The 22nd National Audit will open tomorrow...Han Dong-hoon, a dinner with his close friends.

2024.10.06 오후 10:22
■ Host: Jeong Jin-hyung Anchor
■ Starring: Lee Jong-geun, current affairs critic, Bae Jong-ho, professor at Sehan University

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The first parliamentary audit of the 22nd National Assembly begins tomorrow. The opposition party's confrontation with the ruling party's plan to launch an inspection of the government in Yoon Suk Yeol and focus on Lee Jae-myung's judicial risks is intensifying. Let's take a look at major political issues over the week with two current affairs critics and Professor Bae Jong-ho of Seha University. How are you? The first parliamentary audit of the 22nd National Assembly begins tomorrow, and the floor leaders of the ruling and opposition parties held a brief press conference on the parliamentary audit today. It's ready on the screen. Let's meet

[Park Chan-dae/ Minjoo Party floor leader: The Minjoo Party will make the inspection the last one. I will abstractly dig into the total incompetence and stagework of the Yoon Suk Yeol regime for two and a half years, and find out the truth of the alleged manipulation of state affairs by Kim Gun-hee, and I will follow him to the end of the world and hold him accountable. ]

[Choo Kyung-ho / People's Power Floor Leader: What on earth are you going to end? What should end is the Democratic Party's legislative congestion and political conflict immersion, and Lee Jae-myung, the National Assembly, and the National Assembly of Bangtan. ]

You heard the recording of the Democratic Party of Korea and the floor leader of People's Power, and the opposition party will make a final parliamentary inspection to find out the true nature of the suspicions related to the Yoon Suk Yeol government. And the ruling party said it would block representative Lee Jae-myung's bulletproof National Assembly. How did you feel about this?

[Lee Jong-geun]
The parliamentary audit is the space of the opposition. It's opposition time, opposition space. This is because the current parliamentary audit is a place where the National Assembly checks the operation status of the entire state of affairs and investigates various problems, showing the role of the opposition party in practice. Nevertheless, it is a little questionable whether the expression "the end of the opposition floor leader" is an expression of legislative activity that the floor leader can do now. Even in any situation that requires political strife, the legislature will investigate suspicions and check them to ensure that state affairs are run properly, which is understandable, but the overall contents of the situation are driven as if it were all the fault of First Lady Kim Gun-hee and First Lady. In fact, the government cannot do well in all areas of diplomacy, security, education, culture, tourism, and sports right now. If so, some of them should be highlighted, but I am also concerned that such intensive political strife against First Lady Kim Gun-hee will not be able to properly highlight to the public that a ministry has actually done something, done something, and done something.

Tomorrow, a battle is expected over the suspicion of illegal expansion of the presidential residence in relation to the Public Administration and Security Committee. Among all other pending issues, what do you think our professor will fight the most sharply?

[Bae Jong Ho]
The most acutely contested issue is that the Democratic Party of Korea will raise the issue of suspicion of Kim Gun-hee's corruption. In addition, it is expected that Lee Jae-myung's representative judicial risk will be raised from the power of the people. In particular, various allegations of corruption related to First Lady Kim Gun-hee have continued to emerge recently, haven't they? In addition to the alleged manipulation of Deutsche Motors' stock price, as well as the suspicion of the luxury bag acceptance case, and furthermore, various media rushed to cover the scoop on the nomination intervention. Then, as the recording problem of former administrator Kim Dae-nam was revealed, the suspicion of the owner of the Japanese attack and the problem of representative Han Dong-hoon arose. So I think the Democratic Party will focus on this issue now. Now, the first reason why the Democratic Party of Korea will focus on Kim Gun-hee through a parliamentary audit is that this is the weakest link of the ruling party. And I think I judged it like this, which is the most problematic part for the Yoon Suk Yeol regime. And secondly, the more you hit this problem, the more the public opinion will respond. If that happens, isn't there a considerable conflict between the ruling party and Chin-yoon over the issue of Kim Gun-hee's apology? So the self-destruction of the passport will intensify. In that case, four people recently voted to leave regarding the Special Prosecutor's Office Act of Kim Gun-hee. Then, it seems to contain the calculation that it will be able to pass even if President Yoon Suk Yeol vetoes this again next time. Regarding this, the People's Power is in a position to counter the question of whether Lee Jae-myung is the national auditor of Bangtan, but it is questionable whether the people will sympathize with the counterattack of the people's power.

