"Put Baduk eggs in the door." Victim and killer son 父 agreed to "Guman-ri in the future."

2024.10.18 오전 10:02
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A teenager who caused a middle school classmate to commit bizarre abuse and lead to murder was sentenced to prison.

On the 17th, the second criminal department of Gangneung Branch (Chief Judge Kwon Sang-pyo) of Chuncheon District Court sentenced A (19), who was charged with special assault, to seven years in prison and arrested him in court.

He also ordered 40 hours of lectures on sexual violence treatment and five-year employment restrictions for institutions related to children, adolescents, and the disabled.

The court also sentenced B (19), who was handed over to trial on charges of attempting to fire the prefectural state building, to five years in long term and three years in short term.

Earlier in April, A was accused of forcibly feeding and assaulting a middle school classmate C at a house in Samcheok, Gangwon Province.

In the process, A, along with another friend D, forcibly cut C's hair with a razor and scissors, and burned his genitals, conspiracies, ears, and eyebrows with a lighter fire.

In addition, he ordered self-defense in a naked state and put cotton swabs and baduk eggs into the anus.

Mr. A also filmed such harsh acts on his cell phone. Eventually, Mr. C could not hold back and killed Mr. D with a weapon in the house.

B is accused of attempting to set fire with A at C's house a few days before the incident, only to fail.

C's father, who became a victim and killer, recently agreed with A and B. C's father said, "I didn't forgive him," and added, "I wanted to allow him to get a reduction in his sentence even a little because the road ahead is so strong."

However, C's side reportedly failed to reach an agreement with D's family, who died. C's father said, "I really want to apologize because my son committed a crime that he couldn't wash up, regardless of the agreement," adding, "I want to be apologized again, but I don't meet him there."

Reporter Park Sun-young of Digital News Team

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