Kim Jong Hyuk "Installation of the Second Annex? It's very late.尹 should acknowledge Han Dong-hoon, the solo talker.

2024.10.17 오후 08:40
◆ [YTN Radio SHINYUL's news]
■ Broadcasting: FM 94.5 (17:00-19:00)
■ Air date: October 17, 2024 (Thursday)
■ Proceedings: Shin Yul, Professor of Political Science and Diplomacy at Myongji University
■ Dialogue: Kim Jong-hyuk, Supreme Council Member for People's Power

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

- Yoon Il-hyun, the head of Geumjeong-gu District Office in 與, was elected? An unexpected result.'Han Dong-hoon's personal talent' was activated
- 尹, Han Dong-hoon needs to be recognized and strengthened in his private conversation to be normal...The answer to the government-government relationship should come out
- Conservative by-elections that felt a sense of crisis gathered...Han Dong-hoon was able to differentiate himself.
- Han Dong-hoon's Office Calls for Presidential Reform to Change the Direction of the Supreme Council
- Myung Tae-kyun feels afraid of being prosecuted..Her attachment to her family is considerable
- First Lady Kim Gun-hee is not indicted on suspicion of Deutsche Motors, which does not meet the public's standards.

◆ Shin Yul, professor of political and foreign affairs at Myongji University (hereinafter Shin Yul): Shouldn't the first part of music start with this? It really gives you a lot of energy. I'm also waking up. With this exciting music, we're going to start with the best class. Today, we will talk with Kim Jong-hyuk, the supreme council member of the People's Power. Please come in.

★ Kim Jong-hyuk, Supreme Council Member of the People's Power (hereinafter referred to as Kim Jong-hyuk): Hello?

◆ Shin-yul: Busan Geumjeong doesn't come up until 12 o'clock yesterday, but at the federation.

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: We thought we won.

◆ Shin Yul: Oh really? Why?

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: No, people who are constantly on the field say which dong was counted and which dong was counted. But we won in dongs and early voting, which I think will be a little difficult, and now the game is tilted. I knew that early on. In fact, around 11 o'clock, I could see that the market would win by a much larger margin than I thought.

◆ Shin Yul: That's the last place to vote.

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: Because it has the largest population. There are 210,000 people there. In other regions, Ganghwa Island has about 60,000 people. And as far as I know, there were about 50,000 people there, and the number of songs was much less than that, and I think there were about 20,000 to 30,000 people.

◆ Shin Yul: But I won anyway. What do you think is the underlying reason for winning? The reason why I'm asking this is because I don't think it's the validity of the poll, and there were some polls that were losing ground, but I won. Second, in fact, the election was held at a time when the political world was covered by an issue that was quite unfavorable to Mrs. Kim Gun-hee. I won in places like this, too. I think it's hard to interpret it like this simply because it's originally a conservative garden.

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: Of course. So, as Professor Shin said, in Yeonggwang and Gokseong, it's a place where you can say that it's really a garden. I don't think we're going to win there in any case. But Ganghwa and Busan are completely different things. It's a different page. Because Ganghwa is adjacent to the metropolitan area, and in Busan, how many Democratic Party members were elected in the past. And most of us won the last election except for one seat, but the Democratic Party won 44-45%. And as you know, we haven't been in a good situation for six months since the general election. The incident kept popping up, and everyone was talking about Kim Gun-hee, such as Kim Dae-nam's suspicions or Myung Tae-kyun's suspicions, but Kim Dae-nam and Myung Tae-kyun's suspicions continue to emerge, so we thought, "Hey, if we do this wrong, we'll be in big trouble." But isn't it a completely unexpected result? In the case of Busan, we won 22%. The difference is 22 percentage points. It was 13 percentage points in the last general election.

◆ Sin Yul: That's right.

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: But didn't you win by almost double? It was a result that no one expected. Didn't the Democratic Party continue to claim that they were winning in their polls in the polls? But this result came out. In the case of Geumjeong in Busan, I went to the site and campaigned together, but I think two things had a big impact. It's going to be two or three. The first one was visited six times by CEO Han Dong-hoon. I've visited six times, and just before, I went around the whole area of Geumjeong for four hours and held a walking campaign. It's an atmosphere where people gather like clouds and take selfies. I went down to Geumjeong a few days ago and held a night campaign, and I thought that so many people gathered at the mayor's campaign, and cheered for CEO Han Dong-hoon. It was almost like we were a K-pop star. So, there is something that can be said that CEO Han Dong-hoon's personal talent worked quite well. Second, we have Kim Young-bae, a lawmaker of the Democratic Party of Korea, who criticized the mayor for the by-election when he died of a cerebral hemorrhage. You went back to work, and you said, "Waste of taxpayers' money." In fact, Gokseong was forced to hold an election due to violation of the election law. So, without talking about such a breakdown of his party, this was inevitably held because of a person who died while working, and criticized him for wasting taxpayers' money, so there is an aspect that the residents of Geumjeong were quite angry. The third is a bit complicated, and many of our conservative supporters say that if this election is lost, Han Dong-hoon will lose. They all know that if Han Dong-hoon collapses and Han Dong-hoon collapses, our remuneration will almost be destroyed. Hey, it's these four elections, but we didn't even get a candidate for the honor in the elections that will be held in Jeollanam-do anyway. It was a situation where we couldn't make a candidate.