You have pointed out issues related to First Lady Kim Gun-hee as an issue that will be sharply contested, so the opposition party has adopted a list of 100 witnesses and reference witnesses alone, including First Lady Kim, in connection with the allegation of First Lady Kim Gun-hee. What do you think about this situation?

[Lee Jong-geun]
First of all, I think the Democratic Party will go all out this time. Now that we are in our third year, let's choose and focus on various suspicions of state administration. By highlighting the problem of First Lady Kim Gun-hee, the intention is to investigate the incompetence of state administration in general, and if you look inside, there are rumors of a crisis in November in many media. So, Chairman Lee Jae-myung will be sentenced to the Public Official Election Act on November 15 and the perjury teacher on November 25, respectively, and since the sentence is two and three years, and the best sentence on the sentencing standard, former Governor Kim Kyung-soo will return home and various situations overlap, the way to overcome this is to attack the government more actively. I think the strategic purpose of this time is to highlight Kim Gun-hee as a very aggressive subject in the parliamentary inspection.

There are a lot of witnesses. In fact, isn't the parliamentary audit different from the hearing in witness attendance? So, if you don't attend without a justifiable reason, you can issue a companion order, and if you don't respond, you can file a complaint. Nevertheless, many people are interested in whether Kim Gun-hee will attend the parliamentary inspection. How do you see it?

[Bae Jong Ho]
Mrs. Kim Gun-hee is unlikely to attend. Because Kim Gun-hee was already present as a witness at the National Assembly's impeachment petition hearing, but she was already absent at this time. And this time, as you said, I adopted it as a witness. There were 84 witnesses and 16 witnesses, so a total of 100 were adopted as witnesses and reference persons, of which 48 were witnesses and reference persons related to Kim Gun-hee. However, in the case of Kim Gun-hee, if she attends a parliamentary audit, she is expected to be absent, saying that she will not be able to handle the sharp questioning by the Democratic Party or the opposition party on various allegations of corruption. The problem is that as the anchor said earlier, the opposition parties, including the Democratic Party, will take strong legal action this time. You can issue a companion order now. Therefore, there is such a law that if they refuse, they can be sentenced to up to five years in prison, so opposition parties such as the Democratic Party of Korea say they will even file a complaint. So there is a very high possibility that this issue will eventually turn into a legal issue. First of all, isn't there a very high public suspicion about Mrs. Kim Gun-hee? So, in my opinion, if you are proud of yourself, I think it is polite to the National Assembly and to make clear about various suspicions.

It is the first parliamentary inspection of the 22nd National Assembly, and as the critic said earlier, there are concerns that it may be heading toward a political dispute surrounding Kim Gun-hee, but we need to wait and see how it will flow. This time, we're going to talk about CEO Han Dong-hoon. Let's talk about representative Han Dong-hoon's position in the party. Some people are criticizing that they have not made any significant achievements even though they have been in office for more than two months. How do you judge this situation now when the pro-Yoon-gye is raising the level of criticism of Han's leadership?

[Lee Jong-geun]
First of all, the power and power of the representative of the ruling party come from cooperation with the president's office. What special powers can the party leader have if there is a disagreement with the president's office or if different opinions are exposed? That's not possible. However, the current situation has become a situation in which conservatives are divided. If you look at the community inside, the group that supports Representative Han Dong-hoon is critical of President Yoon Suk Yeol's state administration, and the group that President Yoon Suk Yeol has traditionally supported is critical of Representative Han Dong-hoon with very colorful glasses and every move. As a result, groups supporting the ruling party are divided. This is a factor that lowers the president's positive performance evaluation and the approval rating of representative Han Dong-hoon as a presidential candidate, but the problem is that it is inevitable. If CEO Han Dong-hoon is like that, I will go head-to-head. So, as you said earlier, I think it's almost over after a close group dinner.
By doing this, I will consolidate my support within the party anyway. And for the success or soft landing of President Yoon Suk Yeol's government, I think he is determined to push ahead with his political solution until the end. Then, I think there will be some momentum this time. I think there will be momentum through the parliamentary audit.

The critic just said that representative Han Dong-hoon had a dinner meeting with close-knit lawmakers in the party. There are evaluations that say this period is a little subtle, but what do you think, professor?

