〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 역사문화도시에 새로운 활력을 불어넣는 서점, 두장옌 중수거

2021.07.02 오전 09:55
● 멋진 세상 속 건축디자인 읽기_ 쓰촨성의 두장옌 중수거(Dujiangyan Zhongshuge), 대나무 숲과 호수의 자연 생태와 조화를 이루는 서점 공간에서 느림의 시간을 엿보다
Surprise encounters with Fairyland, The endless bamboo forest, Greens Trees and Lakes

중국의 디자인스튜디오 엑스플러스리빙이 쓰촨성의 두장옌에 선보인 서점은 흡사 성당을 연상케 하는 책의 공간이다. 중국의 대표적인 인문학자인 위치우이의 말처럼 천년이 넘는 역사를 지닌 도시에 디자이너는 책벌레의 낙원을 구현함으로써 역사적 문화적 도시에 새로운 활력을 불어 넣고 있다.

유리 커튼월을 열면 부드러운 곡면의 공간을 따라 아치와 기둥으로 연속적으로 채워진 책장의 신비로운 광경이 눈앞에 펼쳐진다. 흡사 끝없이 펼쳐진 대나무 숲을 연상케 하듯 책장과 벽으로 둘러싸인 구불구불한 길은 몽환적인 분위기를 자아내기에 충분하다. 1층 공간은 포럼과 독서존, 어린이독서존, 가운데 문학존과 카페가 자리한다. 2층은 원형의 나선형 계단을 통해 이어지며 넓은 발코니와 문학존으로 구성된다. 책을 찾아 헤매듯 구불구불한 동선을 따라 유유자적 거닐다 보면 느린 시간의 여유를 만끽할 수 있다.

서점 중앙에 자리한 문학 구역은 거울 천장을 활용해 공간의 시각적 연속성과 확장감을 한껏 유도한다. 웅장한 두장옌 댐에서 영감을 얻은 책장 벽은 상부로 깊게 펼쳐져 있다. 검은 바닥 타일과 대비되어 놓인 책 테이블은 녹색 나무로 둘러싸여 호수에 한적하게 정박한 보트처럼 보인다. 빼곡하게 들어찬 책장 구조 사이를 걷다보면 시간에 따라 변화하고 아름다운 두장옌 지역의 풍경미학이 공간에 역동적으로 담겨진다.

이렇듯 디자이너는 작은 서점 공간이지만 그 속에서 역사적 맥락에 응축되고 녹아들어 있는 두장옌 지역의 문화를 해석하고 지혜로운 대화를 구현해 내고 있다. 두장옌의 아름다운 자연생태와 공존하고 문학 영역과 조화를 이루는 신비로운 책의 낙원을 대나무 숲과 호수를 통해 절묘하게 꾸며낸 것이다. >>Design_ X+LIVING, Creative Designer: LI XIANG, Project Director: Ren Lijiao, Wu Feng, 자료_X+LIVING, 사진_ Wu Qingshan, 기사 출처_ 데일리 에이앤뉴스_ Daily AN NEWS ‧ ANN TV(ANN NEWS CENTER) 제공
안정원(비비안안 VIVIAN AN) 에이앤뉴스 발행인 겸 대표이사, 한양대학교 실내건축디자인학과 겸임교수, 한양대 IAB자문교수
기사 제공_ 에이앤뉴스그룹(데일리에이앤뉴스_건설경제건축디자인문화예술종합미디어뉴스‧에이앤앤티브이_건축디자인건설미디어뉴스채널 ‧ 에이앤앤북스_건설지‧건설백서‧건설스토리북‧건설엔지니어링북전문출판사) ‧ 에이앤앤아카이브(ANN ARCHIVE)_건축건설문화디자인아카이브

The famous writer Yu Qiuyu once wrote: Its water is infiltrating and extending; its civilization is a kind of spiritual life. The city is called Dujiangyan, located at south west of China.
In the city with over a thousand years of history, the designer has injected new vitality into this historical and cultural city with creating a paradise for bookworms, that is, the Dujiangyan Zhongshuge bookstore.
Push the glass curtain door open, the unique C-shape bookshelves with a natural walnut color will be in front of your eyes. The seemingly irregular sequence builds the intimacy of the space and becomes a highlight in the front hall. The inspiration exactly comes from gray tile with a historical sense. The unique and lively arc shape blazes a new trail and subtly divides the forum area. Walking through under the bookshelf is like walking alongside an outdoor eave, or stepping into a rolling mountain. Open a book, and you will be embraced into the atmosphere instantly. Wandering among the books, it seems that time also slows down with steps moving forward.
Stepping into the reading space, one could perceive the scenery images different from traditional bookstores and the profound cultural heritage. The bookshelves extend from the space to the adjacent columns, and ingeniously catch the readers' curiosity and guide their route.

Walking through the winding way between bookshelf wall, the children’s reading area is suddenly exposed. Random and irregular green bamboo was ‘transformed’ into bookshelves in a creative way. The designer also decorates it with representative element of Sichuan, the lovely panda. The panda illustration hanging on the bookshelves like pandas climbing on high branches, creating the beautiful artistic conception and natural vitality. Looking downward, the colorful cushions are stacked like hills, creating a lovely and dreamy reading atmosphere for children. The cushions can also be separated for many people to use, which also provides comfort for children to sit on the ground and relax.

In the Central Literature District, the designer uses the mirror ceiling to visually expand spatial ductility and create an open and high feeling. The bookshelf wall inspired from the magnificent Dujiangyan dam spreads upward all the way, like a super city wall built with historical culture, which serves as a functional carrier for books. With the effect of black tiles flooring, the book tables seems like boats quietly mooring on the lake. It paddles and floats between the bookshelf wall. Any glimpse at the space will enjoy a visual feast. The changes of the architectural structure in the walking also reflect the dynamic aesthetics of climate changes, whether it’s rainy, windy or foggy. It seems that the beautiful scenery of Dujiangyan is vividly presented in the space. Through the door holes on the bookshelf wall, different functional areas are all under the eyesight, enrich the visual experiences of readers. Take a novel book you love. Come to the comfortable cafe and order a cup of coffee. Quietly embrace the mellow art atmosphere. Whether you stay for an afternoon or just drop by, you can appreciate the unique spiritual core of Zhongshuge, namely, giving all readers a very ornamental space, so as to produce ideological inspiration and create value.

When you go up the stairs, the bookshelves beside you offer a variety of books at accessible distance. Other places where people could not reach are decorated with book pattern film, you can still feel the majestic momentum of the space. By creating end scenery and using the technique of architecture, the designer moves the magnificent spirit of mountains and rivers into the indoor space, presents readers with elegant and powerful artistic landscape, and also expresses the awe to nature.
Here, we see a city. We listen to the dialogue between culture and wisdom, interpret the cultural thoughts condensed under the historical context, experience the ancient feelings with a poetic flavor, and realize the dream picture hidden in mind. Whether it is to use tile technology to depict anctient people's wisdom in the reading area, or display the innocent happiness of encountering the bamboo sea in the children’s reading area, or portray the natural scenery in the literary area, they all aim to present a perfect destination for soul with the harmonious coexistence of ideal livability and natural ecology.

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