[News fighting] Lee Sang-min said, "Kim Dae-nam's recording scandal is regarded as a personal deviation? The president's office should get to the bottom of it."

2024.10.04 오전 09:21
[YTN Radio News Fighting Bae Seunghee]
□ Broadcasting: FM 94.5 (07:15 - 09:00)
□ Broadcast date and time: October 4, 2024 (Fri)
□ Host: Attorney Bae Seung-hee
□ Cast: Lee Sang-min, former lawmaker of the People's Power

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

[YTN Radio <News Fighting, Bae Seunghee]> Please reveal that it's about the interview.
◆ Attorney Bae Seung-hee (hereinafter referred to as Bae Seung-hee): I'm Bae Seung-hee, the news fighting. Friday's second part is a political outlier. Today, we will talk with Lee Sang-min, a former member of the People's Power Party. Hello,

◇ Lee Sang-min, former member of the People's Power (hereinafter, Lee Sang-min): Yes, hello.

◆ Bae Seung-Hee: Yes, I'll ask you a question. The release of the transcript of the former presidential office's senior administrator Kim Dae-nam is causing a stir. It contains circumstantial evidence that former administrator Kim instigated representative Han Dong-hoon to attack during the national convention. How did you hear the controversy over the recording of former administrator Kim Dae-nam?

◇ Lee Sang-min: It's incredible. It's hard to explain how a person who served in the presidential office within the same ruling party, not the other party, can do this to scratch the ruling party leader and attack him through the so-called opposition party's Internet media, which has many subtle relationships. In any case, I think the truth is needed and strict responsibility is needed for the person in charge.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: The close circle raises suspicions behind former administrator Kim Dae-nam, while the pro-Yoon community sees it as Kim's personal deviation. Also, there was a very fierce dispute between Na Kyung-won and Han Dong-hoon during the national convention. How do you think about this, including this? Should I look at it as a personal matter? Or should I consider it as something that happened during the camp?

◇Lee Sang-min: Didn't Kim serve as the chief administrator in the presidential office not long ago? Before that, we were in a camp at the national convention. I don't think this alone should be something that people in the presidential office or around the president should avoid responsibility for. I don't think the presidential office would have been involved, but since there could be such things that could happen, shouldn't the president's office first question the truth about such things? There's no basis for concluding that it's just an individual deviant act, right? I don't think that's a more suspicious part and a wise solution.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: The presidential office said there was no friendship between President Yoon and former administrator Kim Dae-nam. Do you think we need more clarification?

◇ Lee Sang-min: That's right. Because of the question of whether he is close to the president and his wife, it is not possible to conclude that Kim is from some systematic act in the presidential office or that there is a background behind him. First of all, because he was a high-ranking official who worked in the presidential office, and recently, he is in a very high-ranking position as a permanent official of Seoul Guarantee Insurance. In light of this series of processes, I think it is rather common sense to suspect that it is not like that to just look at individual deviations. Therefore, there may be various unsavory parts that may exist, so shouldn't we thoroughly investigate the truth and hold those involved accountable and thoroughly crack down on them to prevent such cases from happening anymore?

◆ Bae Seung-hee: If you ask for responsibility, what kind of responsibility do you ask for?

◇ Lee Sang-min: I don't know. The truth has not yet been revealed, so it's too early for me to tell you to what extent the responsibility is to someone.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: However, former administrator Kim Dae-nam played a key general role in Na Kyung-won's party leadership primary camp. Because of the phone call made at the time, isn't it possible to say that you did it personally because you wanted Na Kyung-won to be elected at the time?

◇ Lee Sang-min: There are many cases of that, so I can't tell you what's wrong with it from a position where I don't know the whole story, but I think we need to thoroughly investigate the truth so that if that happens, we should assume the worst case scenario.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Okay, I got it. CEO Han Dong-hoon keeps talking about him. A floor leadership dinner took place a week after the Yongsan dinner in September. It's customary to encourage people before the parliamentary inspection, but there are interpretations related to this because there is no representative Han Dong-hoon, how did you feel about the dinner between President Yoon and the floor leaders?

◇Lee Sang-min: It's a little strange to anyone. And what's the point of continuing to make the president's office or the party think of these problems as inappropriate from the people when they keep making the background sound come out? And the party makes decisions, and the leadership is made up of such leadership, including the party leader and the floor leader, and since this is about the floor leader, only the floor leader meets. Or only the floor leader meets. The president or the party leader is excluded. What's the reason to do this? Isn't it not desirable for the president to eat and communicate with the party leader at once? However, CEO Han Dong-hoon has already been talking about strange things, and since he excluded representative Han Dong-hoon and had dinner only with the floor leader, standing chairman, or secretaries, wouldn't there be a lot of gossip behind him? I don't think it's very desirable.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: The party leadership met not long ago. Isn't the national inspection going in from today? Isn't it customary for the floor leadership dinner ahead of the parliamentary audit?

◇Lee Sang-min: Is there a separate floor leadership of the party and a separate party leadership? In the party, leaders of various positions, mainly party leaders and floor leaders, perform their duties and make decisions, but why do you not have to do that? There is already an abnormal exchange between President Yoon Suk Yeol and Representative Han Dong-hoon. Wouldn't it be better to raise such rumors more and more?

