A drink of "OO" a day... effective against diabetes, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and depression

2024.10.11 오후 04:12
[News FM Lee Ik-seon Choi Soo-young Issue & People]
□ Broadcast Date: 11 October 2024 (Fri)
□ Host: Lee Ik-seon, Choi Soo-young
□ Performers: Myung Seung-kwon, Professor of the National Cancer Center

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: A week of dead strength. Let's charge it here and go. It's a season that reminds me of a cup of coffee. Looking at the health articles about this coffee, a cup is good for you. It's not good. It's very inconsistent. Check what's right and wrong. Professor Myung Seung-kwon of the National Cancer Center is here. Welcome.

☆ Myeongseung Kwon: Yes, how are you?

◇ Lee Ik-seon: While talking about coffee with Professor Myung Seung-kwon. Not only questions about coffee, but also questions about health and opinions about coffee. First of all, our coffee consumption is huge.

◆ Choi Soo-young: What surprised me was 405 cups per person per year, which means that we drink more than one cup a day because we're 365 days a year.

◇ Profit line: 405 cups per person.

◆ Choi Soo-young: The global average is just one-third of 152 cups. But because of that, when we walk down the street, The coffee shop just lines up. It's either a franchise or just a local coffee shop. How about you, professor? Do you like coffee?

☆ Myeongseung Kwon: I think I drink about a glass. Sometimes I drink two glasses.

◆ Choi Soo-young: That's exactly average. It's 405 cups.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Eat it every day. What about one drink a day?

☆ Scenic ticket: I think I eat it almost every day.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Then wouldn't you get 365 cups just for the professor? I think so too.

◆ Choi Soo-young: But I can't do that. About 200 cups for me.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: I see. But these days, people say that they don't drink coffee but pour it. It means that the car rolls only when you refuel. That's great. Let's take a look at the good things about coffee first.

☆ Myeongseung Kwon: As you said earlier, some coffee articles say it's good to eat sometimes, and some say it's not good for your health.

◇ Profit line: There must be pros and cons, right?

☆ Myeongseung Kwon: How I talk about coffee is a man with two faces. It's Hulk. It's good in some ways, but bad in some ways, it's ambivalent. One of the reasons is that there are more than a thousand kinds of chemicals in coffee, as well as other substances.

◆ Is it coffee? A thousand chemicals?

☆ Scenario: More than 1,000 chemicals have been revealed so far, and the most representative one is caffeine that we know well. Besides caffeine, there are antioxidants called chlorogenic acid and various substances such as xanthine. That's why if you drink a lot of these coffees, some of them get better and some of them get worse because healthy chemicals enter our bodies. So, when I synthesized and organized my own research results published worldwide until the most recent, this conclusion came out. I told you earlier that I'm a man with two faces. First of all, the good thing about coffee is that there are a little more good things. It's supposed to lower the risk of diabetes for now.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Really?

☆ Scenario: It's not just one or two studies, but that's how the combined research results come out. Next, it's supposed to lower the cancer a little bit. Among cancer types, liver cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, endometrial cancer, and prostate cancer are supposed to be lowered when drinking coffee. It also lowers Parkinson's disease, but there is a disease that increases when you drink a lot of coffee. Hyperlipidemia as we know it well. Hypercholesterolemia. This is dyslipidemia. And now pregnant women may now be at high risk of miscarriage or underweight childbirth. It can be organized like this.

◆ Choi Soo-young: But I don't understand a little bit how can we put so many chemicals in coffee?

☆ Scenic ticket: That's what happens to the coffee itself.

◆ Choi Soo-young: No, there are chemicals of their own ingredients?

☆ Scenic rights: Yes yes

◇ Lee Ik-seon: It comes from nature.

☆ Scenario: Yes. Let me tell you the good thing first. I put together a collection of studies that came out all over the world. How do we do research now? Is coffee healthy or bad?

◆ Choi Soo-young: Something I have to keep feeding one person?

◇ Interest line: We're going to divide the group. The one who eats and the one who doesn't.