[Bae Jong Ho]
As you said, it's a very delicate time. First, there is a problem that CEO Han Dong-hoon is in a very crisis. And the results of the by-elections will be released on October 16th. If the results are not good, the so-called October ouster of Han Dong-hoon from the pro-yoon faction is very likely to become a reality. And as I said earlier, four people have recently left regarding the Special Prosecutor's Law for Mrs. Kim Gun-hee. So, if the re-counting results continue, there is a question of whether this will be dealt with at once, so CEO Han Dong-hoon is having a dinner meeting today, and I think it will be very important what the conclusion will be made at this dinner meeting. First of all, I think the issue of First Lady Kim Gun-hee will be discussed. First of all, representative Han Dong-hoon is in a position that Kim Gun-hee should apologize. At the same time, there is a possibility that they will demand more special measures along with apologies. This story will counteract the ongoing offensive of President Yoon Suk Yeol or pro-Yoon. And if Chin-yoon takes the reins of the offensive against him after the October 16 by-elections, he will definitely fight back. If it ends in a crushing defeat of the ruling camp after October 16, there is a very high possibility that President Yoon Suk Yeol, Representative Han Dong-hoon, and Chin-yoon will face off head-on. I personally predict this.

So Shin Ji-ho, the head of the Strategic Planning Department, also needs special measures. That's what I said. What can you say if you say it in an extension?

[Lee Jong-geun]
In the end, it's the problem of Mrs. Kim Gun-hee. What matters is not what Kim did wrong, but if the current public opinion is not a matter of wrongdoing and the political situation is now twisted by Kim, the presidential office must clearly have momentum related to Kim. But the timing continues to be delayed or missed. If so, the special prosecution law related to Kim Gun-hee, and some special prosecution laws have already said that if the toxic clause of the special prosecution law is eliminated through a national convention, it can be accepted under such premise or that it will come up with a new proposal. So I think there is a possibility of a new bill.

However, it seems that the opinions of factions within the party are divided over Kim Gun-hee's apology, but lawyer Shinpyeong said, If First Lady Kim Gun-hee apologizes, this in itself will be a trigger for the impeachment process. I did this analysis. What's going to happen? Still, should I apologize?

[Bae Jong Ho]
First of all, lawyer Shin Pyeong has sent a message that the overall context is a little fluctuating, and in a nutshell, if First Lady Kim Geon-hee apologizes, she will follow in the footsteps of former President Park Geun Hye's impeachment. That's what we're talking about. What that means is that former President Park Geun Hye apologized for Choi Soon-sil's manipulation of state affairs, and the apology eventually became the beginning of impeachment. Therefore, it is a message that if First Lady Kim Gun-hee apologizes, it will also be a trigger and go down the same path. Regarding the apology of First Lady Kim Gun-hee, there is a strong demand from close friends, but there is a consensus that the issue of First Lady Kim Gun-hee cannot be solved without taking action. This is what I see. But the problem is, as I said earlier, former lawmaker Shin Ji-ho is demanding special measures. Then, the special measure is simply an apple plus alpha. Then, in the case of former lawmaker Shin Ji-ho, regarding the apple plus alpha, it means that he should come up with a message about his future steps, but then what is the message about his steps? Then, during the last presidential election, you said you would only be faithful to your wife's role because your academic background and history are in doubt, right? a similar message The opposition camp is asking Park Ji-won to send such a message when she even demanded Baekdam-saeng, and as I said earlier, if her close friendship clashes head-on after the by-elections on October 16, I can't rule out her being personally close to her and representative Han Dong-hoon's strong message of differentiation to demand the judicial process of first lady Kim Gun-hee. This is what I'm looking forward to.

You organized the issues of close relations with Yun-gye, who has a different voice. However, there is another issue in which the pro-Yoon-gye and the close circle are confronting each other. Former administrator Kim Dae-nam's alleged attack on Han Dong-hoon, CEO Han Dong-hoon ordered the inspection. However, in the pro-yoon community, Han's inspection order is rather raising work. What do you think?

[Lee Jong-geun]
First of all, is the inspector right or wrong? To discuss whether it is appropriate or inappropriate, we need to look back on what Kim Dae-nam did. First of all, when he was an administrator in the presidential office, there was a stir inside the presidential office for impersonating a secretary, and secondly, after leaving the presidential office, a person in the presidential office exposed abusive language against the president and the situation about the presidential office to certain media outlets. In fact, it was a very inappropriate move as an administrator in the presidential office. It's actually been a problem as a member of the party. I was vindictive after being dropped during the nomination process. There's everything in the recording that you were vindictive. The next content was negative manipulation of a specific medium against a specific candidate during the convention process. So, isn't there a situation in which you asked for negative operational reporting? Then, is this Kim Dae-nam or not? Excluding whose backbelly this person has or doesn't have, a party member has committed the act, but he doesn't order the inspection? No matter how much CEO Han Dong-hoon was involved in it. I don't think this can happen. If there are people who say they should not inspect this, I think they will face such criticism as why they defend this person. That's why I don't understand the expression that the inspection order for lawmakers Na Kyung-won and the mayor of Hong Joon Pyo is very big on these issues.

