
Pollack's mouth that drew attention...Presidential Office "I don't have any friends".

2024.10.09 AM 10:55
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■ Host: Lee Se-na, anchor Baek Jong-gyu, anchor
■ Starring: Bae Jong-ho, professor of Se University, Kim Ki-heung, former deputy spokesperson of the president's office

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information. Please specify [YTN Newswide] when quoting.

Every word and every word of Myung Tae-kyun is making a big impact on the political world. Myung even went to an off-the-shelf public opinion contest to expose allegations of Kim Gun-hee's involvement in the nomination, and the president's office officially denied it. Let's take a look at related issues with Professor Bae Jong-ho of Se University and Kim Ki-heung, a deputy spokesman for the former president's office.

The president's office has made its first position regarding Myung Tae-kyun, a key figure in the suspicion of Kim Gun-hee's intervention in the nomination. They met twice at home, but they were brought in by high-ranking officials and politicians. They say they are not close to the president, but let's hear from both of them. How did you like it?

[Kim Gi-heung]
I ran in the election and during the presidential election, I saw a lot about the evidence, but it's not what I saw. However, I've never seen the candidate and this person directly at the time. However, if you look at the presidential election, many people say they help, so you can call them so-called them to get help, and then the relationship broke down, but there is something like that during the election.

You can't make it absolutely. So if you look at what he's said so far, he's so-called Big Mouse. He said he did everything, but among what he did, I can object to a very specific part of the field, and he played a big role in unifying with Ahn Cheol Soo candidates.

Many people said at the time, but if we should unify or not, then the candidate and the candidate at the time of the Yoon Suk Yeol should make a decision, and it was Representative Jang Je-won who played an important role behind the scenes at that time. When we were taking a break in the office after the last broadcast debate, I got a call in a hurry and talked to Representative Jang Je-won and Yoon Suk Yeol candidate at the time.

We moved toward Nonhyeon-dong and Gangnam and unified it at dawn. At that time, the master of pollack bacteria was not mentioned. In the end, it is meaningful when you play such a role in an important point and in an important situation. For example, he suggested Choi Jae-hyung, the head of the Board of Audit and Inspection, as the prime minister, didn't that happen at all? In the end, some of what he's saying may be correct. However, most of them seem to be thinking that the world is turning to the center of themselves too much.

[Bae Jong Ho]
I have a special relationship with President Yoon Suk Yeol, First Lady Kim Gun-hee, and Myung Tae-kyun. In particular, there are various circumstances and cases in which we have no choice but to think that Myung Tae-kyun is in a special relationship with Mrs. Kim Gun-hee. The first case is that it appeared at every political moment, but didn't Myung Tae-kyun attend at the time of unifying the candidates? President Yoon Suk Yeol and Ahn Cheol Soo are unified. Then, if Myung Tae-kyun has nothing to do with President Yoon Suk Yeol, how can he attend such an important presidential election?

However, one thing is whether it would be convincing for Cheong Wa Dae to explain that it has no close relationship. Second, Myung Tae-kyun meets with representative Lee Jun-seok before President Yoon Suk Yeol joins the people's power. At home, too. But I was present there. This is also a very important event in the presidential election. But if you're not close to someone, would you be able to attend the meeting? And thirdly, Myung Tae-kyun set up a research institute and conducted dozens of polls around the presidential election, and even then, he conducted a poll that showed very favorable results for President Yoon Suk Yeol.
But is it irrelevant?

And crucially, aren't you sending a Telegram message about the nomination of former lawmaker Kim Young-sun for the by-election and the demand for the nomination in the general election in April? Looking at this alone, Yongsan's explanation that he has a specific close relationship with First Lady Kim Gun-hee, but he is not close at all is too convincing. The part I don't understand the most is that when it comes to the president of Yoon Suk Yeol, anger is the character. But why wouldn't he be furious? The presidential office in Yongsan is responding very meekly. Since it is not processed immediately, I think the people will have such questions as whether there is something weak.

You even told me about the presidential office's reaction. It seems that the president's office is not credible, it is not worth responding to, and then suddenly changed its attitude and started to defend itself. However, there is no explanation for the communication between Mrs. Kim and Mr. Myung. Myung Tae-kyun is in a position that he has talked on the phone and exchanged text messages even after taking office as president, so what do you think about this?

