
[Showing off] The 與 that I bought around the special inspector...Is it going to be "Friendly vs Friendly"?

2024.10.25 PM 12:12
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■ Host: Kim Sun-young Anchor
■ Appearance: Kim Jin, former Editorial Writer at JoongAng Ilbo, Choi Chang-ryul, Special Professor at Yongin University

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A political commentary with a living angle, starting at the stroke of the hour. Today, Kim Jin, a former editorial writer of the JoongAng Ilbo, and Choi Chang-ryul, a special professor at Yongin University, are here. Please come in. Let's look at Jungkook's first keyword today. In the end, do we go to a close vs. Yun, how many votes? This part is emerging as Jungkook's detonator. CEO Han Dong-hoon took out the card of the special inspector to resolve the controversy over Kim Gun-hee, but in the end, if he goes to the National Assembly, isn't this a majority vote or a vote match? How do you see it?

[Kim Jin]
I think it's very unlikely that we'll go to a vote match. And in this case, CEO Han Dong-hoon holds logic and justification. Connecting the special inspector system with the issue of recommending directors of the North Korean Human Rights Foundation has been the party of people's power so far, but I don't think this fits logically. The special inspector and the director of the North Korean Human Rights Foundation are completely different kinds of issues. The North Korean human rights issue is very important in many conservatives, including myself, and I am very critical of the Democratic Party of Korea, which interferes with the launch of the Human Rights Foundation director, but that is a completely separate matter for the special inspector. So, I think the power of the people has to change the party's theory, and representative Han Dong-hoon is now taking the lead and pushing for it, and it is highly likely that it will go like this in the end. Without a vote contest. Now, after the parliamentary inspection, a general meeting of lawmakers will be held. There are various opinions, but I think there is a greater possibility that the National Assembly will quickly recommend the special inspector system and set it up in Yongsan as floor leader Choo Kyung-ho goes through the process of persuading Yongsan without reaching a conclusion.

Today's criticism of Kim Jin seems to be unusually close to the position of the close circle. Let's hear what lawmaker Park Jung-hoon said in the interview this morning.

[Park Jung-hoon / Member of the People's Power (CBS 'Kim Hyun-jung's News Show'): Chin-yoon's voice is not that loud right now. Because there's not much justification to stop this right now. In fact, if we recommend a director of the North Korean Human Rights Foundation, we will also recommend a special inspector, which is convincingly packaged. But the Democratic Party of Korea has not recommended a director of the North Korean Human Rights Foundation for eight years. In the end, it's the same logic that when the sun rises in the west, we'll be a special inspector. But we shouldn't go until the vote. We have to solve this problem before we go to the vote. And as far as I know, there is a possibility of meeting with the representative and the floor leader soon. From Han Dong-hoon's point of view, there is a possibility that the special prosecutor will pass at this rate. That's why I think floor leader Choo Kyung-ho should persuade Yongsan. ]

Before doing this, floor leader Choo Kyung-ho should go to Yongsan. This is what you're talking about, do you think there's a possibility that it's actually going to happen?

[Choi Chang Ryul]
I think the possibility of floor leader Choo Kyung-ho going to Yongsan and persuading the president is low. I don't think I'll be persuaded. It means that we're going to go to a vote-getting match with a vote-getting match. I don't think I can do it if we go to a vote-getting match. This isn't a majority vote, if it's a vote match. It's a majority vote, but the last means is a vote when you really try to reach an agreement and then you can't. Because if you vote, it's completely divided, and the winning side doesn't go at least by one vote. So-called this is also a winner-take-all. The internal situation of the people's power has come to a situation where the floor leader, the party leader, and the ruling party's two-top are at odds. Not to mention the top two in state administration. But we're going to vote on this again. The losing side and the winning side are completely divided. So, regardless of whether you recommend a special inspector or not, you have to go in one direction anyway. Doesn't someone lose by voting? Someone wins. So I think it's difficult to crack down on the people.

Usually, we use anonymous names, right?

[Choi Chang Ryul]
Let's keep it anonymous. But the problem is this. If the special inspector is rejected by the parliamentary assembly, by agreement, or by a vote, the president exercised his right to request a reconsideration and spoke for the third time. There's no justification to stop it when you come back to the National Assembly. So this is a special inspector, I don't think a special inspector is the essence. It's not the essence, but if it makes sense, I think I have to pass it.

