

Hive is cleared of workplace harassment and untreated industrial property...Maintaining certification of top companies

2024.12.30 PM 05:55
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Hive is cleared of workplace harassment and untreated industrial property...Maintaining certification of top companies
Photo = Hive
Entertainment agency Hive kept the title of "Best Job Companies."

The Ministry of Employment and Labor decided to maintain Hive's job certification at a review committee held on the 27th.

The judging committee explained that it considered the situation in which Hive was acquitted in connection with allegations of workplace harassment and untreated industrial accidents against the group Newzins Hani.

It also took into account the fact that objective circumstances were not recognized for suspicions about power abuse against partner companies.

Earlier in October, Hani attended a parliamentary audit and raised suspicions of bullying in the workplace, saying she was told to "ignore" by a manager in Hive. In addition, allegations of concealing overwork in Hive were also raised during this parliamentary audit.

Complaints were filed to get to the bottom of the allegations, but the Ministry of Employment and Labor determined that both cases were not suspected.

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