[Kim Gi-heung]
He claims to have played a role in the election, but if you look at the part about the contents of the two telecasts, Kim Gun-hee and Myung Tae-kyun, he telephoned six times. But Mrs. Kim Gun-hee answers once. But what's that about? When we talk about nomination management, it's basically a primary. And you have to persuade other candidates. So I actually turned it down. So, when News Tomato raised a question about this at first, it was that they moved to Gimhae and seemed like they were going to help you with something, but looking at the contents on the phone, that's not it, right? You have to admit that this is a false report. The other thing is, who watched the contents of the television first? Isn't Lee Joon-seok a lawmaker now? Even though Rep. Lee Joon-seok said that it was not complete and Kim Young-sun asked for it, and Kim Gun-hee said it was rejected, in a way, the part that raised the issue at first was wrong, so what is the problem with now? Why did you contact this person, in that regard, I am.

I ran in the general election, but I may not be able to respond one by one when you talk to me about the person who helped me even though I ran in the election. But you can't do it at all when you think that he has a problem. From that point of view, we need to see what kind of actions you have actively done, but that part is not coming out. What kind of person is Myung Taekyun? It's hard for me to conclude that this person has a problem with this part. Because if you're a political consultant or a so-called broker, it's related to a lot of people. If you look at it, he is also close to Rep. Lee Joon-seok. Former representative Kim Jong-in, Oh Se-hoon, Kim Hong Joon Pyo, Kim Yoo Seung Min, and Rep. Kim Ahn Cheol Soo, so I think it's true that he has a lot of relationships with politicians.

However, in the case of Myung Tae-kyun, the world turns upside down when I open my mouth. Not one in twenty came out. If I am arrested, the regime will not be safe. I've been making bombshell comments like this. What do you think this intention is?

[Bae Jong Ho]
In short, he's threatening the president and First Lady Kim Gun-hee. Isn't the prosecution investigating Myung Tae-kyun who threatened him? The reason why the prosecution's investigation is ongoing is that former lawmaker Kim Young-sun nominated him during the by-election. So the nomination was successful, right? And a member of the National Assembly was elected. And in return, aren't there any circumstances that you continue to receive money? It's concrete evidence beyond the circumstances. Then, it came out as evidence that this money came and went.

Then the prosecution only needs to prove that this is the price of nomination. Another suspicion now is that polling costs a lot of money. But isn't it that the last presidential election cost more than 300 million won in opinion polls? So, this is a huge incident now because there are suspicions that former lawmaker Kim Young-sun was nominated for a by-election and elected again, and that the cost of the poll has been transferred to this.

Isn't that why they are threatening First Lady Kim Gun-hee and President Yoon Suk Yeol with this? I have no choice but to make a reasonable doubt like this. What's unfortunate is that many people are talking about your personality.There is such an evaluation that Ma is a political broker. But how can such a person make threats against the president now? Then what word are you using now?

I'm talking about the president's resignation and impeachment of the president. Then, how many enormous weaknesses can the president or First Lady Kim Gun-hee say this because they have been caught? So, it is expected that the Democratic Party will probably demand another special prosecutor on this part.

People's Power also say that Myung is engaged in a bit of a brinkmanship tactic that raises any suspicions about President Yoon and his wife to avoid arrest. In fact, it seems that Myung Tae-kyun tends to hit and fall while looking at the opponent's reaction that his remarks were aimed at.

[Kim Gi-heung]
After interviewing the media, I took this out because there was a wave. I said it just as a joke, but I said it like that. But in fact, if people have a lot of information they have and they are confident, they don't do that emotionally or respond in this way. This person is now being investigated by the prosecution on charges of violating the Political Fund Act. In any case, the Gyeongnam Election Commission asked the prosecution to investigate last year because there was a suspicious money transaction situation. That's why you'll be pressured during such a prosecution investigation. In that respect, there is something that he wants to avoid prosecution investigation by doing such things as his relationship with the president.