Anyway, you two think that we shouldn't go with a vote match, but if we go with a vote match, what would be the calculation of the vote? Please show us the graphic. a close friend How many people are there? According to the media, about 22 people came at the close meeting, so if you count the number of people who couldn't come because they didn't have time, they are in the early 30s. I'm guessing like this. There are about 30 pro-Yoon-gye. There might be more than 40 people, but there are places like this, but it's just like that. The middle ground is important. There are about 50 people in the middle zone right now, and it will depend on the votes of this middle zone.

[Kim Jin]
If the vote takes place, there is not much justification for rejecting the special inspector system rather than factional confrontation, so many lawmakers in the middle area are likely to participate. If there is a vote contest, there is a high possibility that it will pass. However, the Special Inspector General is also a very good card for the President of Yoon Suk Yeol. If the National Assembly recommends President Yoon's position, I will appoint him. It's this. The special inspector is recommended by the ruling and opposition parties in the National Assembly, and President Yoon selects one of them. Then, if the Democratic Party recommends two people from the Democratic Party and one from the People's Power, President Yoon is likely to appoint a person recommended by the National Power. Then, the president has a justification for vetoing the anti-constitutional bill called the independent counsel because the special inspector system has been established, and will Han Dong-hoon's biggest dilemma now be with or against the third independent counsel law? Will you express your opinion? This is the biggest dilemma, and no matter how severe the conflict with President Yoon Suk Yeol is, representative Han Dong-hoon cannot approve of the special prosecution law. Han Dong-hoon will not be able to receive the third-party independent counsel law that the opposition party is talking about. The Kim Gun-hee Special Prosecutor's Act is because the issue itself is too explosive. Therefore, if you go to the special inspector, it is an important card that you can take your foot out of as CEO Han Dong-hoon.

Then you analyzed this to President Yoon Suk Yeol that this is a good card, but what is the president's office, so what is the president's idea of Yoon Suk Yeol? The North Korean ambassador for human rights is also important, even though he said he would agree to bring in a special inspector.Because I'm talking like this, I don't know what's inside. There's also a view like this.

[Kim Jin]
Some close aides in the presidential office talk about ways to connect the two, and I think that if floor leader Han Dong-hoon suddenly changes the party's opinions just because he pushed hard, floor leader Choo Kyung-ho and Yongsan will lose face. So first of all, there's no reason not to take time.

Anyway, CEO Han Dong-hoon and CEO Lee Jae-myung emphasized that Kim Gun-hee should resolve the controversy before the first trial, but they posted this on social media today. Please show us. The appointment of a special inspector is the party's presidential election pledge that is still in effect. So, he said that the basic value is to practice as promised to the people. If there is a person who opposes the implementation of our party's presidential election pledge, he/she should explain to the people a valid reason for opposing the implementation of the promise made to the people. So you mean that the cause is on our side?

[Choi Chang Ryul]
Of course, you have to do a special inspector. There's no justification right now. There's no reason not to have a special inspector. It's a presidential election pledge. And the recommendation of directors of the North Korean Human Rights Foundation and the special inspector are constantly called party lines, but this may not necessarily be party lines. So Rep. Kwon Sung-dong said that, but I think that logic of a presidential election pledge is more valid than a party platform. So the special inspector is likely to pass, if you go to a vote match. Because there's no justification. But the question is whether the special inspector will be able to break through the issue of First Lady Kim Gun-hee, which is currently a black hole of the government. Because I mentioned it earlier.This cannot be the essence of the special inspector system. The special inspector doesn't have the power to investigate.

I'm asking the prosecution to investigate. And the special inspector is very unlikely to bring up what happened in the past and ask the prosecution to investigate. Mrs. Kim Gun-hee, so-called various controversies, which are currently a lot of issues for the people, are not the decisive essence. But you have to do this at least. If even this is rejected, the power of the people is completely ignored by the people, so the passport itself. I have to do it, but the next thing is the problem. I can put out the light on the top of my foot right away. Representative Han Dong-hoon has something to say about the Special Prosecutor Act. Look, we passed the special investigation, so let's reject the special investigation this time. It can happen like this. When the votes are re-voted. But will this continue to go this way? Can a special inspector, not a special prosecutor, prevent this situation with a special inspection? But at least you have to do this. This is not enough, but I think it's the minimum requirement.