☆ Scenario: There are several ways. Are you just feeding me? But there's a way to do that, but that's called a randomized comparative clinical trial, where one group can't eat it for years, and the other group can eat it. Ethically, it's not really easy. So I do all the observational research. The current habit of drinking coffee is about 10,000 people. Some people don't drink how many cups of coffee a day, some people drink one, and some people drink four or five or more. After collecting that information in advance, after 5 or 10 years, they see how many specific diseases came out according to their coffee intake. For example, looking at changes in diabetes or not. When I did that, it was different for each study, but when I put it together, 28 studies combined showed that every day of a cup of coffee increased, caffeine coffee reduced diabetes by 9%. And decaffeinated coffee decreased by 6%, albeit a little. In other words, drinking coffee lowers the risk of diabetes, and when I looked at the reason, caffeine and chlorogenic acid, which I did earlier, are known to reduce sugar absorption from our intestines. So, when you drink coffee, these ingredients are known to reduce sugar absorption and then increase insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity is when we transfer sugar in our blood to the liver and muscles. However, if the insulin is obese in some cases, insulin sensitivity decreases. Insulin isn't working well right now. Then, blood sugar in the blood remains high, and these coffee ingredients can lower blood sugar by increasing insulin sensitivity.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: I see.

◆ Choi Soo-young: There is a saying that coffee is effective for depression. Is this right?

☆ Scenario: So actually, there's a meta-analysis of 11 studies already in 2016. As a result, it is said that drinking a lot of coffee or caffeine reduced the frequency of depression by 25% compared to consuming less coffee, so it's not just one study. It's a meta-analysis of previous studies. This cafein is a little stimulant that works as a stimulant for the central nervous system. It acts as a stimulant. As a result, it suggests that depression is reduced by increasing dopamine activity and acting as a stimulant.

◆ Choi Soo-young: I heard from somewhere that coffee first spread because shepherds raise goats in the mountains, and goats pick coffee beans and they continue to be very excited. So the shepherd watching it ate it, and it is true that it originated from that time.

☆ Scenario: There's a saying that it probably originated in Ethiopia.

◆ Choi Soo-young: I think there's a kind of ingredient that makes you excited.

☆ Scenario: Yes. So, in conclusion, coffee is known to be a little helpful for depression when the results of recent research are summarized.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: But it also has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects?

☆ Scenic rights: Yes. So, I told you earlier that cancer lowers liver cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, endometrial cancer, and prostate cancer. Likewise, this is not just one or two studies, but 13 existing studies have been combined, and the results of the study show that every cup of coffee reduces the incidence of liver cancer by 15%. Everything I'm telling you now should be based on meta-analysis research. It's because I didn't do it all. I didn't do it. That's what the existing research results were like. There are also research results that I did. So what it is is is that you should not conclude with just one or two papers, but I am telling you comprehensively.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Yes, then because you said earlier that there are people and cancer, but there seem to be more people. Can you say this in percentage? So the ratio between life and cancer.

☆ Scenic ticket: It's a bit of a difficult problem, but as I just said, overall, there are a lot of ways in which coffee is beneficial to health.

◇ Profit line: It's a little bit bigger. Six to four?

☆ Scenario: I can't decide now if it's 6 to 4.

◇ Profit line: Okay. Then, wouldn't the listeners judge only by pointing out the negative side? Then let's look at the negative cancer of coffee, not the light. What do you have?