In fact, I don't think the presidential office of the president's office will do that about this. As mentioned now during the presidential election, as you said, you're talking about polls, and when you do polls, for example, this person conducted about 50 polls on Blood Day through Money Today. It's all on the NEC now. And at that time, a lot of media quoted it and reported it. Then it wasn't done for individual candidates for Yoon Suk Yeol. And about that, I reported on the polls, I didn't. That's the argument. If that's the most problematic, for example, if a Yoon Suk Yeol candidate or a Yoon Suk Yeol camp asked him to do a poll and he didn't pay for it, it would be a problem. This poll is not for individuals, but more than 50 out of 80 polls have been published and cited in the media. If so, I think it is not logical to relate the entire cost of that to candidate Yoon Suk Yeol and president Yoon Suk Yeol.

[Bae Jong Ho]
I have to argue against it. The poll itself says there is no problem, but there are two polls. Problematic polls, and no problem polls. But now this poll has a lot of suspicions. The first is that the poll conducted by Myung Tae-kyun showed a very favorable result for the presidential candidate at the time of Yoon Suk Yeol. If so, there is such a suspicion that there is a possibility that the so-called massage may have produced favorable results during the so-called polling process. There is one part that needs to be investigated. This is because there is a suspicion that he actually influenced the political world through this method and received money like Representative Kim Young-sun. And the second thing is, if you do a poll, it will cost you money. As I said earlier, it cost a huge amount of money over 300 million won during the presidential election process, and then where did this cost come from? So these two parts. First, I would like to emphasize that the prosecution should thoroughly investigate whether the poll was conducted fairly and whether the cost was raised at a fair cost, especially because this part is suspected as a political broker.

[Kim Gi-heung]
To give you a short 20 seconds, first of all, when I was talking about the relationship between Rep. Lee Joon-seok and Myung Tae-kyun in relation to the poll, it was true that the poll that many people could pay attention to was a poll commissioned by Myung Tae-kyun. That's why polls received a lot of media attention through PNR. But if you asked for a poll and did it together in PNR, then if this poll is a problem, the PNR side will have no choice but to raise suspicions about it. If so, we have to investigate that part as well. As I said earlier, I did not do Yoon Suk Yeol individually to promote my organization to the media, and then to increase such credibility, I did several candidates together. I did it in a relationship with CEO Lee Jae-myung. If so, there is no reason for the Yoon Suk Yeol candidate to give the cost. So it's a different relationship.

Speaking of Rep. Lee Joon-seok, I will point it out. Rep. Lee Joon-seok introduced Myung to President Yoon and his wife when he was the leader of the ruling party in the past, and there were reports like this, but didn't Lee release a text message with Myung? By the way, Rep. Lee Joon-seok's claim is not the party he introduced, right?

[Bae Jong Ho]
The presidential office in Yongsan and representative Lee Joon-seok have different words. The presidential office in Yongsan said, "Rep. Lee Joon-seok introduced Myung Tae-kyun to me," and "No, I met him because he was contacted by former representative Lee Joon-seok." with the president I'm making the argument like this, but I don't think both sides are right. What that means is that in the case of Myung Tae-kyun, President Yoon Suk Yeol seems to have a very deep relationship at the time, and in the case of former CEO Lee Joon-seok, there seems to be a longer relationship. But what former CEO Lee Joon-seok is aiming at about this is that the presidential chief of staff in Yongsan is actually making this argument. At the same time, it is a situation where further disclosures are being announced.

So regarding this, who will be the winner in the future? In my opinion, both sides are likely to be losers, but I think the more the problem spreads, the more likely the suspicions related to Myung Tae-kyun will be found to be more unfavorable to President Yoon Suk Yeol and First Lady Kim Gun-hee.

Pandora's Boxes Open, but there are a lot of titles like this. The names of political figures are being discussed every day, so can Pandora's box actually be opened like this?

[Kim Gi-heung]
I'm persistent in the Democratic Party of Korea because Kim Gun-hee is said to be a weak link. When I left my company and joined the camp in June 2021, the X-file came out then. Isn't the content of the X-file the first lady Kim Gun-hee is Julie among her suspicions? In that regard, the Democratic opposition party, then the ruling party. I constantly raised questions. In a way, I think it played a very important role in creating a bad image of the current First Lady Kim Gun-hee.

