Jang Sung-chul said, "Han Dong-hoon, you've crossed the line.尹 There is a possibility that the president and the president could cancel their private meeting."

2024.10.14 오후 09:03
◆ [YTN Radio SHINYUL's news]
■ Broadcasting: FM 94.5 (17:00-19:00)
■ Air date: October 14, 2024 (Monday)
■ Proceedings: Shin Yul, Professor of Political Science and Diplomacy at Myongji University
■ Dialogue: Jang Sung-chul, Director of Public Opinion Center, Kim Min-ha, Current Affairs Critic

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

Jang Sung-chul
- South Korea is likely to kick out Han Dong-hoon, the presidential office's representative, if he loses the by-elections
- Public opinion? Han Donghoon and Yuri...Public disappointment and condemnation of First Lady Kim is considerable
- on the verge of annihilation of the ruling camp.韓, 일주일 안에 정치적 고민해 메시지 내야
- 권성동VS한동훈? It doesn't help.與 'October Crisis Rumor': Staff around the 尹 should save their words

Kim Min-ha
- If the by-elections are defeated, the 'pro-limit' 尹 will come up with the problem of Kim Gun-hee's attempted attempt
- The 尹 is at a disadvantage in the case of cancellation of the 尹 Korea-South Korea private meeting.National disappointment will be revived
- Mrs. Kim's apology? Han Donghoon is a harder task.It's going to be a kind of gambler
- The Democratic Party of Korea loses in Honam? I have reservations.Election impact is riskier for 與 frames

◇ Shinyul: Shinyul's News Head-to-head Match Monday Part 1 is what everyone has been waiting for. It's politics Kim & Chang. Two people are here today. Let me introduce them one by one. First, Jang Sung-chul, director of the Public Opinion Center, is here. How are you? And Kim Min-ha is a current affairs critic. Please come in. Hello,

☆ Jang Song Chul, ★ Kim Min Ha: Hello.

◇ Shin Yul: I thought about this, but it's kimchi-making season soon. Why don't we just make political kimchi instead of political kimchi? Shouldn't this be mixed up and politics should be like this?

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: That sounds like a good idea.

★ Kim Min-ha: I don't think I have that much weight here, so I'd rather do something like political growth.

◇ Shin Yul: What's wrong with our critic Kim Minha? But they don't make kimchi these days. Well, you still live alone, so you don't have anything to do and you don't.

★ Kim Min-ha: Oh, but my mother always brings me a lot every kimchi-making season. Adults keep doing it.

◇ Shin Yul: But buying kimchi is cheaper these days. Cabbage is so expensive these days.

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: You can't keep up with your mother's taste.

◇ Sin-ryul: That's right. The mood is suddenly getting warm.

★ Kim Min-ha: It feels like the holiday has come. Again.

◇ Shin Yul: But CEO Han Dong-hoon said this again. I'm gradually raising the intensity of my remarks about Mrs. Kim Gun-hee. So today's eventually, the Kim Gun-hee line even came out. What do you think? First of all, isn't CEO Han Dong-hoon saying that because he heard something? How do you see it?

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: CEO Han Dong-hoon, I heard it, anchor Shin Yul, and critic Kim Min-ha heard it dozens of times. But we can't check it out.

◇ Shin Yul: Why are you dragging me in?

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: You know more than us.

◇ Shin Yul: What are you talking about?

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: We couldn't talk on the show, but Kim Dae-nam talked about various things while talking to Lee Myung-soo on the phone, so CEO Han Dong-hoon was also confirmed to some extent. So this is a problem. So I'm going to organize this and move on. I think that's what I thought. CEO Han Dong-hoon's remarks seem quite strong. I'm also very concerned, but Rep. Kwon Sung-dong, a Yoon nuclear officer in the presidential office and Yoon nuclear officer, is strongly protesting right now. A verbal battle between Representative Kwon Sung-dong and Representative Han Dong-hoon is taking place now. I think if this becomes a force for the people in the election of Busan's Geumjeong-gu District Office and Ganghwa County on the 16th, they might even think of kicking representative Han Dong-hoon out of Yongsan. And so I think this fight will eventually have to kneel down on either side to sort it out a little bit. That's what I think. So, as representative Han Dong-hoon, please leave everything to me. Please recognize my leadership and authority as the party leader. I'll lead the passport. Please organize all the nuclear powerhouses. You can do it like this, and Han Dong-hoon can't do it in the presidential office. What are you talking about when you lost the election? I think they are making these thoughts and judgments.

