"There's a psychopath living upstairs" ...'Fear' and 'pain' over retaliatory inter-floor noise

2024.10.14 오후 03:09
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There is a story that he is in conflict with his neighbors upstairs due to noise between floors, drawing sympathy from Internet users.

Recently, an online community posted an article titled "A mentally ill lives above the apartment's retaliatory floor noise."

The writer, A, who introduced himself as a mother raising three children alone, moved to the 19th floor of an apartment in Uijeongbu, Gyeonggi-do in April this year. However, when I was cleaning the house around 2 p.m., a man on the 20th floor came down and complained that it was noisy.

According to A, the retaliatory noise of the man on the 20th floor began from then on. A said, "Today, I reported to the police the noise deliberately from 7 p.m. When they arrived, the police said there was no noise and just left without checking the upstairs. If there is a noise, they ask you to report it again. After the police left, the noise deliberately hitting the police past 11 p.m. is likely to scare, anxious, and distracted. "I'm so scared that my children will bump into the man above me because I'm raising my child alone," he said.

Then, he said, "My neighbor on the 18th floor told me to be careful on the 20th floor. When I heard that, I thought it was just that, but when I came in and lived, I hit it with a weapon or something. It is said that there were also problems with the noise problem between floors with former tenants. The noise is also transmitted to the 18th floor, so the relationship between the 18th and 20th floors is not good," he said.

"If our children run, shouldn't the 18th floor suffer the most?" I don't get along with my neighbors on the 18th floor because of the noise problem between floors. "If we talk, even children on the 18th floor are terrified by the noise made intentionally on the 20th floor," he said.

A is said to be taking psychiatric drugs due to anxiety and fear. Internet users who heard the story voiced criticism, saying, "I think children will be too scared," and "Intentional inter-floor noise should be compensated for mental and physical damage."

Reporter Park Sun-young of Digital News Team

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