But people know that Mrs. Kim Gun-hee is not Julie. We are not raising any more issues. So, there is something that we want to reduce the power of the current state administration by continuing to lay over various suspicions. If it's Pandora's Box, I can do it in detail with specific facts, and many people know it now.

How this guy has been meeting major politicians in politics. If so, doesn't this person's argument play a big role? But the other person didn't play that role. In the end, I think he can play a part in the presidential election process, but the essence of the problem is what role he played in the public situation after the regime was eventually changed. So you can raise questions about any personal encounter with him morally, but what role he played beyond that is different. Let me tell you one thing. For example, Myung Tae-kyun, former lawmaker Kim Young-sun, and the president didn't know former lawmaker Kim Young-sun, but he got to know her through Myung Tae-kyun and influenced the nomination to some extent, that's not it.

Former lawmaker Kim Young-sun knows this from the beginning. I've known him since college. There were false reports in the media at that time, and lawmaker Kim Young-sun declared her candidacy in 2017. He said he would run for governor of Gyeongsangnam-do in 2018. And they will run in the general election in 2020. This is a person in Goyang City who has been constantly trying to run for the area, not suddenly being nominated for that position.

Let me ask you one more question. Various suspicions surrounding First Lady Kim Gun-hee are becoming a mountain that must be overcome from the power of the people, so what is the atmosphere within the party about these suspicions now?

[Kim Gi-heung]
In fact, there is a special prosecutor. Unlike the independent counsel, First Lady Kim Gun-hee needs to take a position on these issues. You have to apologize. And there is an opinion that it is necessary to refrain from doing something after that. CEO Han Dong-hoon was two days ago. I had a private meeting with the chairmen of the outside party cooperation committee. At that time, CEO Han Dong-hoon said that it was time to act. So, from his point of view, he said that he should convey a clear message from the president and the president's office regarding Kim Gun-hee, which many people are concerned about, but on the other hand, what he said was that he should handle it carefully. Also, the opposition party keeps thinking that it can accept special prosecutors on this part because four votes were lost in the re-decision last time, but Chairman Han Dong-hoon made it clear that he was not willing to receive a special prosecutor in the Democratic Party style on the spot.

Professor Bae, the Democratic Party of Korea is pushing for a permanent special prosecution on the suspicion of Kim Gun-hee. Among the eight suspicions contained in the special prosecutor's bill, the special prosecutor's office should investigate suspicions of customs drug investigations and stock price manipulation of the Sambu Construction, but this can't be vetoed by the president, right?

[Bae Jong Ho]
As you said, the Permanent Special Prosecutor Act cannot be vetoed by the President of Yoon Suk Yeol because the relevant laws have already been enacted. These two cases you mentioned now also seem to be very difficult to defend in the ruling camp because there is such suspicion that Kim Gun-hee is behind it. In the case of the Democratic Party of Korea, the suspicion revealed in the parliamentary audit will be dealt with by the individual special prosecution law as suspected, and the two suspicions mentioned will be carried out by the permanent special prosecution. The problem now is that the president cannot exercise his veto power in the case of a permanent special prosecution. And there are seven members of the independent counsel's candidate recommendation committee, and three plus four ex officio members are ruling and opposition parties, except for the ruling party in the case of the Democratic Party. The reason why we should exclude it is because it is a suspicion related to the president himself and his spouse. So this bill is 100% passed by the National Assembly. Because the majority of the members need to approve of the attendance. There are 172 Democrats right now. Therefore, if the special prosecutor is in operation, it seems inevitable to hit President Yoon Suk Yeol and First Lady Kim Gun-hee. As I said before, CEO Han Dong-hoon and his close friends are even talking about prosecuting Kim Gun-hee. And I'm already out of town.

So, 20 active lawmakers and 90 chairmen of the outside party cooperation committee met. So what will you do in the future? Last time, the Kim Gun-hee Special Prosecutor Act was finally re-decided and rejected, but four people left. If you look at this trend, I think if there are 4 more people added in the future, this will pass. That will make it very difficult for the president of Yoon Suk Yeol. So, before that, some people say that a decision related to First Lady Kim Gun-hee should be made, and I think the main point of the upcoming political situation is whether President Yoon Suk Yeol and First Lady Kim Gun-hee will make an apology or make a more convincing choice to the people than an apology.

