
Shinpyeong, "The 尹 is impeached, and a brilliant return after the Constitutional Court's dismissal is also one way."

2024.10.22 PM 09:05
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Shinpyeong, "The 尹 is impeached, and a brilliant return after the Constitutional Court's dismissal is also one way."
- Published by the countryside for 30 years, <The Countryside Life Duran Duran> is published.There is a desire to reproduce the rural area
- 尹 Korea-South Korea meeting, a quarterly meeting that goes its own way.Parting in line with interests of both sides

- Conservatives, possibly converging around 尹..Supporters of South Korea? Ban Yoon's majority
- Han Dong-hoon shows a different color from the existing conservative right that has been going through constitutional ideology
- Kang Hye-kyung, testimony from the Judiciary Committee's National Audit Office? It is not recognized as evidence under the Criminal Procedure Act.
- Ahn Cheol Soo and Yoon Suk Yeol were unified, and I did it, not Myung Tae-kyun. After the announcement, Myung Tae-kyun is silent.
- 尹 has the best distribution in Joseon.U.S. Department of Cardiology's English Speech Impressive
- First Lady Kim Gun-hee and First Lady Kim Jung-sook should be compared on the same line

◆ [YTN Radio SHINYUL's news]

■ Broadcasting: FM 94.5 (17:00-19:00)
■ Air date: October 18, 2024 (Friday)
■ Proceedings: Shin Yul, Professor of Political Science and Diplomacy at Myongji University
■ Dialogue: Shinpyeong Lawyers

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.
◆ Shin Yul: YTN Radio's Shin Yul's News Head-to-head Match Part 2 begins. The person we're going to meet in the front interview for the second part is someone you know very well. Attorney Shin Pyeong is in the studio right now. How are you? Where are you these days? Do you usually go down these days?

◇ Sinpyeong: Oh man, I've been living in that country for 30 years now.

◆ Shin Yul: 30 years ago, no, when you were a professor,

◇ I came to Daegu for a few years.Ma is more than 30 years old. I've lived like that while farming in the countryside.

◆ Shin Yul: But you just brought a book, is that book related to your life?

◇ Sinpyeong: I've been living in this country for 30 years, and I've expressed poems and podiums in books like this.

◆ Shin Yul: What was the title of the farm?

◇ Sinpyeong: I live in the countryside.

◆ Sin-ryul: Country life, doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. But it's really nice to spend those 30 years like that. In this yard house, this will be good for your health. There's a lot of work.

◇ Sinpyeong: Yes, I am a registered farmer in the country while farming. He's registered as a farmer rather than a lawyer.

◆ Sin Yul: What do you mainly cultivate?

◇ Credit: I do almost everything. In the past, we even farmed rice.Ma is now quitting as a lawyer and only farming in the field.

◆ Shin Yul: A law professor is now farming in the field.

◇ Sinpyeong: I do all kinds of things. I do everything I can think of.

◆ But it's supposed to be a hobby.

◇ Sinpyeong: It's not because I liked it, but I grew up in the suburbs of Daegu when I was young. The landscape of the countryside that I saw at that time, I had some kind of intense, fundamental desire to recreate it again when I was old. That's what I realized.

◆ Shin Yul: Oh, I see. I'm sorry that I had to change the subject after talking about this idyllic and rural life.
◇ Sinpyeong: Oh, I understand.

◆ Shin Yul: He denies that he is a mentor with President Yoon, but he is close to him and, more than anyone else, he actually wants the Yoon Suk Yeol regime to do well. How do you see the meeting between representative Han Dong-hoon and President Yoon Suk Yeol yesterday?

◇ Sinpyeong: I also feel very sorry for the fact that the people did not feel a little cool about the meeting. However, I would like to tell you that in some ways, this meeting has now become a meeting of some quarters in which we each go our own way.

◆ Are you going your own way?

◇ Credit: That's right.

◆ Are you saying you're breaking up?