◆ Shin Yul: You became one of Gokseong, right?

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: There was one person, and I got 3.6%. And Ganghwado didn't attract that much attention.

◆ Shin Yul: But maybe it's because the tickets are divided there, but the gap isn't as big as I thought.

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: I wrote it. Because candidate Ahn Sang-soo took a lot and took about 5%. Then, candidate Park Yong-chul still exceeded 50%. Nevertheless, in the case of Busan, Geumjeong residents in Busan just gained momentum by unifying themselves from the Democratic Party of Korea, representative Cho Kuk, representative Lee Jae-myung of the Democratic Party, and representative Cho Kuk of the Cho Kuk Innovation Party. So, if CEO Han Dong-hoon comes here six times each and loses here, then Han Dong-hoon is over. The sense of crisis over things like this worked quite a lot. So if you say, "Hey, no," then our party itself will say, "Where should the people's power go after Han Dong-hoon collapsed?" So, a lot of people gathered, so no one expected 22 percentage points, so we were able to win a big victory.

◆ Shin Yul: But now, in fact, a lot of analysis is coming out of the media, and representative Han Dong-hoon and President Yoon Suk Yeol are meeting early next week. These reports are coming out now, and this is where representative Han Dong-hoon will be able to take the initiative and hold this conversation with President Yoon Suk Yeol. Do you agree with this analysis?

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: That's what happens now in common sense. In general common sense, more than 70% of people reject the president in such a difficult situation, so isn't the election almost impossible to win? Nevertheless, they won both of those elections, which were controversial. If you win by a big margin, you have to admit it. The leader of the party did a great job. It's normal to say thank you for your hard work and give strength to it, but I'm not sure if those things will happen. Because as you know, during the election, some so-called pro-Yoon people said, "We'll see after the election is over. If you think the election result will be bad, Han Dong-hoon, fly away and talk about this a lot." There were many reporters who told me that, but if you have those thoughts, I don't know what kind of attitude the president will take when he meets representative Han. I desperately hope that the answer will come out that we will take various steps to improve the relationship between the government and the government in a forward-looking and active manner and work together to overcome this crisis, but I can't guarantee that it will be done.

◆ Shin Yul: To sum up what Supreme Council member Kim said this time, there was a sense of crisis about representative Han Dong-hoon that he was able to win in a very difficult environment, but I think he took a strategy to separate the party from the presidential office, for example. You're saying that it worked a lot now, right?

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: You made a very important point, but you made a point that I left out while talking. So, what if Han Dong-hoon didn't point out that there was a problem with such things about Kim Gun-hee, but instead of pointing out that there was a problem, he was unilaterally dragged and obedient to the presidential office in Yongsan without raising any objections or raising any issues, as was the case with the past relationship between the ruling party and the government in legislative conflicts? Which voters in Busan thought that the voters of Ganghwa thought, "Ah, the power of the people is reliable, the future of the power of the people," or "Hey, that party is no longer likely." If you think about it, I think it would have been closer to the latter. Because the president's approval rating is telling right now. Isn't the president's approval rating 70 percent? And since the start of the Sixth Republic, no government has seen such a sharp drop in support since 1987 before the halfway point, as the positive rating is only 20 percent. And that's in the long run, so if we were seen as a party that just followed one-sided instructions, then we would never have won. Maybe not all the conservative supporters came out to vote. So I think it's very likely that we've lost.

◆ Shin Yul: That's why, in my view, Han Dong-hoon, once again today, made three requirements for Kim Gun-hee publicly. Didn't you say it again after putting it together in a compressed way?

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: That's right. Now, I've never officially talked about it at the Supreme Council before that. Didn't you say all three things so clearly? That is why First Lady Kim Gun-hee needs a personnel reshuffle of the presidential office. It's called the general line, so at first, I want you to talk about it with reporters and let me know whether the Kim Gun-hee line really exists or not. But if they don't have it, tell them they don't have it, and if they do, they asked me to do something about it. It was from the questions and answers with those reporters. But today, we need to go a little further and renovate the personnel around First Lady Kim Gun-hee in the presidential office. It's not necessarily because it's wrong, but in order to change the direction, it's necessary to renew the atmosphere through such personal measures and personnel measures. I said that while giving a little way out. And please keep the parts that the second first lady said she would not engage in such external activities since she first took office. After that, the third one was more meaningful. The third one was that if there was anything wrong so far, please explain it and if there is a necessary procedure, please follow it. But the third part can be interpreted in various ways depending on how you hear it, so we've said everything we can say as the party leader. I asked the president to solve these things because there are stories like this. As you know, the background of this story is that our party cannot hold all elections in the future without resolving the current conflict with doctors and failing to tie the knot on Kim Gun-hee's part. We think this is the last election. This election is the last chance for voters in Geumjeong, Busan, and the voters in Ganghwa, to fix Han Dong-hoon's power and the people's power. You gave me the last order. But if we don't support it, we will be abandoned if we don't support the national aspirations and the aspirations of our members. That's probably why I think representative Han Dong-hoon said so strongly today, following the public aspirations confirmed through this election, the aspirations of our party members, the public demands, and so on. I think it's something that meets the public's eye level.