☆ Scenario: I told you earlier. Cholesterol But the story that drinking a lot of this coffee can increase cholesterol is... There are many cases where doctors don't know well. Currently, and the guidelines for treating hyperlipidemia, for example, require cutting back on coffee. This hasn't been included yet. But especially if you look at the research results, what analysis was it that synthesized the existing research results from about 10 years ago? According to the results of the meta-analysis, even in a study just observed, drinking coffee increases bad cholesterol, total cholesterol, etc. than drinking coffee. So, in actual cases of my patients, there are about four main causes of hyperlipidemia. There are four most obvious lack of smoking, drinking, and obesity exercise, and I personally have not yet entered guidelines based on evidence-based medicine, but existing research shows that coffee increases cholesterol. So I'm going to talk about these five things. In fact, our patients are young, but they don't smoke, don't drink, go to the standard, and exercise hard, but their cholesterol levels below 130 are normal, but there are sometimes people who are higher than 200. If you ask them enough to take 180 or 200 pills, they're almost 9 percent sure, but there are cases where they drink a lot of coffee. There are people who drink 3 or 4 cups a day. For those people, I should quit drinking coffee or drink it. Then let's reduce it to one drink a day and see you in two weeks. So when I do a blood test, there are a lot of people whose bad cholesterol level was dramatically 200 drops to 150-160 or something. So if you come up to a month or two, it's often normal to be less than 130 now.

◇ Profit line: Okay. Professor Myung Seung-kwon of the Knowledge Battery National Cancer Center is here to deliver health today. I'm telling you all the good and bad things that coffee has on us. If you have any questions, it's good for coffee, and please ask questions including other health questions.

◆ Choi Soo-young: But I'm curious about one question here. Then I'm curious if all coffee, regardless of the type of coffee, increases cholesterol?

☆ Myeongseung Kwon: Basically, drinking coffee increases cholesterol regardless of the type. But the degree of height can vary depending on the type of coffee. It's because of a substance called a cafe stall in coffee. It's called a cafe stall, so it's kind of an oil component. It's a kind of cafe stall. But what about Turkish coffee in Europe, for example? I make coffee without skipping and drink it. So, it doesn't get caught, so there is a lot of cafe stall content in it. And in France, espresso is usually squeezed at high pressure, so a little cafe stall is filtered out. But if we add water to it, it becomes an Americano, right? In that order, the content of the cafe stall is lowered. And the lower one is instant coffee. So-called our bag coffee is a little lower. And the lowest one is the one we walk on. coffee that gets stuck You get off. It's drip coffee. It still has the lowest content of cafe stall. So if you have to drink coffee, it's good to drink drip coffee if possible. However, many people think that drinking coffee is high due to priming or sugar, but it's not that. The reason for high cholesterol is the oil component called Cafestol in coffee, so it's better to reduce it if possible, and if you have to drink it, it's okay to drink a cup of drip coffee.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Drip coffee means the coffee we buy at a regular coffee shop, right?

☆ Scenic rights: That's right. And what we can filter and eat at home.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Studies have shown that coffee can lower vascular diseases.

☆ Scenic rights: That's right. If you look at this alone, it's a little different. Studies have shown that cholesterol is high, but cardiovascular diseases are also low. So what do you need when it's a complicated problem? a meta-analysis So last year in 2023, I published a meta-analysis of 32 studies in the American Journal of Cardiology, the American Journal of Cardiology. Then, there was no difference between coffee consumption and so-called coronary artery disease, such as angina and myocardial infarction. But the fun thing is that I did a meta-analysis separately for men and women. In the paper, yes, it is said that drinking coffee increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and coronary artery disease by 16%. In the case of women, it comes out to be 9% lower. It turns out that there is no statistical significance, but men and women are in different directions anyway. The risk of cardiovascular disease is slightly higher in men and lower in women. But there must be a mechanism for everything that's weird. So I looked it up and there could be a difference in sex hormones. Aren't estrogen and progesterone representative female hormones? But this is called atherosclerosis, and when blood deposits cholesterol or fat on the arteries, it is called atherosclerosis. It can play a role in reducing those parts. Female hormones, so in women, coffee itself is coming out in a way that is rather beneficial to health.

◇ Profitship: Yes. That's why Choi Soo-young doesn't drink coffee. I always drink a glass when I'm on the radio.

◆ Choi Soo-young: I don't eat much.

◇ Profitship: Let's drink everything as necessary.

☆ Myeongseung Kwon: But isn't there another talk of high blood pressure?

