Chinese Woman Fell Into Vegetation After Falling With 'Hair Tongs Pin'

2024.10.21 오전 09:17
China's Jiwoo Newspaper Capture
An incident occurred in China in which women were seriously injured due to pinching, which is commonly used to fix their hair.

According to local media such as China's Jimu Shimbun on the 18th (local time), a woman in her 20s living in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, was injured by a pin and was in a vegetative state.

Mr. A fell while riding an electric bicycle with his boyfriend. The skull was fractured when he hit the back of his head to the ground with a pin inserted. A, who was immediately transferred to the hospital, underwent craniotomy twice, but has not regained consciousness.

Medical experts explained, "In the center of the back of the head, where the tweezers are located, there is the brain stem and cerebellum, which control important physiological functions such as human breathing, heart rate, behavior, and motion."

He added, "In case of a sudden impact, the pin can stab the scalp or the back of the head, threatening life."

This is not the first time an accident caused by a claw pin has occurred. On the 19th of last month, a woman slipped and fell in Sichuan Province, and a pin worn at the time stabbed the back of the head, causing severe bleeding.

British Daily Mail / Kennedy news and media

In January last year, Gina Panessa, a woman living in Birmingham, England, had a pin stuck in her head when her car flipped over in a car accident.

Panessa, who was taken to a hospital and removed a 10cm long tong pin, but was unable to move properly for six weeks due to severe injuries, advised at the time, "Don't wear a tong pin while driving, but rather use an elastic hair tie."

Reporter Park Sun-young of Digital News Team

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