◆ Sin-ryul: I think you're saying that this is the only way for conservatives to live. One thing I want to ask you is that the presidential office said it would make a second annex, and now it seems like that. How do you see it? I'm asking because some people say it's a little late.

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: It's very late. I kept asking for it to make it in my heart. But now, we have to make it. I can't not make it. You have to make it, but for example, if you make it and fill the so-called Kim Gun-hee line, which is talked about in the public, then it's only an unofficial form. And I'm skeptical about whether the development of the current situation can resolve people's distrust just by creating a second analysis room. So the second annex said that they made it, so we made it, so we did everything we had to do. I don't think this will work. I don't think I can do this. I've been on the show for a long time. Of course, I need to make a second annex and appoint a special inspector. That way, some national distrust can be relieved. And if possible, you should explain these various situations yourself. And I have to apologize. I've been asking for that. You didn't do it for a month or two. I've been doing it for a long time. However, after the public opinion was confirmed in the general election and we were defeated, we kept saying that the keynote of the state administration should change and the party should change, but there was no response throughout those six months. As that happened, the president's approval rating continued to fall.

◆ Shin Yul: You mean Myung Taekyun. I said I'd reveal one Kakao Talk a day. But it's quiet now. It's quiet yesterday and today. How do you see it? Can we wrap it up like this? How do you see it?

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: What Myung Tae-kyun fears the most is that he is not sure whether he worked or not because the offense was revealed. I think he's most afraid of being brought to justice because it's revealed. Legally, I think he has a lot of love for his attachment to his family. Also, I heard that she was born over 50 years old, so I think she has a lot of fear in those areas. In my opinion, he reacts very violently to people who attack him and then say that he has to go to prison. For example, the controversy over his brother, which came out yesterday, is actually a legal part to deal with.

◆ Shin Yul: I don't know if you bet on defamation. Why did you say I was ignorant?

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: That's why you don't know about your brother yet whether he's your brother or your husband. I don't know if Myung Tae-kyun was talking about President Yoon or his brother Kim Jin-woo, but I can't hold him legally responsible for that, although I think he's talking this much while watching the conversation. So this person has 2,000 copies in many ways. I say I've made 2,000 copies, but I don't know exactly how many of them can be a problem with legal issues. I don't know about that, but anyway, I told him to raise Yoon Suk Yeol's approval rating and raise the results of the investigation, not to commit illegality. That's what we're talking about.

◆ In the middle, you said that it was edited, right?

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: That's right. I'm talking about this, but Hankyoreh reports again. There is a part where Myung Tae-kyun received money from local candidates during the presidential primary, polled them with the money, and reported it to Yoon Suk Yeol during the presidential election, which seems to be a violation of the election law.

◆ Shin Yul: If we investigate now, the results of the investigation can be revealed, right?

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: That's possible. But even so, whether it is directly related to the president of Yoon Suk Yeol is just like this because you brought it yourself. It's like that. If I say it, it's not like I gave the order, right? It's a legal matter, but I'm not sure about that.

◆ Shin Yul: Finally, I didn't indict Deutsche Motors for one more thing today. What do you think?

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: It doesn't fit the public eye, does it? After four years and five months, it has been in that long period and has not been prosecuted, but there is no investigation review committee. And they asked the prosecutors to form a red team to review whether there was a problem with their investigation. How much they must have reviewed it in a day in that short period of time, and it was customary for the red team to have prosecutors at the Supreme Prosecutors' Office to come out and do this. Can people at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office do well if other prosecutors come and do it? So, there are many shortcomings in that respect, and before that, another former owner, identified only by his surname Sohn, was convicted in the trial of Chairman Kwon Oh-soo. Then, there may be parts like the difference between Sohn and Kim Gun-hee. Then I don't know if it's possible to give a clear explanation of whether one person is guilty because he's the wife of a president in power. I haven't seen all the investigation records yet, but I think it will be difficult for the public to accept it this easily.

◆ Shin-ryul: There's actually a legal area, and there's a certain eye level area, a certain area of perception, common sense, recognition, common sense, and common sense, and so on, so this is what people keep saying now that this doesn't fit. In fact, I hope that the presidential office will also get out of the legal realm and make a red team by talking about what public opinion recognizes.

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: That's what we say political. So, politics should act on political judgment, not on any legal judgment.

◆ Shin Yul: It would be great if there was a red team or something, but let's stop here today. Thank you.

★ Kim Jong-hyuk: Thank you.

◆ Shin Yul: Until now, I was the Supreme Council member Kim Jong Hyuk.

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