 10 kilometers, so there was a small quarrel in the small part, so everything was digested. As I walked,

◆Park Guivin: So you and your wife completed 4,500km of Korea Dulle-gil?

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: No. Jongjoo did it alone. I'm only doing volunteer work for the guardian with my wife.

◆Park Gui-bin: I see. You've been a guard of Korea Dulegil since four years ago, so how far was it completed four years ago?

◇Lee Gwan-pyo: Four years ago, the west coast road was completed. So, with the opening of the East Coast, the South Coast, the West Coast, and the DMZ Peace Road this time, the entire Dulegil was officially opened.

◆Park Gui-bin: This trail, which is more than 4,500km connected to the East Sea, the edge of Korea's national territory, has now been completed, and the construction began in 2009 and was completed this year in 2024, taking a whopping 15 years. Is there a separate area when you work as a guard of Korea Dulle-gil?

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: When I was doing it four years ago, I was mainly in charge of Incheon, Siheung, Ansan, Boryeong, Taean, Seosan, Muan, Goseong, etc. for four years now. This year, I am in charge of the section of Inji, the road to peace on the DMZ road, and I will probably go to inspect it next week. And when people walk down the street, there is a bit of a difference between walking in the forward direction and walking in the reverse direction. That's how we plan to check everything and come back like this.

◆Park Gui-bin: The last section completed this time is the DMZ Peace Road. How does it feel to see the section of the road to peace?

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: In short, it is the heartbreaking story of the people and the treasure trove of living resources. There is still a civilian control line section, so the DMZ Peace Road has the Juno Line and the bypass line. So it's still not easy to enter the main route. Since most of them are in the civilian control line area. So when I was walking, I usually walked on a detour.

◆Park Gui-bin: I see. Now, the name Korea Dulegil has been created, and the length of more than 4,500km has been perfectly created. When the professor first started walking on this road and now, the completed sections will be created by touching them little by little. Has it changed a lot compared to now? In the meantime

◇Lee Gwan-pyo: Haeparang-gil opened in May 2016. Back then, not many people were walking. At that time, there were many things that were lacking in public relations and management compared to the present. Now, we are systematically organizing everything under the supervision of the Korea Tourism Organization. In particular, the public corporation is actively promoting Korea Dulegil by marking information signs, ribbons, and homepages in foreign languages to foster it as a world-class trail.

◆Park Gui-bin: I heard that you went to Dulle-gil in the United States not too long ago. I heard that you've been on many pilgrimages to Santiago, Spain. Why do you walk so much on the Dulegil?

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: First of all, I walk for the limitations of my own physical strength or for my health. But when you walk this long distance, you need three things first. First of all, you have to be healthy. Second, now that we are going a long distance, we need a little bit of time for a little economic problem. Even if health and economic problems are solved, it is difficult to access them easily if time does not allow them. So when I walk, I think my thoughts change positively first. And by looking at the natural scenery of green, it is helpful for eye health, and I think that anyone can have their own differences or their own health if they enter this path. For the first time, I call Korea Dulegil one of the world's two largest trails. Currently, we only have two of the world's largest trails. He is one of the people who insists on putting our Korea Dulegil in Santiago, Spain, after the Johnmuir Trail in the United States.

◆Park Gui-bin: Compared to this, is it something we can be proud of?

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: That's right. It's nothing to be desired. So I walked the world's top three trails first. As a person with my experience, I think Korea Dulegil in the United States, Spain, or Korea is perfect. And as you know well, the Korea Dulegil is about six times the size of Santiago, Spain. Then it takes 8 months when you walk 20km a day. Then, it's more than five times the round trip to Seoul and Busan.

◆Park Gui-bin: It's a very long and very long road, and I've walked this much in a day, professor. How many kilometers in total have you walked?

◇Lee Gwan-pyo: When I walk on the Korea Dulegil, I usually walk at least two basic courses and more than three courses, and the most I walk a day is 120km.

◆Park Gui Bin: 120km?

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: Yes. 120km is a course that starts at Cheonggye Stream Hanbit Plaza, follows the riverside path, passes Paldang Bridge, goes to Gayang Bridge on the other side, and then returns to the other side, and takes 24 hours and 30 minutes.

◆Park Gui-bin: It took more than a day. You took a break in the middle and walked, right?

◇Lee Gwan-pyo: Have a snack in the middle. Take a short break.

◆ Park Gui Bin: Were you awake? You didn't sleep?

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: I didn't sleep. But usually, if it comes in within 30 hours, the completion is recognized.

◆Park Gui-bin: I see. That's amazing. At first, you were very healthy, so you made a plan to run this Dulle-gil, but after about four years of activities, you'll feel that your health is much better now, what do you think?

◇Lee Gwan-pyo: I eat well now, sleep well, and digest well, so I'm healthier than my age, and when I checked my healthy age, I found that I was about 7 years younger than my current age. So I'm walking hard. Still

◆Park VIP: That's amazing. Our listeners are sending us text messages. It's amazing that you ran through the absurd Korea Dulle-gil. I'm going to start practicing to show my courage to do it once as a Korean citizen. What kind of training did you do? ’ This is the question. They want to know what kind of training you did.