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Then CEO Han Dong-hoon should have been invited to this dinner. This is how you see it.

◇ Lee Sang-min: I think it's natural.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes, I see. The prosecution has dismissed Kim Gun-hee, who is suspected of receiving luxury bags. The president's office has issued a position that it is clear that there are no charges. Pastor Choi Jae-young also points out that it is an investigation to look after the president, so how do you view the non-prosecution?

◇ Lee Sang-min: It is appropriate for the president's office to not prosecute the case with no charges. I can't confidently say this. Anyway, the reason for non-prosecution is that there is no punishment law, so it is difficult to prosecute criminal punishment, so it is not a good thing to prosecute, is it? I don't know if the President's wife had anything to do with it or not from other ordinary individuals anyway, but it's wrong and I'm very sorry for the people that they exchanged such expensive bags anyway. I don't think the president's office is in a position to confidently say that it is a matter that is clearly innocent and that it won a sports event. On the contrary, it should be done in the presidential office among those who are less concerned, and before we can take some time to do this, we should apologize to the people of the First Lady. Didn't we make progress now after saying that we would do various things in the annex? I think we need to come up with measures quickly for these things as well.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: I think we need an apology at this point.

◇ Lee Sang-min: Apology is the first step. I don't think an apology alone can solve everything, but I don't think there's an apology and it's something that can't be overlooked.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: I apologize, and today there is a re-decision on the Special Prosecutor's Act by Mrs. Kim Gun-hee. Will it affect the re-vote of this special counsel law?

◇ Lee Sang-min: I don't know. I don't think there will be a departure vote for the people's power because of that. The special prosecutor bill submitted to the Democratic Party cannot be passed because it has various legal problems, and it does not make sense to pass it without colliding with the Constitution and enforce it as it is. In a rule of law, even if it is done, it should be done in accordance with the constitutional spirit and fairly in accordance with the constitutional spirit. I don't think we can agree on the legislation being prepared like this. In that sense, I don't think there will be any need to leave. However, regardless of that, isn't it common sense for the president's wife to apologize to the people for 100 luxury goods cases?

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Isn't there a timing to apologize?

◇Lee Sang-min: Wouldn't it be more upsetting for the public to think about the timing like this?

◆ Bae Seung-hee: We have to do it now.

◇Lee Sang-min: We should apologize quickly, not think that the Democratic Party of Korea will keep biting it again. You don't have to deal with the Democratic Party, you don't have to look at the people.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Okay, I got it. Let me ask you about the news of the Democratic Party this time. The prosecution has asked Lee Jae-myung, chairman of the Democratic Party of Korea, to serve three years in prison, the maximum sentence under the perjury teacher sentencing criteria. Of course, representative Lee Jae-myung denied the allegations altogether and strongly criticized the prosecution, irritating the evidence that his father was a coup. How do you rate this prosecution's sentence?

◇Lee Sang-min: If the law permits, the perjury of Representative Lee Jae-myung or the dissemination of false information in the Public Official Election Act is very bad. Wouldn't it be to hide something or to obstruct justice and completely undermine and contaminate the efforts of truth-finding in the courts of justice? In a country where the Republic of Korea is a rule of law and the final human rights and rule of law are protected by the Constitution and by judicial law, is this light? Moreover, if the social leadership and the leader of the opposition party are like that, the nature of the crime is bad and I think it is right to sentence them to the maximum extent allowed by the law to instill social awareness.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: They say that the sentence is the highest and the sentence is the highest.

◇ Lee Sang-min: Yes, that's right.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: There is a first trial sentence for CEO Lee Jae-myung next month. Do you think this has a setback in the presidential race if the first trial sentence actually turns out to be guilty?

◇ Lee Sang-min: There's already a presidential ticket. Was there a person who had that level of flaws and judicial suspicions, representative Lee Jae-myung, and who was also a member of the National Assembly and was being prosecuted, investigated, and tried at that level? It's time for most people to stand back and stay alert. Nevertheless, he is the one who has turned a party into Lee Jae-myung's shrine and mobilized all of them for his shield, so he contaminated and damaged Korean politics too much, but I don't think he is qualified to become a leader who leads the state of Korea the best. I think there are already obstacles or defects in the presidential election. In the end, I think it will be decided by the judgment of the judiciary and the people.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: You're already wrong even if you go to the presidential election just with the old version.

◇Lee Sang-min: Is it just the old version? The fact that he was investigated and prosecuted is that he is so arrogant right now, but if he is a normal person, he cannot even carry his face around if he is a normal citizen.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Nevertheless, the Democratic Party is talking about impeachment and early presidential election. How do you see it?

