
I tried to be fit. "Flight"...Shocking experiences among men. [This is the news]

2024.12.27 PM 02:58
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A study has found that the number of cases of health abnormalities is increasing among men who use male hormone replacement therapy (TRT) for the purpose of increasing muscles.

Recently, the New York Post introduced the case of three American men who used TRT.

Arizona health trainer Adam Katz confessed that he got the body he wanted from the effects of TRT, but he won't be able to cut it off for the rest of his life because of his addiction.

Conran Paul, founder of the protein supplement company, said he regrets it after experiencing endocrine damage and a plunge in testosterone levels due to TRT.

Florida attorney Dan Nolan felt increased muscle mass in the early days of TRT use, but stopped using it due to fatigue and muscle loss after the suspension and fear of addiction risk.

Experts warn that TRT can help short-term muscle gain, but it can lead to side effects such as ▲ testicular contraction ▲ decreased sperm count ▲ acne ▲ thrombosis.

In severe cases, there is also a risk of a stroke or heart attack. In addition, when TRT is stopped, testosterone levels drop sharply, making it difficult to recover hormones.

It is pointed out that sufficient education and expert counseling are needed before using TRT.

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