
"Is a civil servant fined for refusing to measure drinking?" Prosecutors, appeal."

2024.09.26 PM 04:04
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After a controversial sixth-grade civil servant was fined for being promoted to a fifth-grade officer after being arrested on charges of refusing to measure alcohol consumption, the Namwon City Government Employees' Union in Jeollabuk-do urged the prosecution to appeal.

Jin Hyun-chae, head of the Namwon-si branch of the civil service union, submitted a statement to the Namwon branch of the Jeonju District Prosecutors' Office, which indicted the officer A, saying, "The government officials were sentenced to a sentence close to the lower limit of the recommended sentence, even though stricter and fairer standards were needed.""Even now, the appointment authority is openly protecting the officer A without disciplinary procedures," said

Jin, head of the branch.

Officer A was arrested and indicted without detention for refusing the police's request for a sobriety test while he was asleep on the side of the highway in May, and asked the court for leniency, saying he admitted his mistake.

However, when the prosecution demanded a year and a half in prison, officer A suddenly changed his attitude, saying, "The police made an illegal arrest," and was eventually fined 15 million won.

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