From a permanent special prosecutor to an individual special prosecutor bill. The so-called split special prosecutor. The presidential office criticizes Lee Jae-myung as a trick for BTS. What do you think of this Democratic offensive?

[Kim Gi-heung]
First of all, we are conducting a special investigation to split the three suspicions mentioned now into a permanent special prosecutor, which is very simple if you look at it. Looking at it, didn't you start with the suspicion of the life lobby of division commander Lim Sung-geun? The part mentioned by a person named Lee Jong-ho and the part mentioned by Lee Jong-ho, Mrs. Kim Gun-hee, are taking issue because she did something. However, it was Rep. Jang Kyung-tae of the Democratic Party who actively reported on this issue. I went to the congressman's office and talked to him. Since this report is a little problematic, it's a little hard to trust the informant who first reported about it, so I need to cross-check it. I know what aide Jang Kyung-tae says, and there's a recording of it. In the end, this is going to be a hero-making line that can't hide the truth, in the Democratic Party. We'll only hear what you want to hear from this side. This is the Democratic Party over here. Also, the next recording is that if the focus eventually goes to Lee Jong-ho and Kim Gun-hee, the rest of the sides are not interested.

And Rep. Jang Kyung-tae also has no confidence in the lawyer who raised the issue. They say that they're playing the media. And there's also talk about Sambu. If you look there, the group chat is a nice Marine group chat room. What's that meeting? It's a gathering to play golf. Let's talk about various things there and check the three parts. That's what I said. I checked the three parts, and this three parts were controlled by the three parts, and the stock price was manipulated. However, when they play golf, their argument starts at 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., but in the end, with one word, Lee Jong-ho, and after Lee Jong-ho, Kim Geon-hee, no matter what. So this is actually the case.

If you listen to the lie repeatedly and keep listening to it, it's annoying and you don't want to be mentioned anymore. So, if the opposition party has a variety of suspicions, shouldn't Kim Geon-hee be in the middle or those in our side and conservatives refrain from doing this? That's what I think about if something doesn't come out. So, if you do something wrong explicitly, you should be punished, but the level of suspicion now is not when, where, or what you did, and if you are caught, you are throwing everything. After all, I have two offices in the Democratic Party right now. There is a law firm office for Lee Jae-myung. Another thing seems to be the special prosecutor's office.

What stands out most is that the ruling party has not been able to recommend a permanent special prosecutor, but you said earlier that only Democratic Party lawmakers can handle it alone. Wouldn't the Democratic Party also feel political burdens or headwinds in this situation where the ruling and opposition parties are not premised?

[Bae Jong Ho]
The Democratic Party has no political burden at all. Because it's carrying public opinion on its back. Now, more than 60% of the public say to deal with the Chae Sang-byung Special Prosecutor Act. More than 60% of the public also want to deal with the Kim Gun-hee independent counsel law. By the way, how is the president of Yoon Suk Yeol doing now? I have 24 vetoes now. You are the next president to President Syngman Rhee who exercises such veto power, so what's going on? As public fatigue and anger increase, President Yoon Suk Yeol's approval rating is now at its lowest level since its inauguration. This decisive cause is that the people are angry because of the risks related to Mrs. Kim Gun-hee. That's why the Democratic Party keeps hitting this part, and there's nothing to lose. Why? Because the people think that we should do this. But earlier, our spokesman said that this is the office of Lee Jae-myung, the representative of the Democratic Party of Korea, so would he think like this? Or do you think that the prosecution is now acting as a spokesperson for First Lady Kim Gun-hee? I would like to say that these are all the points that tell us about the approval rating for President Yoon Suk Yeol, the approval rating for the ruling party, and the public's approval rating for the independent counsel.

I see. I have a lot of questions to ask, but due to the time constraints, I'll wrap it up here. So far, we have reviewed the issues with Professor Bae Jong-ho of Se University and Kim Ki-heung, a deputy spokesman for the former president's office.

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