◇ Sinpyeong: From Han's side, Han didn't mean to establish such a government that consistently succeeded the Yoon Suk Yeol government. He was going to step on the government of Yoon Suk Yeol and create a new government of that color. In that sense, it is true that differentiation from the Yoon administration is now inevitable, and it is true even when I see President Yoon. There are some things that President Yoon is good at and some things he's not good at.Ma's approval rating dropped considerably due to the appearance of representative Han Dong-hoon. In some ways, it has fallen to the point of danger. Now, there is a possibility that conservatives will rejoin President Yoon in a way, considering their own paths with representatives Han. In this respect, I think it was a breakup that fits the interests of both sides.

◆ It was a breakup. You're saying that you've already broken up.

◇ Credit: It's been like that for quite a while.

◆ Sin-ryul: But if we go our own way, do you think that the conservatives will eventually gather around President Yoon?

◇ Sinpyeong: We'll have to wait and see about that.In any case, representative Han Dong-hoon's forces have cooperated with the opposition party in Yoon Suk Yeol so far. Most of Han Dong-hoon's supporters are strong Ban Yoon-seok-yeol. I've been doing this, but these people are a little unclear, so President Yoon's approval rating has been undermined by a number of highlights.Ma said, "Now, the conservatives are clearly aware of the power of representative Han Dong-hoon, and I thought that they would turn their back to the president of Yoon Suk Yeol that suits their identity.

◆ Shin Yul: So what you're saying is that those in close circles or representatives of Han Dong-hoon are not considered legitimate conservatives, and the orthodox conservatives are on the side of the president of Yoon Suk Yeol?

◇ Sinpyeong: The orthodox conservative forces are a little questionable in this regard whether there is a political force that can match such a name in Korea.Anyway, representative Han Dong-hoon's supporters are a little different from the conservative and right-wing colors that we've been through so far in constitutional history.

◆ Sin-ryul: In what ways do you think it's mainly different?

◇ Sinpyeong: Party leader Han Dong-hoon has a strong fandom there.The strongest argument in Ma's fandom is Ban Yoon Seok-yeol. Also, aren't they taking a very hostile attitude regarding any existing conservatives?

◆ Sin-ryul: So, as you see it, the president of Yoon Suk Yeol is in a way playing politics against two opposition parties. You can see it like this.

◇ Sinpyeong: It's been like that until now. At the same time, I was looking at it very unfortunately, but now I think Han Dong-hoon's representative forces clearly revealed their identity. In that sense, I think that the people who want some kind of remuneration are clearly given some choice.

◆ Shin Yul: Then I think that a new presidential election and now a candidate group for the next presidential election should be formed within the power of the people. Right?

◇ Sinpyeong: I don't know. There are some questions about what kind of attitude Han will maintain.Han's path is a little different from that of the existing conservatives, so isn't Han a lonely gentleman in some ways? I can't say that.Ma is in isolation in many ways. Other national forces, including representative Han Dong-hoon's forces, do not want representative Lee Han Dong-hoon. I understand that someone who can represent the power of this people is strongly hoping to run for president.

◆ Sin Yul: Inside the Power of the People? As you may know by watching the professor, this person named Myung Tae-kyun appeared. I was writing last night and I was surprised because it was a list of 27 people, but I don't know if you saw it, but I saw it too. There are politicians who say, "I'm not here. Why are you here? Take my name out." How do you see this part? Furthermore, since you are a judge-turned-lawyer, can the problem be big enough to put a burden on the regime?