★ Kim Min-ha: But of course, it's a family now, but since the election is underway, I'm not saying I'm going to talk about the election results, but as you said, losing in a district favorable to a conservative party could put Han Dong-hoon's leadership in considerable danger. As for the cause of this defeat, some people will criticize whether Han Dong-hoon failed to lead the election properly. You said this, but the people who are close to CEO Han Dong-hoon will probably talk about something different. Now, why did you lose this election? Isn't there any news about Yoon Suk Yeol President Lee's method of state administration, various public concerns about First Lady Kim Gun-hee, and what kind of suspicions have recently been raised about the nomination intervention, and the news about Myung Tae-kyun? And at the end of it, eventually, there's a problem with Kim Gun-hee. Why did this happen? In the end, the president should have gone in a way to solve the problem related to First Lady Kim Gun-hee earlier, but he couldn't, and that's why he lost. I'm probably going to try to defend myself like this. It's not that we don't have anything to say. As you said, if one side doesn't bend, we'll have a head-to-head match as the title of the program doesn't end, right? I think they are aware that they are foreshadowing such a situation and that they have to do so. I think CEO Han Dong-hoon recognizes it that way. So, if you think about why the so-called Kim Gun-hee line is mentioned, wasn't there a level demanded by CEO Han Dong-hoon or the so-called closeness community in the first place? Can't Mrs. Kim Geon-hee apologize at first? It was at this level. Why don't we apologize and then add some more to this and refrain from activities? After raising it to this level, the prosecution said it would not prosecute it because it was related to the Deutsche Motors stock price manipulation case, so didn't you think the prosecution should raise it one more level and prosecute it? There's a reason to raise this level. The reason may be the recognition that there is no choice but to do this because various controversies related to Kim Gun-hee continue to be unresolved. It's a serious problem in that regard.

◇ Shin Yul: But Director Jang, isn't public opinion in favor of CEO Han Dong-hoon?

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: That's what it looks like for now. Because the public disappointment and criticism of First Lady Kim Gun-hee is quite strong, there may be an atmosphere to give strength to representative Han Dong-hoon, who is now facing the election, but the presidential office is in a state of rage.

◇ Sin Yul: But I can't hear that sound. I can't hear anything. It's too quiet.

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: Internally, regarding the issue of private meetings, I think we discussed that if this happens, we can't have a private meeting. We shouldn't. However, if this happens, the leadership or authority of the ruling party leader that the president does not recognize is difficult to be recognized. So I think CEO Han Dong-hoon said, "I've crossed the line a little bit."

◇ Sin-ryul: How far do you think we've been on that line?

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: It seems that Mrs. Kim Gun-hee has started to pass a convincing measure from here.

◇ Speaking of me, I had nothing to do with him, but I was scared.

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: So starting yesterday, I asked who was K and who was C, and the ghost list was going around. So those things will be quite burdensome for the presidential office, and on the other hand, Han Dong-hoon is really not going to be able to do it. When I asked him to see him, he would have no choice but to think, "You really should stop." So, why is the president's office raising the issue so openly about what he had to say during his solo meeting? There could be some resistance and emotional anger, so I think if representative Han Dong-hoon goes one step further here, the solo meeting could be canceled.

◇ Shin Yul: If the solitary confinement was canceled, who would it hurt more?