In any case, there will be a three-match public opinion battle over the next few days, and lawmaker Park Ji-won analyzed the internal situation of the people's power like this. Let's listen to it for a moment.

[Park Ji-won / Member of the Democratic Party of Korea (BBS 'Ham In-kyung's Morning Journal'): In conclusion, representative Han Dong-hoon is doing very well, I think so. You have to go with the people. But what is the president's attitude in the meeting between Yoon Seok-yeol and Han Dong-hoon? Sitting like a college entrance counseling. And I sent it and ate with floor leader Choo Kyung-ho right away. Do a good job of briefing. I don't see it as a conflict, but it's a pain because representative Han Dong-hoon takes public sentiment as he said. I'm going into labor for development. And now, some media have evaluated 60 lawmakers who are close, 40 for pro-Yoon, 20 for pro-Yoon, and 20 for pro-Yoon. Then, aren't there about 40 lawmakers left? I'd say it's pretty much a friend. Potentially. I see it that way. Anyway, President Yoon Suk Yeol is the setting sun and CEO Han Dong-hoon is the rising sun. Of course, CEO Han Dong-hoon has to do well. ]

There are 40 to 50 people in the neutral zone. Attention is being paid to the votes in this neutral zone. In any case, the cause for this issue lies with representative Han Dong-hoon. You analyzed it like this, but if you count the neutral zone lawmakers, what do you think is the pro-yoon and close distribution?

[Kim Jin]
I think there are about 20 people in close relationships. There are about 30 pro-Yoon-gye. The other 50 people think I'm a centrist. That's why there is a special inspector's justification, so if the majority of the middle votes are concentrated, the close faction can win the vote, and if that happens, I calculated that the score of the power struggle between President Yoon Suk Yeol and Representative Han Dong-hoon was about 3:2, and Representative Han Dong-hoon recovered to 2. 3:2. President Yoon Suk Yeol won three of them, and the first was the Chae Special Prosecutor Act. CEO Han Dong-hoon said it illogically, so he completely took his foot out.

Second, Han Dong-hoon lost face in a kind of way after suddenly opposing the reinstatement of former Gyeongnam Governor Kim Kyung-soo, and thirdly, the prosecution should present the results of an investigation that the public understands about the Deutsche case, but the Deutsche case has actually gone into full swing now. Because CEO Han Dong-hoon is wrong in logic. President Yoon Suk Yeol was wrong and representative Han Dong-hoon won the first two, which were rejected in a beautiful manner after President Yoon Suk Yeol told his chief of staff to keep his close aide, Chung Je-sik. President Yoon's loss. If the special inspector system is adopted this time, it will be President Yoon's two losses. Current Score 3:2.

So the special inspector is Han Dong-hoon, you think it's going to end like this, right?

[Kim Jin]
I think it's highly likely.

It's hard to divide what happened up until now by winning or losing.Anyway, from the standpoint of representative Han Dong-hoon, why is the Democratic Party of Korea growing the special inspector card like this at a time when the special prosecutor continues to talk about it?

[Choi Chang Ryul]
CEO Han Dong-hoon is also very ambiguous right now. Isn't that what you said last time with the special prosecutor? He said the public should produce results that would be convincing, but then the prosecution did not indict him in the case of Deutsche Motors stock price manipulation. At that time, the fact that the result is convincing to the public can be interpreted as saying to prosecute. There's plenty of room for that. I didn't charge you. After that, CEO Han Dong-hoon met with the president on the 21st at a time when he couldn't talk about anything. The format was so weird for me, too. Meet the president 2:1 and sit in a tie with Chief Jeong Jin-seok. Anyway, in that situation, the special prosecutor's justification has disappeared. It's a non-prosecution situation.

