
Korea Consumer Agency initiates group coordination of travel products related to the Timef crisis

2024.09.30 PM 05:25
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The Consumer Dispute Mediation Committee of the Korea Consumer Agency said it has decided to initiate a collective dispute settlement process for travel-related products caused by the Timon and Wemakeff incidents.

This afternoon, the committee decided to listen to the opinions of about 10 victims and travel agency officials at the Korea Consumer Agency's Seoul and Gangwon support and proceed with the mediation process.

The committee determined that the total number of applicants for collective mediation was 9,4 and that it met all the legal conditions necessary to initiate the collective dispute mediation process.

As the start of collective adjustment has been decided, the committee will announce the start of the process through the Consumer Agency website and newspaper publication by the 15th of next month (October).

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