◆ Choi Soo-young: I have high blood pressure.

☆ Scenario: Caffeine itself raises blood pressure a little. So how did I do that again? I did meta-analysis again. I did it in 2022 a year earlier than that. So I presented it to our domestic SCI-level academic journal, and in conclusion, it turned out to be irrelevant.

◆ Choi Soo-young: Even if you eat a lot, you don't have to stop eating, right?

☆ Scenario: So it shows that coffee didn't raise blood pressure. So, it is known to temporarily increase blood pressure in a very short period of time, but in the long run, it has nothing to do with the occurrence of high blood pressure. One of the reasons is that caffeine slightly raises blood pressure, but it's complicated because the antioxidant chlorogenic acid in coffee temporarily lowers blood pressure. So in conclusion, coffee is helpful for health, but there is also a possibility that it may be bad, so just drink anything in moderation. I think it's okay to drink one cup a day, but for those with too high cholesterol, don't drink a cup at least once, quit, and then take a blood test again in a couple of weeks to see how the cholesterol changes.

◇ Interest line: I see. Is decaffeinated coffee any better? How is it?

☆ Scapegoat: It's not just about caffeine anymore, it's actually about 1,000 chemicals, so it's known that caffeine or decaffeination has similar results, although there are some differences.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Let me ask you a question. 0163 is a sprout. Your mother has diabetes and she has a cup of mixed coffee in the morning. Would that be okay? Is coffee bad for a cold in your throat? This is the question.

☆ Scenic ticket: As I said earlier, that question has the potential to help because it is known to slightly lower the risk of developing diabetes and this. Even so, you shouldn't drink too much of 3 or 4 cups of coffee.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: One more person is diabetic. I drink about 2 liters of black coffee diluted in water a day. That's going to work. They gave it to me like this.

☆ Scenario: As I said earlier, it may be good for certain diseases, but you have to think about the risk of raising cholesterol, so you have to think about the balance between good and bad.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: But isn't 2 liters of black coffee too much?

☆ Scenario: It's a lot.

◆ So the more question I want to ask is, how much should I look at the appropriate amount? An appropriate amount for a day?

☆ Scenic ticket: So that part is already recommended based on caffeine. In the U.S. FDA and Korea, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety should not eat more than 400 mg of caffeine a day. 400ml 400mg Then how much coffee is in the coffee shop, there is about 140mg in a cup of coffee. If it's around 150mg, you'll get 3 cups or 3 cups, so if you go over 25 or 3 cups, you can move on right away, but the problem is that caffeine is not the only coffee. Where is it? There's green tea, too. It's in cola, energy drinks, and even chocolate. That's why when you think about eating our food, you shouldn't just think about coffee, so in conclusion, two or three cups are a little more, so I'd like to recommend about one cup. And the other thing is actually, I can't help but think of calories. Americano is low in calories. But try something like cafe latte. Some of them have just 300 calories. Then one glass is equivalent to a bowl of rice.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: You're right.

☆ Scenic ticket: Don't drink too much coffee.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Doesn't it matter when you eat?

☆ Scenario: Time is not known for certain.

◆ Choi Soo-young: But we often talk about that now. Too much is not enough. I heard that if anything overflows, it's not enough. More and more people are complaining of caffeine addiction. But from Dr. Myung's point of view, is there a way to diagnose caffeine addiction that we can easily do? Is there anything that can self-check?

☆ Scenario: But there was a lot of controversy about caffeine addiction, caffeine use disorder, and so on until about 10 years ago. Whether this is a crime of addiction, but in conclusion, there is a diagnosis and statistical manual of mental illness published by the American Psychiatric Association. So, unlike other diseases, neuropsychiatric diseases are not diagnosed based on a certain level, but because they are diagnosed based on symptoms, there are lists of them. So there is a diagnostic criterion for caffeine addiction. According to them, the first criterion is that people who have to continue to eat more than 250mg of caffeine a day have to meet the conditions and 250mg as I told you earlier. If it's 400mg a day, but it's less than 250g, you have to do one caffeine addiction standard, and then there are 12 symptoms, and if more than 5 out of 12 symptoms, it's considered caffeine addiction.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Can you tell me 12 things right now? Then, please prepare for a moment, and if there are more than 5 of these 12 things, it can be considered addiction. Let's concentrate and start.