★ Kim Min-ha: In the current situation, I think that if the private meeting is canceled, President Yoon Suk Yeol will be disappointed once again. So basically, it can raise the question of whether there has ever been a president who is so difficult to have a solo meeting with the ruling party leader regardless of this and that, and now this demand can be the subject of various evaluations within the ruling party and within the ruling party's supporters. As for how First Lady Kim Gun-hee will solve the problem, but this is really what Representative Lee Han Dong-hoon has never said before, as Director Jang Sung-chul said earlier, he suddenly brought up a story that has never been mentioned, and people might say, "Why did Representative Han Dong-hoon bring up this story all of a sudden?" But it's not like that. If you look at this morning's newspaper, this is already part of what this newspaper covered, and they say "Kim Gun-hee Line." But I don't know if that's right or wrong, but there are such employees in the presidential office who are in charge of certain matters related to Kim Gun-hee, and they move separately from the official line's decision-making structure and even do something separate from the official line's clarification on an agenda. These have been confirmed before and have been controversial. Prime Minister Park Young-sun and Chief of Staff Yang Jeong-cheol are representative. At that time, the official line, led by Chief of Staff Lee Kwan-seok, explained that there was no such review, but the so-called Kim Gun-hee line, which the media calls, did not do so despite the explanation. The President is reviewing it in depth. They now explain to the media that they know that the chief of staff is conducting a review that they don't even know about. Then what is this? Isn't this controversial? In fact, if this is a known issue, the ruling party leader can really be determined and resolved to correct it. And if you look at today's report, the media can fully raise why the president's office is talking about this publicly, as you just said. You can react like this, but if you look at today's reports, there are also reactions that the Chosun Ilbo and the Dong-A Ilbo have said enough behind the scenes. The closeness side said it behind the scenes, but since it doesn't work, isn't it now that you're bringing it out on the outside? If the private meeting is canceled due to this reaction, the president will not listen to others. The president will not listen to the ruling party's chairman, and the president will not listen to the chairman, Han Dong-hoon, who said that they were so close to each other. "Isn't it just protecting Kim Gun-hee?" In the end, the story could end up like this. If so, the political damage will become serious. I don't think canceling the private meeting is a constant. That's what I think.

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: I think I'm already getting enough of the political blow and the image that I'm not protecting only First Lady Kim Gun-hee, so I wonder what else I should receive. I think the movement, atmosphere, and sketches that are trying to oust representative Han Dong-hoon are being drawn.

◇ Sin-ryul: For example, what aspect?

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: In many ways, what is just being talked about among reporters in Yeouido now is that if it goes wrong in the election of the head of Geumjeong-gu, let's kick out Han Dong-hoon, let's put one of the two with Yang or K initials as the emergency committee chairman. There is a rumor that a month ago, when we gave Han Dong-hoon a gift for the emergency committee as a 10th gift, they comfortably talked about this among themselves. As for CEO Han Dong-hoon, I think it's an observation mixed with sarcastic comments like, "Oh, yeah, let's see if he's doing well." The Saenuri Party suffered a crushing defeat in the 2016 general election. So at that time, there was a lot of public criticism about the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae's inappropriate intervention in the nomination, and the political community said it was wrong. However, at the national convention in September of that year, the pro-Park members made the sense of grip even stronger.

◇ 2016 was when Narsha carried that national seal, right?

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: But in September 2016, the national convention was held, and at that time, Rep. Lee Jung-hyun, a former senior secretary for political affairs and public relations, became the party leader. And the pro-Park leadership was laid down. There's only one non-Park person, and I think those things can happen more in the future. When there is a lot of public criticism of Mrs. Kim Gun-hee and the approval rating for the Yoon Suk Yeol regime decreases, people in power always think abnormally. Then, let's put down our power and talk to many people, share power, and gather discussions together. This is not it, what is it? Let's push out representative Han Dong-hoon and set up an emergency committee chairman system that suits them by strengthening the grip of all those who don't listen to us. Let's just fundamentally block all these things, including Kim Gun-hee, independent counsel, Coporal Chae and independent counsel. I think we can make such abnormal judgments and decisions. So, it would be better for Han Dong-hoon, the representative, to take steps and send a message through very precise political judgments and concerns over the next week. If it goes wrong, there may be a difficult situation in which the passport itself can be destroyed within this week. I'm a little worried about that.

◇ Shin-yul: But you used the expression "collapse" now, and in this situation, even if the ruling party tries to gather together, it is harmonious, and it is too far from public opinion. Wouldn't it be possible to establish this logic? How do you see it?