◇Lee Gwan-pyo: I'm in Jecheon every day, so there is Uirimji, the most famous place in Jecheon. I remember walking on Uirimji every day for more than 10km in the morning. I'm still walking every day.

◆Park Gui-bin: Another listener said, 'Do I need supplies when I walk on the circumferential road? Should I prepare a map instead of water sneakers? ’ Someone asked this question.

◇Lee Gwan-pyo: First of all, it's called Durunubi's website. If you sign up for membership and click on the Korea Dulle-gil you want to go to, you'd better check the time required, difficulty, convenience store, restaurant, etc. for public transportation information. You must have the habit of checking the weather forecast before departure. And as you said earlier, it would be better to prepare some snacks and drinking water. And especially recently, the Korea Tourism Organization or local governments are providing shelters or special accommodations for people walking. It's very cheap, so please use it together, and the most important thing is the Korea Dulegil information phone number. It's 1588-7417. If you contact me here, everything will be solved, and if you walk along the course, you will be able to get certified naturally and receive a complete certificate along with a nice complete gift.

◆Park Gui-bin: Yes, it's a Durun Nubi app. You can download the Durunubi app on your smartphone in advance and get certified in it, and I can call you if I have any questions while walking 1588-7417?

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: That's right.

◆Park Gwibin: I see. Professor, please recommend some snacks that are good to eat while walking. What should I bring?

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: I usually carry energy bars, beef jerky, and candy.

◆Park Gui-bin: But you have to pack water, you have to pack sneakers, you have to pack snacks, and your bag must be heavy.

◇Lee Gwan-pyo: But when you walk a day or two, the backpack is usually only 5km to 7km. It's not that much. I usually prepare two 500cc bottles of water, a little snack, and a raincoat just in case.

◆Park Gwi-bin: All right. When you walk like this, the bottom of your sneakers wears out. How many pairs of sneakers did you change?

◇Lee Gwan-pyo: When I go to Santiago, Spain, it usually takes about 1 pair per 1,000 kilos. Because it recently came out as trekking shoes. I wear things with wide cheeks. Looking at it, it usually consumes about one pair per 1,000 kilos.

◆Park Gui-bin: I see. You must have used four or five pairs.

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: I did more. In fact,

◆Park Gui Bin: Another listener said, 'Professor, I think you have a stone thigh. ’ She sent me a text like this.

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: Not really. I don't think I've gained much muscle when I walk.

◆Park Gui-bin: You don't get muscles. I think walking will strengthen your legs.

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: Legs become stronger but not muscles and slimmer. If you walk a lot, your skin will become thinner if you touch our skin like this. It doesn't get thicker and you have skin on the outside. That part gets a little thinner. And if you walk a lot, you lose a lot of weight on your buttocks.

◆Park Gwibin: I see. I think it's really good to walk. You're a guard of Korea Dulegil, and it's officially opened 4,500km and you've already finished it completely. Are you planning to walk again in the future?

◇Lee Gwan-pyo: From now on, the main route of the DMZ Peace Road will be almost closed to access. Because it's mostly a civilian control line section, so I want to try it and secondly, I want to challenge the US PCT to confirm the limitations of my physical strength once again. The U.S. PCT takes about six months and is 4,300 kilometers. So I have to weigh about 20kg a day in my backpack, and it's not an easy road, but the hardest thing is food supply. So I'm planning to slowly prepare and try it from now on.

◆Park Gui-bin: Another listener said, 'I started but I didn't finish it. I was scared of wild dogs. ’ They sent me a text like this.

◇ Lee Gwan-pyo: I'm a little scared. The most important thing is public transportation relations. Because the walking path is on the outskirts. As a result, public transportation is done once or twice or three times a day, so you have to pay special attention to public transportation and taxis, and you can feel safe even if you walk alone. You don't have to worry too much.

◆Park Gwibin: I see. "Fan ID" said, 'I'm walking on Haeparang-gil and passing through the Goheung section of Namparang-gil. In the next round, we're going to pass the launch pad observation section.' Professor, thank you so much for what you said today. Please say a word to your listeners for 10 seconds after asking them to love Korea Dulle-gil a lot.

◇Lee Gwan-pyo: Everything will be solved when you enter the Korea Dulegil. In particular, there is a green light for mental and physical health, and I think Korea Dulle-gil is a general hospital, and your two legs are doctors, so there are fewer and fewer hospital visits in the future. Please walk a lot. When you walk, your thoughts become positive. And you can continue to live a healthy life.

◆Park Gui Bin: Yes, thank you. Until now, Lee Kwan-pyo was an honorary professor at Semyung University, a guard of Korea Dulegil. Thank you.

◇Lee Gwan-pyo: Thank you. Yes. Have a nice day.

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