
"Starlight Pours Out" Just 10 Days, Autumn Night On The Han River Becomes Special

2024.09.30 AM 10:59
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"Starlight Pours Out" Just 10 Days, Autumn Night On The Han River Becomes Special
YTN Radio (FM 94.5) [YTN News FM Wise Radio Life]

□ Broadcast date and time: September 30, 2024 (Mon)
□ Host: Announcer Park Gui-bin
□ Castor: Lee Kwan-ho, Seoul Metropolitan City Landscape Officer

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.
◆ Announcer Park Gui-bin (hereinafter referred to as Park Gui-bin): Life white paper, today we will go to Seoul. These days, Seoul's nights are full of colorful and diverse attractions such as 'Seoul Moon' and 'Dronelight Show'. Starting this Friday, the "Seoul Light Hangang Light Island Festival" will be held to decorate Seoul nights more splendidly with various lights. For more information, let's call Lee Kwan-ho, manager of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Department, how are you?

◇ Lee Kwan-ho, Urban Landscape Officer, Seoul (hereinafter referred to as Lee Kwan-ho): Yes, hello.

◆Park Gui-bin: I heard that you were loved by so many citizens last year. Seoul Light Han River Light Island Festival. It's being held this year as well. Can you briefly introduce the festival?

◇Lee Kwan-ho: Yes, it was held for the first time in the Banpo Hangang Park area of Seorae Island last year, and more than 100,000 people visited us in 10 days, providing special experiences and enjoyment to many citizens. This year's "Seoul Light Hangang Light Island Festival" is a light media art festival that displays world-class waterfront media art that combines nature, art, and high-tech technology against the backdrop of the Han River and has a variety of fantastic experiences at the Han River Park. This year, starting with the opening ceremony on Friday, October 4th at Yeouido Hangang Park, the theme of "Next Wave, New Light" will be held for 10 days from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on Sunday, the Light Island Festival consists of three programs: laser art exhibition, "Light Run" running along the Han River, and "Light Island Lecture," an expert lecture.

◆Park Gui-bin: It was held for the first time last year, and the response was very good, so please introduce the points to watch and the exhibition works that will be held for 10 days this year.

◇ Lee Kwan-ho: Yes, this 'Han River Light Island Festival' will feature laser art by media artists who are drawing attention at home and abroad throughout Yeouido Hangang Park, consisting of three main works and three sub works. The main works are "Han River Resonance", "Maze Dream", and "Beyond Wave", and the sub works combine existing facilities of the Han River Highlands with laser art lighting to create fantastic visual effects. In particular, the first main work, "Han River Resonance", is a large-scale laser work installed on the surface of the Han River in Yeouido. We plan to deliver resonant light to citizens by creating various visual effects on the sky and water surface using light reflection. The second main work, "Maze Dream," is a maze of large LEDs so that citizens can walk and watch in the work, allowing them to experience art more vividly and closely by experiencing a unique and overwhelming experience of space. The third main work, Beyond Wave, is an audience-participating work that can watch performance-type performances in the form of a dome depicting the movement of the sea. And next Friday and Saturday, October 11th and 12th, there will be outdoor lectures and indie band performances where exhibition artists and experts introduce light media art works and new technologies.

◆Park Gui-bin: And the application for "Light Run," which received a lot of attention from citizens last year, has already been closed? I guess you're running?

◇ Lee Kwan-ho: Yes, that's right, as soon as we started recruiting, the application for 3,000 participants was completed, and the citizens were very interested. In particular, "Light Run" is a donation run in which part of the participation fee is delivered to blind children, and you will run a 5km course at Yeouido Hangang Park with a light stick. Citizens will produce a huge moving media art band and complete another work, so please show a lot of support and interest. And please visit the Light Island Festival website for various other events and detailed exhibition performances.

◆Park Gui-bin: If there's anything you want to say to the citizens,

◇Lee Kwan-ho: Yes, the 'Seoul Light Hangang Light Island Festival' is a new concept of night light media art festival that has not been seen until now that combines media art and light. I hope many citizens will come and enjoy the charming Seoul night where the Han River shines beautifully. The Seoul Metropolitan Government will make it a representative civic art festival in Seoul using "light" and "laser" by changing places every year on the three islands, Nando Island, Yeouido, and Seonyudo Island.

◆Park Gui-bin: I was Lee Kwan-ho, the city landscape officer of Seoul. Thank you.

◇Lee Kuan-ho: Yes, thank you.