◇ Credit: It's a huge burden now. However, to tell you a little bit about this case, I also saw Kang Hye-kyung testify yesterday. However, most of the testimony was that I heard from Myung Tae-kyun except for one thing. Then, I heard one as evidence of the fact that most of what Myung Tae-kyun said was a bluff. Myung Tae-kyun said that he succeeded in unifying candidates for Yoon Suk Yeol Ahn Cheol Soo in the past presidential election. So I'm actually the one who opened the door to that unification. Professor Cho Jeong-gwan and I at Chonnam National University had a hard time getting approval from Yoon Suk Yeol and Ahn Cheol Soo, and from then on, we just opened the door for unification between the two of us, and then official members of Congress Jang Je-won and an official team hosted it, and candidate Yoon Suk Yeol Ahn Cheol Soo made it this way. On the date adjacent to the process, there was a process like this by day and by time. There was no room for anyone else to intervene here. I was forced to present this article. After that, Myung Tae-kyun is no longer saying again that he led the unification of the presidential candidate. In this way, if we secretly analyze what Myung Tae-kyun said and criticize him by combining related facts, how true will it remain in his words? I believe that the issue should be preceded by the fact that Kang Hye-kyung, who listened to the words of Lee Myung-kyun, but this work is being neglected by our media. And what Kang Hye-kyung said is that the Supreme Court heard everything from Myung Tae-kyun except for one thing, right? Even under our Criminal Procedure Act, this professional evidence is not recognized as evidence at all. Didn't you hear everything? I heard you talk on the phone except for one thing. Even if we look at it as direct evidence, most of this evidence is being broadcasted to the enemy without any addition or subtraction, and now the whole country is swirling. As I said earlier, we need to first look at whether the words of Myung Tae-kyun, who is home, are true.

◆ Shin Yul: There are various problems with Myung Tae-kyun's problem, but the opposition opposition parties now use this as a subject, so I think they will go outside in a little while. Shall we shout impeachment again while doing this? How do you see it?

◇ Credit: Impeachment is, of course, building up to get out there.

◆ Shin Yul: I don't think there's any material like that.

◇ Shinpyeong: That's right. So before I predict it, it's very close to any Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung, and the key person said that impeachment is just around the corner, but in my opinion, wouldn't it be helpful for President Yoon to cross the bridge of impeachment?

◆ Sin Yul: What does it mean to go over the bridge?

◇ Sinpyeong: Anyway, if the National Assembly makes an impeachment motion and passes it, it will go to the Constitutional Court. But as Professor Shin said earlier, what is the reason for the impeachment? There are very few. And an important ruling was handed down in the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on July 1, 2024 this year. These rulings affect our Constitutional Court. This act of the President is not a reason for impeachment, whether it is illegal or illegal. It's this kind of immunity. I made this ruling. From this point of view, it will be a matter of whether President Yoon Suk Yeol's various actions have serious reasons for impeachment, and in that sense, even if the impeachment of President Lee Yoon Suk Yeol is proposed and the decision is decided like this, it will be Roh Moo-hyun's impeachment, not Park Geun-hye's impeachment. Then, with the decision of the Constitutional Court of Impeachment to dismiss the impeachment, President Yoon Suk Yeol can make a splendid comeback.

◆ Shin-yul: So instead of continuing to turn it off like this, is it better to just get vaccinated and just leave?

◇ Credit: That's not bad, but it shouldn't happen for our constitutional system. However, such a head-on breakthrough would not be too bad in such an unfortunate situation where the Yoon Suk Yeol government continues to receive threats from Han Dong-hoon-friendly forces and opposition parties, with its approval rating falling sharply and many complaints from the people. That's how I see it.

◆ Sin Yul: I see. Well, President Yoon Suk Yeol knew well before, so based on his personality, the possibility of a head-on collision? How do you see that? by nature

◇ Sinpyeong: President Yoon has that distribution. Please visit the United States last time and see him speak in English at the joint meeting of the House and Senate. I saw it and called it the first distribution of Joseon. What's more, President Yoon has never studied abroad in the United States. It's a great distribution that such a person can enter the heart of the world in English and speak in English.

◆ Shin Yul: Okay. You're saying that we may need a head-on breakthrough like that. With the end of Kim Gun-hee's problem, I think we should solve this problem briefly.

◇ Credit: I am well aware of how unpleasant the people feel about Mrs. Kim, and there are also certain things that Mrs. Kim Kun-hee has made. I know that very well. However, I would like to say that if we compare the mistakes of First Lady Kim Gun-hee and First Lady Kim Jung-sook on the same line from a more objective and cool-headed standpoint, I would like to ask you to think about which fault would be big.

◆ Sin Yul: That's all we have to say today. Thank you.

◇ Sinpyeong: Yes, thank you for your hard work.

◆ Shin Yul: So far, I've been with lawyer Shin Pyeong.