
Last year, the application for non-commissioned officers in the Army was low...We can only fill 45.8%.

2024.09.30 PM 05:28
글자 크기 설정 Share
Last year, the application rate for non-commissioned officers was low, and the Army only filled 45.8% of the required personnel.

In addition, the Democratic Party's deputy Seung-chan's office said that after reviewing data submitted by each military, the number of non-commissioned officers needed by the Army last year was 14,000, but only about 6,300 were actually filled.

It said the Army's recruitment rate for noncommissioned officers was less than half, with the Navy at 60.7% and the Marine Corps at 56.3%.

On the other hand, the Air Force had a relatively higher recruitment rate of 89%, compared to other counties.

Representative Bu Seung-chan said the reason seems to be that the application rate for non-commissioned officers in the military has more than halved from 48,400 to 26,600 over the past five years, and stressed the urgent need for a fundamental change in military force policy.

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