★ Kim Min-ha: It's not a condition to promote harmony you just mentioned. Of course, we can say that since it's an election process, let's refrain from talking about things that could cause division. But if the current situation is more like a by-elections, isn't the election frame that the opposition party is advocating anyway? After the theory of judgment by the government, various issues related to First Lady Kim Gun-hee, and the parliamentary inspection of the government have all become the so-called Kim Gun-hee issue, Kim Gun-hee black hole? Inside the National Assembly, the parliamentary audit is conducted on issues related to First Lady Kim Gun-hee, and outside the National Assembly, the news about Myung Tae-kyun is covering all the news now. From the perspective of the ruling party leader, this is taking actions that we're trying to get out of here. There's a condition where we have to show this. So, as Director Jang said, how to walk a tightrope between this side and that side well? What should I say about the accumulation of political power? Any politician with any competent political power would be able to do it well, but representative Han Dong-hoon is not any politician with a history of doing so, right? If so, the way you can demonstrate your strengths is not this part of your own way, drawing the line in any way. It's not this line. He has no choice but to say straightforwardly, "I'll fix this." In fact, in the current situation, the only means is to ask the president to listen to this part and ask the president to do some difficult tasks. In my opinion, didn't Yongsan have its own plan when it was asked to have a private meeting in Yongsan in the first place? For example, before Kim Gun-hee makes an apology while taking an action, for example, an apology, or something like this, the prosecution will not indict her in connection with the Deutsche Motors stock price manipulation case, clear up the legal controversy, and draw the picture like this, and CEO Han Dong-hoon will come and have a private meeting, and let's finish talking about it. If you say it the other way around, it will be a more difficult task for CEO Han Dong-hoon to accept this gently. Will you just take this and just finish it or not? I think it's a process of choosing the latter by adding one more difficult task. I think this will be an opportunity for CEO Han Dong-hoon to secure the power to go to the next stage if he does this. If he tries to secure this and leads to the destruction of the passport, as Director Jang said, it can be a kind of gamble for CEO Han Dong-hoon, but what else is there other than that? I actually think about that.

◇ Shin Yul: It's actually a very difficult situation right now, but the rumor of the October ruling camp crisis and the November opposition camp crisis continue to be a crisis. On top of that, North Korea's actual shooting at the battery has become a crisis. That's what our country is like now. But if the October crisis theory eventually handles it incorrectly, wouldn't it be a situation that could cover up the opposition party's November crisis theory?

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: It will. If the ruling party fights like this and destroys itself, there is a possibility that the opposition party will unite as representative Lee Jae-myung for now, no matter what conviction Lee Jae-myung will receive on the 15th and 25th. But President Yoon Suk Yeol is not a politician, nor is representative Han Dong-hoon the type of politician. Looking at their lives, they seem to be people who improvise and decide what they think is right. The presidential staff or the staff next to representative Han Dong-hoon must be quite difficult, but please don't talk much about what I want to say to important people in the passport this time. How will it help to fight representative Han Dong-hoon in Kwon Sung-dong right now? And what would be good for the ruling party to talk about anonymous officials in the presidential office shooting CEO Han Dong-hoon? So, it was decided to be a private meeting room. Then, I advise the aides around me to save their words so that the two leaders of the Supreme Leader's Party and the President can sort out various issues.

◇ Shin Yul: And I was really surprised. In Yeonggwang, the early voting rate for the by-elections exceeded 40%.

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: But you don't have to be surprised. If you look at the turnout in the by-elections or the general elections, In the general election, 70-80% came out, and the by-elections exceeded 70% last time. It's a place that always does that.

◇ Synonym: 40% This is a huge number.

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: But the population is a little over 50,000 and the number of voters is about 40,000. If it's about 40,000 people, it's a number that everyone can meet once they go around for a month. That's why it's so hot that the turnout is inevitably high. The Democratic Party and the Progressive Party and the Three-Party showdown is quite worth watching. I'm going to campaign really hard to mobilize the organizational chart in three places. So I think the turnout and final turnout will be quite high.

