Suncheon Teenage Girl 'Don't Ask Me Murder'...Will the criminal's identity be revealed?

2024.09.30 오후 01:42
■ Proceedings: Anchor Jung Ji-woong
■ Telephone connection: Yeom Gun-woong, professor of police fire administration at Yuwon University

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Ask a professional about a hot issue. It's an issue call. A so-called "Don't Ask Murder" incident occurred in Suncheon, Jeollanam-do early on the 26th. A teenage woman went to buy her father's medicine with her friend and got a cataclysm while returning home alone. Recently, it has been reported that he passed the GED and prepared for a police official, and the visit of remembrance continues as you can see. The culprit is a man in his 30s who ran a restaurant nearby.I didn't know the victim at all. Thirteen minutes after the incident, CCTV caught him wearing black and walking barefoot. On the screen you can see, your face is covered, but you can also see the corners of your mouth raised as you turn your head.

Afterwards, a dispute with a passerby on the street while drunk, the police officer who was dispatched after receiving a report recognized the offender and arrested him at the scene. Police are weighing the possibility that the perpetrator man was on business for two months and committed the crime in anger while arguing with his ex-girlfriend. And this afternoon, the Personal Information Disclosure Committee will decide whether to disclose the name and face of the offender. Let's take a look at this case with Yeom Gun-woong, a professor of police fire administration at Yuwon University.Professor
is here, right?

[Yum Gunwoong]

In the case of the suspect now, he said he did not remember because he was drunk, but when he looked at the evidence, he said he did not deny the crime. I think it will be difficult to know the specific motive of the crime. What do you think?

[Yum Geon-woong]
For now, the suspect Park has admitted the crime. And since the motive of the crime according to the criminal's statement was that he attacked and killed an unknown woman in her 20s under the influence of alcohol, the police also judge the motive for the crime so far as a crime without question. However, since the possibility of a crime caused by mental illness cannot be ruled out, related tests must also be conducted, and now hospital records must be secured and drug or drug tests must be conducted. However, it should be noted that the suspect Park admitted to the crime, but said he did not know the victim and did not remember the crime because he was drunk. Are you denying the crime? When I asked him at the time of his court appearance, he said, "I don't deny the crime because all the evidence came out." In the end, it can be said that the suspect Park knew that he could not deny the crime because the police secured solid physical evidence such as murder tools, CCTV video records, and witness statements, and planned to claim that it was accidental and weak because he was intoxicated.

We have to wait and see the results of the investigation now, but we committed the crime while intoxicated, so could this be recognized as a mental and physical weakness in the future?

[Yum Gunwoong]
First of all, the criminal law stipulates that in the case of mental and physical loss or mental weakness, the act may not be punished or the sentence may be reduced. So this includes when you're drunk to the point where you don't have the ability to distinguish things or make decisions at all. A representative case was the Cho Doo-soon case in 2008. At that time, it was an opportunity for public opinion to be infested by the reflection of the alcohol consumption reduction. According to the recent analysis of major rulings over the past two years, there has never been a case in which mental and physical weakness was recognized or a case in which mental weakness was recognized for murder. In other words, it should be recognized that there is no or weak ability to discriminate against objects or make decisions, but if you look at the recent crimes in the murder case, almost all of them have the ability to discriminate against objects and have the ability to make decisions, the court did not recognize them as intoxicated or as weak in mind and body. So recently, we think that ordinary people commute crimes after getting drunk, but the court's judgment has become very strict recently. Therefore, considering that the weapon was prepared in advance for this case and that he ran away after the crime, it will be difficult to receive recognition of the mental and physical weakness because there is a situation of a planned crime.

The Personal Information Disclosure Committee is scheduled for this afternoon. How likely do you see your face and name being released?

[Yum Geon-woong]
It looks like the new information will be released now. Considering the current cruelty, seriousness, and criminal damage, it seems that personal information will be sufficiently disclosed when looking at past cases. Now, there is a situation of a planned crime, and the clear evidence is that he prepared a weapon and ran away after the crime. In addition, Park chased about 800m while chasing victim A, but the distance gradually narrowed and rushed in in an instant. So Ms. A collapsed and struggled, but Mr. Park did not stop attacking.

Also, if it's an accidental crime here, the criminal must be traumatized after wielding a weapon and stop the attack, but he continued the attack more brutally after attacking and overpowering the victim. Also, when a citizen approaches after hearing A's scream, Park runs across the parking lot. So Park, dressed in black, walked barefoot through the alley. At that time, he turned his head to the side and smiled slightly as he raised the corners of his mouth. In fact, he doesn't seem to have any guilt or regret at all. I think it can be seen as a typical psychopathic criminal. In particular, there was a point where we lowered our posture and stabbed ourselves when we stabbed them for reasons that were not accidental crimes or mental and physical weaknesses.

Also, if the crime was more brutal after the success of the attack, and if it was a mental and physical weakness that could not be remembered by drinking, it does not discriminate between women and men. Therefore, the fact that he committed crimes against women should have been committed regardless of gender can be seen as choosing an easy-to-overpower opponent and was discriminating. In the past, Ahn In-deuk, an arson murder case in Jinju apartment, was sentenced to life imprisonment, and he also targeted men and women to attack. At this time, he also targeted men and women and attacked them. There is a possibility that these cases will be reflected in the investigation situation. It should also be said that the fact that an adult man approached after the scream was also judgmental.

In the past, in the case of the Sillim Station Don't Ask, Joseon, which caused four casualties, was sentenced to life imprisonment. Can we look at a similar level of sentence?

[Yum Gunwoong]
First of all, the difference from the Joseon case is that one person was killed and three were injured in the Joseon case. And it's an incident of wielding a weapon in public. The difference is that the damage was larger than this incident. However, in the case of Joseon at the time, all charges were admitted, and the prosecution asked for the death penalty because the physical evidence was clear. So, although this case is one victim, given the current Supreme Court sentencing standards, it is likely to be a murder with motive for criticism. Then, basically, 15 to 20 years in prison will come out, and if it is aggravated, it is possible to serve life in prison for more than 18 years. However, it seems that the judiciary can judge the specificity and rigor of the crime at the end of the investigation by the police and prosecution, and that it can only be punished severely if it fully identifies the brutality, plan, and lack of empathy for the victim.

I think this "don't ask" incident comes out when you forget it. I hope that not only strict punishment but also preventive measures will be prepared. Let's stop here. I was with Yeom Gun-woong, a professor of police fire administration at Yuwon University. Thank you.

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