Now let's talk about the next issue, by-elections. 10. The 16 by-elections are just 10 days away. CEO Han Dong-hoon went on a campaign to support Busan today, following yesterday. The election of the head of Busan Geumjeong-gu is considered important. There's a lot of talk about it. What's the reason?

[Bae Jong Ho]
First of all, the reason why the election of Busan Geumjeong-gu is very important is that this is a conservative garden. So if the power of the people is defeated here, the power of the people is completely red. The ruling party is facing a serious crisis because it did not just lose the election of Busan Geumjeong-gu, but for the second time, it means that public sentiment in the region has completely turned. Third, as I said earlier, CEO Han Dong-hoon's leadership is very poor, and the theory of CEO Han Dong-hoon's responsibility can be highlighted in Chin-yoon. Then, over the theory of responsibility, Han Dong-hoon said, "No, it is the first lady Kim Gun-hee who is responsible for this defeat, the president of Yoon Suk Yeol. If it comes out like this, the results of this election are very important because they are close to ㅔ Chin-yoon, and representative Han Dong-hoon and President Yoon Suk Yeol can fight more intensely, but the problem is that it is difficult for the ruling camp to win. There are two reasons for that. First of all, wasn't the opposition party and the Cho Kuk Innovation Party unified to unify the candidates of the Democratic Party? In that case, the Democratic Party versus the people's power and the people's power versus the Democratic Party will be tied one-on-one. But as you know, recently, public sentiment has not been very good on this side because of the suspicion of Kim Gun-hee and especially the issue of the parliamentary conflict. In particular, the elderly in their 70s and older, who are strong concrete supporters of passport repair, are showing considerable separation. Therefore, it is so tense that we have to wait and see the results of the two candidates within the margin of error, the People's Power candidate and the Democratic Party candidate.

Can we also think that the candidate for progressive unification may be more dominant?

[Bae Jong Ho]
I can't tell you that. As I said, it's an unpredictable fight.

Isn't this by-elections in the third year of the presidential term? Therefore, although it is a mini-by-elections, it is small in size, but it seems difficult for the ruling camp to win the election now. If you have a prospect, what can you do?

[Lee Jong-geun]
First of all, this is a matter of life and death for CEO Lee Jae-myung. This is what a passport wins. Ganghwa and Geumjeong are the places where almost all political parties affiliated with the power of the people served as heads of basic organizations. Also, Geumjeong has never been taken from the Democratic Party. From the 13th to the 16th, Kim Jin-je won four terms. Kim Se-hyun served three terms from his 18th to his 20s. Jung Yeon-mi, the head of the district office, once served as the head of Geumjeong-gu, the head of the local government. To that extent, I think it is true that basic organizations in Busan have the most conservative tendencies. So, if one of the two places is taken away, of course, there will be a blow, but the same glory and wailing are a matter of life and death for Lee Jae-myung. Because in the last general election, the party's vote rate was taken away. The Cho Kuk Innovation Party has more than the Democratic Party. However, if the Cho Kuk Innovation Party takes the Yeonggwang Gokseong this time, the title may come out like this. Honam's choice was not Lee Jae-myung but his country. If it comes out like this, even if it's two heads of local governments, it's dangerous for CEO Lee Jae-myung. So, there will be a lot of cases, but if it's 2:0 and 2:0, CEO Lee Jae-myung and CEO Han Dong-hoon can survive at the same time, but if it's 1:0, 1:0.1, 1:1, then I think we should look at the number of cases.

I see. In the meantime, President Moon Jae In's daughter, Moon Da-hye, was booked on charges of drunk driving after driving while drunk at the level of cancellation of her license. Now, the prosecution is facing an investigation into the alleged employment preferential treatment of her ex-husband Seo, but the situation has become bad.

[Bae Jong Ho]
In a word, it's an action without concept. It's very different for you, but it's because it's tarnished on your father's face. Furthermore, it can only be seen as an act that is quite burdensome to the democratic progressive camp. In particular, my father strongly emphasized that drunk driving is a murder during his presidency and that we should punish him for this, but isn't it that he was driving under the influence of alcohol? Of course, I understand your situation to some extent. How painful must it be because you are conducting a massive search and seizure by identifying your father as a suspect for bribery, and you are also conducting a search and seizure as a link to attack your father? Even so, there is a fierce public opinion battle over whether it is a legitimate investigation by the prosecution or political retaliation because he drove under the influence of alcohol while drunk.