◇ Sin-ryul: But we have no idea what that honor will do, but if it's a family, but if the Democratic Party is a little bit off, is it going to be that honor?

★ Kim Min-ha: In the case of the opposition party, the media and critics will have no choice but to do it, but we should give meaning to the fact that the Democratic Party of Korea lost the election in Honam anyway, but we have a little reservation about what kind of damage the Democratic Party will take or what kind of damage it will take on itself. And as you said, the high voter turnout itself cannot be talked about right now, and in particular, many people vote in advance. In the case of voters in Honam region, many people vote in advance during the presidential election and during the general election. Now, there are different trends from Gyeongsang-do, so we have to look at them comprehensively. It is difficult to evaluate this part, but in fact, in order to talk about various conditions of the opposition party and the Democratic Party of Korea together, the condition that Lee Jae-myung's leadership is shaken must be achieved in conjunction with several variables. Didn't you mention the crisis in November? If we go to a phase where judicial risks and such things are linked together and catch fire, we should be able to shake as it is mentioned together. And then as it shakes, leadership other than Chairman Lee Jae-myung has emerged from within the Democratic Party of Korea. For example, the Cho Kuk Innovation Party is elected as a county governor and the Cho Kuk Innovation Party is focused on the power. For example, if the Democratic Party of Korea becomes a division and goes to the Cho Kuk Innovation Party, it is not true that an election that will create such a variable. In that respect, it is questionable whether it will be a big variable, but rather, it seems that the impact on the ruling party is much greater. Because the ruling party already has a frame ready. I think the impact of the election itself will not be significant because the frame of what will happen to representative Han Dong-hoon is prepared when the by-elections come to a conclusion.

◇ Sin-ryul: But. Before the broadcast, a reporter called me to pick up my comment, but I'm not saying that CEO Lee Jae-myung called CEO Cho Kuk. Geumjeong, but representative of the country went to Geumjeong today. But there was no CEO Lee Jae-myung.

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: What is that? By the way, I can think about various things whether I didn't go because of the parliamentary audit or because I thought I was a team, but it's kind of funny. Such situations then hit and fight each other in Yeonggwang, but I honestly don't understand what logic and justification to ask for votes in Geumjeong. It's like a comedy.

◇ Shin-yul: Theoretically, if you say, "Hey, I'll invite you, and where's the landlord?" and say, "Let's go play." The invited person is very embarrassed. I think representative Cho Kuk would have been a little embarrassed today.

★ Kim Min-ha: When I see these images, I think I'm too conscious of the support base. In fact, from the perspective of ordinary voters, Lee Jae-myung unified it, so since he unified the candidates, Lee Jae-myung calls the representative of his country and holds a campaign together.

◇ Synthesis: It's good to do it together.

★ Kim Min-ha: That's right. If you say it's impossible because of other reasons, it doesn't seem weird if you explain the reason or something, right? However, in the case of supporters, the supporters of the two parties are not getting along well right now because of the glorious election and various reasons. So I don't know if it's because they think it's awkward to see them together. I don't know if it's because of other reasons I can't think of right now, but I think I'm paying too much attention to the logic of some supporters or things like that. So, I think we should not pay too much attention to those things and act naturally to think about how to be seen by ordinary voters with natural logic.

◇ Shin Yul: Oh, okay. But how do I see that? How do I know why CEO Lee Jae-myung didn't go there?

☆ Jang Sung-cheol: Why are you getting nervous about the reporter?

◇ Shin Yul: No. I said it politely. What should I do? I said that, but it'll come out around 12 o'clock on Wednesday. What.

☆ Jang Sung-chul: It'll be out before 12 o'clock. It's not that long. Anyway, if the ruling and opposition parties win, it doesn't have much impact. But if either party loses, there will be a lot of potential for leadership to be attacked by the ruling party or the opposition party.

◇ Sin Yul: We'll talk about the results next week. That's all for today. Thank you.

☆ Jang Sung-cheol, ★ Kim Min-ha: Thank you.

◇ Shin Yul: So far, we have been with Jang Sung-chul, director of the Public Opinion Center, and Kim Min-ha, current affairs critics.

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