
[Gyeonggi] Gyeonggi-do-Utah State, USA Sign 'Execution Plan' for Sisterhood...Raising the level of cooperation

2024.09.30 PM 05:27
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Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Dong-yeon and U.S. Utah Governor Spencer James Cox signed an Action Plan at Hwaseong Haenggung Yoo Yeo-taek in Suwon to strengthen mutual cooperation in trade and economy, culture and arts and sports, education and people-to-people exchanges.

Since its sisterhood in 1983, Gyeonggi Province and Utah have steadily strengthened mutual cooperation by signing several agreements to promote economic cooperation, and this "executive plan" has raised the level of cooperation to a higher level.

"With the action plan, mutual cooperation goes one step further," Governor Kim Dong-yeon said. "We will be able to create new opportunities for economic growth in both regions through common commitment to innovation in major industries such as advanced manufacturing, life sciences, aerospace, and IT."

Gov. Spencer Cox said, "I hope that when future generations look back at us, we can remember that we chose to be stronger together and that we had the humility to learn from each other. I am so proud of the sisterhood relationship with Gyeonggi-do Province."

After signing the action plan, Governor Kim Dong-yeon and the U.S. delegation from Utah looked around Bong-dang, where Jeongjo gave his mother Hyegyeonggung Hong's 60th birthday party.

The delegation from Gyeonggi-do Province and Utah (29 people, including the governor's couple, Utah House and Senate members, Utah's head of economic opportunity, and businessmen) then moved to a nearby Dodam for interviews and luncheon.

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