What did you think, critic?

[Lee Jong-geun]
First of all, it's a very delicate time for Moon Da-hye to make the most decisive mistake. It is known that Moon Da-hye will be summoned tomorrow. Regarding various suspicions related to Moon Da-hye. However, this time, I have to appear again tomorrow in connection with drunk driving. Then it overlaps. Now, the Democratic Party of Korea has also formed a countermeasure committee to respond to the investigation of former President Moon Jae In's family at the party level. About 10 lawmakers are working hard on the task force, and at a time when social criticism of drunk driving is so high, Moon Da-hye drank until dawn in a space called Itaewon and various circumstances continue to appear on CCTV, so there is a high possibility that no excuses will actually come to the public. That's why it must be very painful in the party. It's going to be confusing. Because will the party be able to continue its task force activities? If the public opinion is getting worse, this has a decisive impact on the investigation of former President Moon Jae In's family, and if so, the party has no choice but to wonder whether it can bear the impact entirely.

Former President Moon Jae In visited the Gyeonggi Provincial Government on the 4th and held a meeting with Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Dong-yeon, and some analysts say that he is empowering Governor Kim Dong-yeon as a rival to Lee Jae-myung. What do you think about this?

[Bae Jong Ho]
First of all, I think that's the general interpretation. Governor Kim Dong-yeon has two options on a large scale. One is to challenge the presidential election as you said, and the other is to seek a second term as governor of Gyeonggi-do Province, but people around him say no, he is not interested in re-election as governor of Gyeonggi-do Province. The presidential challenge made a clear path. We're talking about these things. In that extension, didn't you recruit a large number of pro-Moon lawmakers or pro-Moon people? A case in point is the recruitment of former lawmaker Jeon Hae-chul as the chairman of the provincial government advisory committee. In addition, it is believed that during the former Moon Jae In Kang Min-seok's administration, Cheong Wa Dae spokesman was recruited as a spokesman for Gyeonggi-do Province, and he said this in his welcoming speech at the 17th anniversary of the October 14 inter-Korean summit declaration. I will continue my dream of Kim Dae Jung, Roh Moo Hyun, and Moon Jae In. What is this story? Wouldn't it be a message that I will become president after Kim Dae Jung, Roh Moo Hyun, and Moon Jae In? In reality, however, it is difficult for Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Dong-yeon to become the Democratic Party's presidential candidate on his own. Because Lee Jae-myung's one-party system has been virtually completed, and according to a poll of Lee Jae-myung's presidential candidates, he is overwhelmingly in first place with more than 40%. If so, there is no way for Governor Kim Dong-yeon to become a presidential candidate other than when representative Lee Jae-myung falls on judicial risk. So I think it's a kind of withdrawal-answer politics.

I'll listen to the critic.

[Lee Jong-geun]
First of all, I thought that I might be developing my dream of becoming a presidential candidate. Isn't Governor Kim Dong-yeon a representative brand of Lee Jae-myung? Regarding the 250,000 won support, he criticized very aggressively, saying, "Is the budget of 13 trillion won falling from the sky?" Even though it is Lee Jae-myung's representative unipolar system, the fact that Governor Kim Dong-yeon, the governor of Gyeonggi-do Province, said this means that he is dreaming big. In fact, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung and Governor Kim Dong-yeon are taking a similar path, parallel theory. Governor Lee Jae-myung actually had no power in the Democratic Party. So didn't you come directly to Seongnam Mayor and Gyeonggi-do Governor? So, there was no real world at the time. But how did you make your own faction? Lee Hae-chan handed over his faction, the square, and is it a democratic square? Lee Jae-myung was formed by expanding it to that name. Governor Kim Dong-yeon, who has no power in the party, is forming a faction of Governor Kim Dong-yeon as he borrows the form of almost taking over former President Moon Jae In's pro-Moon system. Of course, as you said, there are many variables, but former President Moon Jae In visited. It was originally a 20-minute meeting after a surprise visit, but having a 40-minute meeting and walking along the lake for an hour, it seems that President Moon Jae In has no choice but to raise his hand.

Let's stop here. It was pointed out with two major political issues of the week, current affairs critic Lee Jong-geun and Seha University professor Bae Jong-ho. Thank you for talking today.

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