It is believed that the results that the people will understand have not been released. CEO Han Dong-hoon is... But in the current situation, the term of office has not yet been halfway through. November 10 is the halfway point in his term, and we all know that the party leader and the president are in conflict beyond conflict, and we should pass it now.I don't do it as a party argument. It's hard to say that you don't reject it as a party platform. But the special inspector is such a good card. The cause is to stand up. The reason is that it is a presidential pledge, so the special inspector should pass this, even if not an independent counsel, because the public wants it. How good is the cause? So the middle way will probably come this way. As a special inspector. Anyone can see. CEO Han Dong-hoon will turn off the lights with this first. There's a justification. He is promoting a special inspector by saving leadership and face. This is the minimum condition.

Anyway, it is a situation where you can go to a vote competition, but CEO Han Dong-hoon visited the National Assembly. Let's take a look at the scene.

[Lee Chul-kyu / Chairman of the National Assembly Trade, Industry and Energy Small and Medium Venture Business Committee (Yesterday): People's Power Party Chairman Han Dong-hoon visited us briefly to console and encourage our members who are working hard for their appreciation, institutional witnesses who are working hard for their appreciation, and National Assembly staff. I'd like to give you a chance to say hello briefly. Is that okay?]

[Han Dong-hoon / Representative of the People's Power (Yesterday): Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I think the Democratic Party members and the opposition members are going through a lot. I think you worked so hard during the long parliamentary inspection. I would like to thank my aides as well. Members of our party, you did a great job. Aides, thank you for your hard work. Thank you. Take care of your health. Thank you.]

I think it's the first time I've seen a party leader say encouraging greetings at the National Assembly.

[Kim Jin]
It's an act that's not legally qualified. The person who can legally encourage is the Speaker of the National Assembly or the Vice-Chairman of the National Assembly. Because the inspection is a thorough exercise of the National Assembly. When the representative of a political party is not even the floor or outside the assembly, in what capacity do you go and suspend the inspection for a while and make such a pep talk? Park Hee-tae, the ruling party leader, has never done such a thing in the past. Then, with the same logic, Cho Kuk, the leader of the Innovation Party, is also the floor. Then, why can't Cho Kuk, the leader of the Innovation Party, or Kim Jae-yeon, the leader of the Justice Party, do the same thing? Qualifications. Despite the legal controversy, Han Dong-hoon said, "I'm out of the office because I have a complex that I'm out of the office, but I can also exercise control over the floor. He openly held a kind of political event in the pro-Yoon world.

Some of the pro-Yoon-gye criticizes whether they are conscious of votes ahead of a vote match, but why would strengthening their physical relationship in this way be considered so bad? There's also this perspective.

[Choi Chang Ryul]
I think we can talk about it. It's an out-of-the-way, but I won't stop the parliamentary inspection.Ma paused for a while, and I think people who are not close to him can criticize him for hearing that. Because it's not the floor. However, in 2010, when Sohn Hak-kyu was out of the office, it was the Democratic Party. There was a visit at that time, and floor leader Park accompanied him on his second visit. There have been times like that, so I don't think it's something to criticize for. It can be said in one political circle. It's that much, but I don't think this is an issue that can be controversial. Anyway, I can just touch him again next time, but since I'm out, I hope that representative Han Dong-hoon will also touch with opposition lawmakers. It's not necessarily news that only the ruling party does it, but I think it's not bad to talk to a few opposition lawmakers and eat. In addition, the leader of the opposition party had a meal with the ruling party members. How long do we have to solve something? How long do we have to confront each other like this? What kind of civil war did you have? Now?

Kim Jin even used the expression "extraordinary complex" a little while ago. This is my personal curiosity, but would I think that CEO Han Dong-hoon should have run for no reason by now?

[Kim Jin]
I think I'm doing it. If you ran in your district at that time, you'd be a proportional representative, too. The chances of winning the election are quite high, but if I were elected then and ran for the party leader and became the party leader, I would have a lot of power than I do now. Maybe there are more factional members. So I think I'll be regretting it.

Since we're talking about physical contact, Rep. Kwon Sung-dong said in a media interview that representative Han Dong-hoon called pro-Yoon-gye and asked him to eat, and the representative asked him to eat, but who would refuse? Is the level of conflict so intense that the factional conflict will be resolved if the physical relationship is strengthened? How do you see it?