☆ Scenario: First of all, these are phenomena that occur when you don't drink caffeine. I'm restless. Next, it's very sensitive to neurotic sensitivities. I'm overreacting. Then I get excited often. After that, I can't sleep. My face is turning red. a blush on one's face After that, I often pee. Gastrointestinal disorders, i.e., abdominal symptoms, indigestion, and sudden cramps in muscles. Regardless of the location, I don't think I can talk well about the flow of thoughts and language. This seems a little too much now, but this is too much. The next thing is that my heart beats faster. When I drink coffee and after drinking coffee, I don't feel tired, so I feel like my fatigue disappears, and then I feel like I'm not working well because of my mental motility anxiety. If there are more than five of the 12 symptoms, first of all, it's caffeine addiction.

◇ Profit line: I have four.

☆ Scenario: So some studies have shown that caffeine addiction does not exceed 5% by this standard and less than 10% by U.S. studies.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Because you eat a lot more.

☆ Scenario: So it needs to be studied a little more.

◇ Profit line: Okay. Let's move on to some more questions.

◆ Choi Soo-young: Okay. Let me introduce a question. He's 2956 and I've been drinking a liter of iced Americano every day since I've been working a lot since three years ago, but I get more hot than before. Of course, there are many variables, but what is the possibility that coffee is the cause?

☆ Scenic ticket: I'm not sure if coffee is the one that gets hot a lot. But you have to check if this is too much of a caffeine addiction, but it's become a habit now. In the end, this is a habit, so I think I need to reduce it little by little. I think it's not easy to hang up right away.

◇ Profit line: Okay. I think you drink more than 3 cups a day, 7845-nim. I have osteoporosis. How is your bone health?

☆ Myeongseung Kwon: The conclusion is that I checked the meta-analysis results of 20 studies in 2023 and found that it was not related to bone density.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: 3970 has glaucoma, so the intraocular pressure is high. What is the connection to coffee?

☆ Scenario: This part is controversial. Basically, there are reports that caffeine increases intraocular pressure, but Korean research shows that men have a higher risk of glaucoma, but there are studies that show that other foreign studies do not. It's still a little controversial.

◆ Choi Soo-young: 1091 I was diagnosed with a gastric ulcer through a gastroscopy and I'm taking medicine, and I'm so desperate for a cup of coffee. I think you really enjoy coffee. But decaffeinated coffee is also not good for treating gastric ulcers.

☆ Scenario: First of all, there is a theory that caffeine stimulates gastric acid secretion, whether decaffeinated or caffeinated. However, according to recent research results, there is something that is not yet clear about the relationship between reflux esophagitis and ulcers.

◇ Interest line: I see. 7054 I'm told not to drink coffee if I'm pregnant, can't I drink decaffeinated?

☆ Scenario: I told you earlier. If not, pregnant women should stay away from coffee if possible because of the high risk of miscarriage or low birth weight.

◆ Choi Soo-young: I think it's hard for those who like it to endure it.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Can't I eat a little bit?

☆ Scenario: I recommend plain water the most.

◆ Choi Soo-young: You're very firm.

☆ Scenario: I don't recommend cars!

◇ Profit line: Even the car.

☆ Scenic Zone: Pure water is the best.

◇ Interest line: I see. I don't have enough time, so I think I'll have to stop here. This is a segment that we're decorating every Friday at this time of the year. A meta-analysis of what I heard the most after coffee today with Professor Myung Seung-kwon of the National Cancer Center. I was with Professor Myung, a meta-analysis expert. Thank you.

◆ Choi Soo-young: Thank you very much.

☆ Scenario: Thank you.

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