◇ Lee Sang-min: So, I don't think there is any way out of various judicial suspicions that are tightening up with Lee Jae-myung, so the only way out of it is to bring down President Yoon Suk Yeol and make the presidential election early. I'm just buried in things like this, and I'm not working hard on it. I think the Democratic Party's repeated impeachment or special prosecution, even though it knows that it will not be possible to do so legally, but it is clearly not possible to be dismissed by the Constitutional Court, but is pushing ahead with such things as impeachment or special prosecution for Lee Jae-myung's shield or early presidential election.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes. He said he would also establish a crime of distorting the law against prosecutors this time. These things are

◇ Lee Sang-min: Let's say that congressional prosecutors distort the law. What should we do with lawmakers distorting the law, engaging in political acts outside of common sense and engaging in anti-constitutional acts? Don't you have to kick him out?

◆ Bae Seung-hee: How can I kick him out?

◇ Lee Sang-min: I know. I'm arguing that there should be a constitutional dissolution system even through constitutional amendment. I have already passed the stage of receiving harm from political power with presidential power in the National Assembly. Now, it is necessary to remove politicians who are ineligible, contaminated, and recklessly dirty the Korean National Assembly and ruin politics. First of all, the National Assembly budget system should be introduced, and the judiciary, prosecutors, investigative agencies, and courts should quickly make investigations and trials possible so that such unqualified persons can be expelled quickly.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: If you look at it now, only that lawmaker doesn't have a public recall system, right?

◇ Lee Sang-min: Yes, that's right.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes, we should introduce that again.

◇ Lee Sang-min: Yes, that's right. The national recall system has been introduced for the heads of local governments. Isn't that also not working well? But even such a futile system that doesn't work is not being applied to lawmakers. If it's four years in office, it's guaranteed as it is. In particular, I think the appearances of some lawmakers in the 22nd National Assembly, or the opposition party or the Democratic Party, or the entire political community, should have already been expelled.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: We have a four-year term now. The opposition party has unwavering power, and 10 lawmakers have recently formed an impeachment committee. I'm calling for impeachment, but can I say that this situation is actually like a parliamentary coup?

◇Lee Sang-min: I don't want to just say that it's a parliamentary coup. However, the Democratic Party, which now occupies the absolute majority of seats, and the so-called opposition party have too many seats, so they are busy bragging about their power and wielding them recklessly. It warns that if the ruling party or the opposition party brags about its power, some kind of misfortune will surely come to itself.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes. In this regard, do you see it as the passing of the independent counsel law to deliberately draw the president's demand for reconsideration when it continues to pass the independent counsel law?

◇ Lee Sang-min: I'm sure it's political. As I said earlier, however, the best defense is the best attack. As for the fact that the presidential office, the Yoon Suk Yeol president, and the ruling party, the Democratic Party of Korea, are showing off their power and acting as a festival for such political behavior, I reflect on the fact that it is also the power of President Yoon Suk Yeol and the ruling party, the people. If the president of Yoon Suk Yeol and the power of the people do it properly, where can Lee Jae-myung and his accomplices put their feet on and walk around so brazenly?

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes, but there is a ruling by Lee Jae-myung in November. In this regard. Former Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum, Governor Kim Dong-yeon, and former Governor Kim Kyung-soo are also likely to return home and speak out, so how do you see the gathering of these people?

◇Lee Sang-min: When it comes to a leader, depending on the situation, if it's a difficult situation that won't be like this, it seems very servile to hide or lie down close and then step forward and do something when the situation changes. If you look at the people you've mentioned now, what did the Democratic Party do when it's breaking down like that? In fact, aren't they the ones who acted as co-conspirators and accomplices as chief bystanders? However, it is highly likely that representative Lee Jae-myung's judicial risks will become a reality now, so it is not appropriate to say that we will take advantage of them to squeeze them. What kind of leader would you be?

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Do supporters of the Democratic Party think the same?

◇Lee Sang-min: The Democratic Party of Korea has become a dog daughter party to the extent that many of the Democratic Party of Korea are already said to be Lee Jae-myung and his accomplices, and it is not just Lee Jae-myung's power alone. There are a lot of accomplices who have participated in it. There will be party members, dog daughters, lawmakers, and people who have been sitting on their hands and watching, so the Democratic Party of Korea, which is composed of Lee Jae-myung and accomplices, has no room for improvement.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Okay. There are talks about next week's by-elections, and Lee Jae-myung appealed for support for the Democratic Party's candidate, saying that if the April general election was the first judgment, the by-elections should be the second judgment of the regime. CEO Han Dong-hoon's leadership may falter. How do you see this prospect?

◇Lee Sang-min: Since Han Dong-hoon is the leader of the party now, he will be responsible for some parts if there is no part that should be produced in the by-election. As the party leader, however, I don't think it's only responsible for CEO Han Dong-hoon. Anyway, I think it will be difficult to avoid responsibility as the party leader. In that sense, I think it is the work of representative Han Dong-hoon and all of our party members to work hard and produce good results. Chairman Lee Jae-myung says he is the second regime judge, but is he ignoring the judgment against the Democratic Party? How has the Democratic Party's behavior since entering the 22nd National Assembly so far contributed to the political development of the Republic of Korea and to the people's livelihood? Democrats see no escape from that responsibility, which has been ruined, polluted, and more regressive.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Okay. That's all for today.

◇Lee Sang-min: Yes, thank you.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: So far, we've been with Lee Sang-min, former lawmaker of People's Power.

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