[Kim Jin]
That's not true. Because the biggest cause of factional conflict is conflict with the President of Yoon Suk Yeol, would eating with the factional members under him change the most important difference in perception? Do you want to change? It doesn't change. And to add one more thing, there is a very high possibility that Han Dong-hoon will run in the by-elections, which are expected to be around April next year. If there is a certain area in the metropolitan area, I think there is a very high possibility that he will run.

You're going to try to enter the floor, that's how you see it. In any case, the Democratic Party of Korea should receive an independent counsel, saying, "What do you mean by a special inspector?" I'm continuing to make this argument. Jang Kyung-tae, the supreme council member of the Democratic Party, said this today. Let's listen to it.

[Jang Kyung-tae / Rep. of Democratic Party of Korea (Yesterday, SBS 'Kim Tae-hyun's Political Show'): First of all, didn't we agree on the recommendation of a third party as CEO Han Dong-hoon claimed regarding the Marine Special Prosecutor Act? So, there are cases where the right to recommend the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has already been included in the Marine Special Prosecutors' Act, so we can prospectively review various proposals from representative Han Dong-hoon. (Regarding the meeting between Lee Jae-myung and Han Dong-hoon, Kim Gun-hee's special prosecutor law will not be on the agenda, he said. I will only talk about people's livelihoods. ) As I said on other broadcasts, the president's office expressed displeasure the moment the party leader announced that he would hold a meeting between the ruling and opposition parties. How can it make sense that many of the president's staff members under the presidential chief of staff show displeasure with the ruling party's representative's decision? It can't happen. Without setting an agenda, isn't it a matter of national interest for the two of you to freely discuss various political issues and the Special Prosecutor Kim Gun-hee Act? That's why I think you'll probably talk without limiting your agenda. If you limit the agenda, the president's office has only presented guidelines. ]

The Democratic Party of Korea keeps saying that if Kim Gun-hee, the representative of the Special Prosecutor Act, Han Dong-hoon, makes a counter-proposal, we can review it prospectively. Is it possible to see this continuous talk ahead of the meeting between representatives Lee Jae-myung and Han Dong-hoon at the meeting between the ruling and opposition parties?

[Choi Chang Ryul]
Representative Lee Jae-myung will somehow put Kim Gun-hee's independent counsel law on the agenda, probably. I'm sure I'll bring it up. I don't know yet how CEO Han Dong-hoon will react to this. If the special inspector doesn't come up with a story, I think he'll say something quite tough, but CEO Han Dong-hoon is continuing to talk about the special inspector. From that point of view, I don't think this side of passing Kim Gun-hee's independent counsel right now, even if it is supplemented with the Democratic Party, will go right away. Given the recent atmosphere, if it is passed immediately and the third independent counsel law is passed and the president vetoes it and returns to the National Assembly, it is not set as a party, but a rejection is not set as a party. There was a possibility that it would happen, but given the special inspector's push, I think it will lower the tone a little, so even if Representative Lee Jae-myung brings up this agenda, I don't think he will agree on it head-on, for now.

In any case, most of the core contents of the contents requested by CEO Han Dong-hoon are related to Kim Gun-hee. Let's move on to Mrs. Kim Gun-hee. Please show us the next topic. In 13 days, Mrs. Kim Gun-hee attended the official event. One of Han Dong-hoon's demands was to suspend Kim Gun-hee's activities, but for the presidential office, such a schedule such as attending an official event will continue. I guess he showed his will.

[Kim Jin]
President Yoon Suk Yeol cannot stop because representative Han Dong-hoon issued a card called "Stop." Shrinking. I got it with a card called Shrinking. It presented the first appearance of the card. And I don't think attending such a foreign guest event or a ceremony at home and abroad is inconsistent with the presidential election pledge. I'll only play the role of a wife. The role of the president's wife is not a violation of her role as a wife to attend foreign-related events with a married couple. Only, for example, the last visit to Mapo Bridge, or when Kim Jeong-sook called CEOs of more than 10 companies to Cheong Wa Dae for a luncheon during Moon Jae In's presidency, she was under immense criticism for doing so, such as what kind of social enterprises are like and what kind of role they play for women in companies. Such an event would never be held by Kim Gun-hee. So we're going to make it an official event. President Yoon seems to have responded by reducing it.

