Ukra raided the concert hall and forced the audience to be drafted...a growing shortage of troops

2024.10.14 오후 04:03
Videos showing men enjoying concerts in the Ukrainian capital being forcibly taken by recruiters are spreading on social media.

According to the British Daily Telegraph on the 13th (local time), a physical fight broke out between men and recruiters who came to see the concert in front of the indoor stadium in downtown Kyiv, where popular Ukrainian rock band Ocane LG performed on the 12th.

On this day, recruiters who mobilized the police conducted document tests on all men who came to the concert hall, and immediately enlisted those who refused to be tested or showed problematic documents.

A video spread on social media showed a man who was resisting shouting "Get away from me" and eventually being dragged to the recruitment desk.

Ukrainian police reportedly conducted the same test on men in front of nearby shopping centers and popular restaurants.

Ukraine has been suffering from a severe shortage of troops, continuing its third year of war due to Russia's invasion.

In the early days of the war, many people voluntarily joined the army, but as the war dragged on, the number of enlistments decreased and military service corruption was rampant.

In response, President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a bill in April this year to strengthen the punishment of draft dodgers and expand the age subject to conscription from '27 years old or older' to '25 years old or older'. In recent years, prisoners have begun to be conscripted, just like Russia.

As the fear of conscription grows, men are fleeing the country, according to the Telegraph.

Reporter Lee Yu Na from Digital News Team.

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