〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕급격히 변화하는 수직적 도시와 대비되는 낮고 짜임새 있는 캠퍼스 3

2020.02.13 오후 10:50
●●● 멋진 세상 속 건축디자인_ 난산외국어학교(Shenzhen Nanshan Foreign Language School, NSFL)… 매스의 흐름과 절묘하게 이어진 단면 변화를 통해 이끌어낸 역동적인 학교 시설

This configuration allows an unrestrained linear organization of all teaching spaces without the need to develop the building vertically. The design uses a three-story bar arrangement of staggered classrooms that sweep the site from east to west, chasing every available square inch of sunlight penetrating the surrounding concrete forest. The sinuous motion of classroom ribbons generates a fluid sequence of outdoor spaces tailored to the specific needs of each teaching area. The dynamic, elongated courtyards of the specialized and middle schools turn into enclosed, protective courtyards for the primary school and library, or conversely, open into vast grounds used for physical activities.

The project intentionally breaks with conventional school design – which divides the campus into buildings and functional zones – in favor of a sectional organization of spaces that maximizes access to green space and daylight for each classroom independent of their location. This strategy imposes a perpetual tweaking of the vertical arrangement of spaces, which generates endless sectional variations and creates a highly diverse compendium of spatial conditions for play, recreation, and interaction. The sectional variation spurs a series of spatial configurations that calls for an intelligent response to different environmental conditions. Given Shenzhen’s hot and humid climate, the design introduces a weather protective system formed by hangovers, shading boxes, and corrugated aluminum panels, based on a rigorous year-round solar radiance study.

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