In any case, what CEO Han Dong-hoon is emphasizing the most is to follow the public sentiment. That's what I'm talking about. Let's check the results of the presidential approval rating poll. Presidential performance assessment. a public opinion poll This is the contents of the Gallup Korea poll. It's down 2 percentage points from last week. We're recording 20%. 70% of the negativity. Let's also look at the reasons for the denial of the president's job performance evaluation. Fifteen percent of the respondents cited Kim Gun-hee's problems, and 14 percent cited economy, people's livelihoods, and prices. The biggest factor in affirmation is diplomacy. Can you show us the next one? Let's look at the party's approval rating. Although the party's approval rating is slight, it is slightly different from the president's approval rating. In the case of people's power, the party's support rate increased by 2 percentage points. 30%, it's almost the same as the Democratic Party. The trend is a little different from the president's approval rating, so I think we should pay attention to that.

[Choi Chang Ryul]
The approval rating of the party and the government was falling together, but the president and the party leader met recently. It's changed after meeting, but what CEO Han Dong-hoon asked for, the issues related to Mrs. Kim. Interruption of external activities and cooperation in resolving suspicions, etc. I think this part, such as representative Han Dong-hoon strongly pressuring the presidential office on such matters, rather helped increase the party's approval rating. There's also talk about the special inspector. So I think it came up, but the problem is that it's only 2 percentage points apart, but it's down again from last week. This is 20%, but if it's below 1%, it's 19%. There is a big psychological difference between the 10% and the 20% range, but the presidential office has not changed anyway. Something has to change. But it's the same stance all the time.

And on the 21st, after the president meets the two, after the meeting. After that, I'll go even if I get stoned. There are aspects that I don't understand well. To be stoned for something, rather than piggyback. It's fateful to have karma. It's not karma that you can't change in any way. I don't know if it's a Buddhist term, but you can change the president. If the president changes on his own and the presidential staff changes, it can be changed if he revises it. Your approval rating is going up. But I will interpret this as karma and get stoned. I don't think this is what I'm saying, "I'm going to get stoned now." So there is a regret that the approval rating has continued to fall.

Of course, each poll agency has a slightly different approval rating, which means that the current approval rating for state affairs will be around 20%, and if it falls a little more next week, it will be around 10%. In that case, public pressure to change is likely to increase, so what countermeasures do you think are needed in Yongsan?

[Kim Jin]
What came out 20% this time is the pollack effect. And I think 20% is likely the bottom of the president of Yoon Suk Yeol. In particular, looking at the results of the election for Busan's Geumjeong-gu district chief, we should protect the president at least at this level.The concrete support layer of the repair layer is about 20%. Technically, it may fall 1 percent or 2 percentage points to 18 or 19, but if it fluctuates like this, the president can maintain the minimum Maginot line. And I think President Yoon Suk Yeol's expression of a very important psychological basis to say that he will get hit if he throws a stone on his back. The first is not that my wife is not at fault, just as she said she did a luxury bag and did an unwise act against Kim Gun-hee.

However, the president's dissatisfaction with the fact that he did about 50 wrong, but it was inflated to 100 or 200 due to the opposition's instigation, and representative Han Dong-hoon is riding on it, so it is 50, but being beaten by 100 or 200 is not karma. I'll get hit with this kind of sedition stone on my back. And most importantly, if the ruling party turns around and approves of the independent counsel Kim Gun-hee law, it can't be helped. Do it if you want an independent counsel. Furthermore, in my view, President Yoon Suk Yeol's psychological position is highly unlikely to be impeached, but even if the National Assembly is forced to do so, do it. I will be suspended for four to five months from the Roh Moo Hyun Presidency and I will be dismissed by the Constitutional Court, so I will make a comeback and finish my term with a greater momentum. I think this kind of psychological decision was made.

In any case, after the meeting between President Yoon Suk Yeol and Representative Han Dong-hoon, the trend of the president's approval rating and the party's approval rating is changing slightly, and we will see if this will continue. So far, Kim Jin, former editor of the JoongAng Ilbo, and Choi Chang-ryul, a special professor at Yongin University. Thank you.

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