"Snoring"...A fellow inmate in his 80s who was a "murder weapon" attempted to kill again.

2024.10.18 오후 02:03
An 80-year-old man who is serving life imprisonment for murder was sentenced to additional prison sentences for attempting to kill an inmate in Dongpyo after arguing for snoring.

The Seoul High Court's Chuncheon District Criminal Department 1 (Judge Min Ji-hyun) rejected an appeal filed by A (82) accused of attempted murder and damage to public objects, and maintained the original ruling that sentenced him to five years in prison.

A was put on trial at around 3:50 a.m. on December 6 last year on charges of attempting to kill B in his 60s several times with a wooden table and plate weighing 8.8 kilograms in the Wonju prison camp.

When Mr. A missed Mr. B while hitting him with a wooden table, he later picked up the plate on the drying rack and assaulted him to the point that the plate was completely broken. B suffered a broken nose bone and a concussion diagnosis, which required treatment for about four weeks.

A was found to have decided to commit the crime the day before when he heard abusive language while arguing over B's snoring.

The first trial court sentenced him to prison, saying, "It is difficult to find any signs of willingness to improve the popularity or reflection given statements such as 'I will kill the victim' to the investigative agency and the attitude that the sentence is boring, rather than showing remorse or sorry even though he committed another attempted murder crime during the sentence."

Mr. A, who objected to the ruling, appealed, but the second trial court rejected the appeal.

Reporter Park Sun-young of Digital News Team

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